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8 Problems but a new Tool record ain’t one of them

Looks like there’s some more news on the alleged secret Tool track Problem 8 (The Riemann Hypothesis) which Blair reported around this time last year as being the “Holy Grail” of Tool collectibles. He posted a couple of images to serve as clues for this track, which may or may not be an April Fools gag. Feel free to start over-analysing now:

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12 years ago

What happened to the news on a new website design for Tool’s official site? Is that another thing that’s just going to fall by the wayside?

Maybe they are going to record Problem 8 for the new album because they ran out of good ideas…

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
12 years ago

its all April fools joke! no way that track exists. Problem 8 is a puzzle that can never be solved there is no mystery! its just some guys in a band messing with you!

12 years ago

the track exists. you’ll find out when he dies. I’d tell you, but I’m sworn to secrecy. no joke fellas, you should all buy my book. anybody on this site would love it.

12 years ago

I guess we will never know until someone who actually has the platinum album shatters the glass and plays the cd, cassette, and vinyl! Would you destroy something like that based on a Blair hint?

12 years ago

I know if you could listen to it, but if it exists it’s probably on the eye with the two pupils in the middle or ^this

12 years ago

What is the platinum vinyl to the left? Is that for Aenima double platinum? It would be interesting to contact RIAA to see how many Aenima platinum plaques were produced, see if there were really only 30 made!

12 years ago

^Not sure if RIAA can tell you that or not as usually the record label does and as we all know, that’s defunct now so i’m not sure if we can ever get confirmation of how many of each were made.

12 years ago

As much as I think this is an April Fool’s prank, having a hidden track on gold/platinum records is a genius idea. Oh well, even if there’s no new Tool news today, there was new Queens of the Stone Age news yesterday, which is just as good!

12 years ago

^ No

12 years ago

QOTSA got boring when they started to sound the same all the time, which really kicked in on whatever the last record was…

12 years ago

yeah if this is not a april fools joke which it probably is then my best guess is that something to do with aenima on vinyl. some limited release or like nudges710 said above maybe the riaa platinum vinyl that was pressed but i bet you have to play the center of the vinyl. like blair said staring them in the eye daily, and on the platinum aenima pic that he posted with this it shows the aenima eye ibn the center of the vinyl and no one has probably thought to try and put the needle on in on… Read more »

12 years ago

as much of a major tool fanboy as i am i really dont care enough to go spend money on a rare vinyl and test it out….just waiting on new tool…

12 years ago
12 years ago

^Very interesting, now we just need to find someone who owns one of these rare gems, then we all need to convince them to dismantle it and take the gamble there is actually something there haha

12 years ago

fuck blair and fuck collectables

12 years ago

If there is such a thing as an unreleased song called Problem 8, the whiteboard sign might be showing that they just borrowed parts of the song for a new one. Maybe they found a place for some of its riffs.

Has Blair sat iin on them playing new material? I wonder why he isn’t describing how any of it sounds. I remember him describing Rosetta Stoned (called LK at the time) and it was nice to hear SOMETHING regarding the new music.

12 years ago

^It would be a rather depressing scenario if after 2+ years of writing, Tool were having to scrounge ideas off unreleased tracks from 1996 just to scrape together enough material to put out an album 🙁 Im sure its just an april fools….

As for how some of the new music might sound, I just listen to Justin’s part of the 2012 Schism intro. Thats got new material written all over it I think

12 years ago

Remember Ronald P. Vincent and his book A Joyful Guide To Lacrymologie wich inspired the album Undertow?
I think Problem 8 is the same. Both don’t excist.

12 years ago

It’s Official: Tool album #5 is entitled PROBLEM EIGHT.

12 years ago

My brother’s friend has one of these golden vinyl’s, they were given to people who worked on the Aenima album. My brothers friend is seriously considering playing the golden vinyl

12 years ago

really? does anyone seriously care to waste their time over blairs bullshit? its so old news for me. i could care less really what problem 8 is etc etc. shit will never come to be with this guy. just like lachrymology right. he stated information was gonig to come out and i left a reply on toolarmy saying he was full of shit and he actually answered me back saying ‘oh no friend, wait and see’ or whatever he said but it was very close to that. and now its like 6 or 7 or more years since he said… Read more »

12 years ago

What happened to the news on a new website design for Tool’s official site? Is that another thing that’s just going to fall by the wayside?

Maybe they are going to record Problem 8 for the new album because they ran out of good ideas…

I was pretty sure Blair had/has been putting forth the idea that a sign re-design for would come on or around the release of the new album.

12 years ago

The white board looks like verse – chorus song structure, not sure if its supposed to be hint of where the hidden song can be fouond

12 years ago

If this song existed, someone would have posted it on youtube by now…

12 years ago

If this song existed, someone would have posted it on youtube by now…

who plays their platinum records?

12 years ago

To the guy up there that said all of Queens of the Stone Age’s songs sound the same… I guarantee you’ve only heard their radio singles. I’m watching a live concert right now and in four songs they went from robotic stoner rock, to borderline thrash metal/punk, to 3/4 time waltz rock, to heavy dance rock, to grimm fairy tales sludge rock, to straight psychedelia, and then to freight train heavy hard rock. There’s a hell of a lot more to this band than “Little Sister” and “No One Knows” that you should check out. Listen to “Better Living Through… Read more »

12 years ago

Fellas, it’s not on the gold or platinum albums. The songs were sent out on regularly sold media. This is why the people that have them don’t know…yet. I have been in Tool’s loft with Danny Carey and have seen all of the award albums up close and there are no hidden tracks on those babies as they were given to Tool by the record label for album sales. People need to examine the media they have already purchased and someone will run across it. Good luck. This will be good.

12 years ago

I would love to post a picture. I have much better shots of their award albums than this one.

12 years ago

Guy played his platinum aenima. It’s not on there. Shit is a hoax. :(.

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