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Danny & Maynard video double!

A couple of videos made it into my inbox in the last 24 hours, one featuring Danny, and the other Maynard.

The first one is a promotional video of sorts on the Mandala Drum channel on Youtube. It shows Danny playing his range of Mandala drums during a sound check prior to the 2012 Las Vegas gig:

The second is a short new piece from CBS news who talk with Maynard about his wine growing aspirations in Arizona:

Speaking of wine, don’t forget that three new wines from Arizona Stronghold are now available in Australia via the Wine Experience! Type “Arizona” into the Search form to see them.

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12 years ago

This gave me pause:
“Fans of alternative music know three-time Grammy winner James Keenan Ring as the lead singer of the band Tool.”
James Keenan Ring?

12 years ago

I suppose I wouldn’t expect something too thorough out of a CBS news snippet, but the descriptions of Maynard’s music seem generally outdated. I wouldn’t really describe him as a “loud and raunchy rocker.” I suppose it works to a certain degree, but there are better, more accurate words that could be used.

12 years ago

I would love to take a ride on that drumset. Danny’s jazz abilities really show in his drumming. Maynard is geting old too. But he still rocks. Those news anchors crack me up with their cheeziness. Gotta love me some local news. There was something kinda dissettling about the statement, “most songs are about anger and pain”. I guess most of the songs are angry and intense. But that is not how my view on Tool. I see them as having real depth and truth in their music which involves pain, but it is not the focus of their music…maybe… Read more »

12 years ago

Glad to see CBS is so professional they used BOOTLEG footage shot by amatuers to show TOOL in concerts….HAHAHAHAHAH

Funny I have all those shows in DVD

As far Danny….good to see him fucken around

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12 years ago

This clip is the same, but with some additional footage.

12 years ago

Did the newscaster say Maynard is getting married?

12 years ago

It is painfully obvious that Tool is at the absolute bottom of Maynard’s priority list. Mr. Recluse refuses to discuss Tool at all but he gives fucking CBS an interview about his vineyard. He is a pretentious jerk. I know many of you are big fans so that is all I will say on the matter.

As for Danny it is always a privilege getting to watch him behind the kit. A professional of the highest order and a class act.

12 years ago

Caught the Maynard bit as it aired and completely by surprise while surfing Sunday night.

Jury is still out on that whole unexpected experience, although I’m pretty sure I liked it for some unbeknownst reason as yet to be reavlad supposedly by a group of annonymous accountants/magicians.

12 years ago

“Do you know what dog food tastes like? It tastes just like it smells, DELICIOUS!” Tyrone Biggums..bitches

12 years ago


12 years ago


Mass Deception
Mass Deception
12 years ago

Pretty sure his wife is highlighted in a clip on Blood Into Wine, kind of exactly who I would expect for him 🙂 I understand the concern with him on a main stream news outlet, I will say as a person who lives in AZ and has frequented his vineyards, that he is really trying to revolutionize the industry in AZ and he is doing an amazing amount of stuff in the local economies soI understand the strategy in going on the news as he is really trying to do somethign big in Arizona regarding his wines. Danny – really… Read more »

12 years ago

It is painfully obvious that Tool is at the absolute bottom of Maynard’s priority list.Mr. Recluse refuses to discuss Tool at all but he gives fucking CBS an interview about his vineyard.He is a pretentious jerk.I know many of you are big fans so that is all I will say on the matter. As for Danny it is always a privilege getting to watch him behind the kit.A professional of the highest order and a class act. Tool is a group effort, he doesn’t want to be seen as the front man. So, when he’s in an interview by himself… Read more »

12 years ago

M0gg on May 8, 2012 at 7:10 pm said: Quote It is painfully obvious that Tool is at the absolute bottom of Maynard’s priority list. Mr. Recluse refuses to discuss Tool at all but he gives fucking CBS an interview about his vineyard. He is a pretentious jerk. I know many of you are big fans so that is all I will say on the matter. As for Danny it is always a privilege getting to watch him behind the kit. A professional of the highest order and a class act. Shut up and buy my new record. Fuck you… Read more »

12 years ago

M0gg on May 8, 2012 at 7:10 pm said: Quote
It is painfully obvious that Tool is at the absolute bottom of Maynard’s priority list.

Shut up and buy my new record. Fuck you buddy.

TOOL just came off a fucken awesome winter tour where they fucken played HWIAP, Ticks and Leeches, Pushit, and Intension. Even Parabol/Parabola. Quit your fucken cryin and go listne to HWIAP and Ticks and Leeches cuz you deffinatley need to hear those words and think about them singing those songs to you.

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