A couple of Danny related items have crossed my desk over the last couple of days. Firstly it appears Danny will be playing drums with fellow Volto! member John Ziegler in his band Bubbatron. According to the post on Toolband:
On FRIDAY, JULY 6, DANNY will perform with BUBBATRON (JOHN ZIEGLER, SCOTT KINSEY & JIMMY EARL) also at the BAKED POTATO (3787 Cahuenga Blvd., West, Studio City, Ca. 91604). Here are some links for additional info on Facebook and RESERVED SEATS.
Secondly, it appears that Danny recently played with the Crimson ProjeKct both in Kansas and in LA, and a few people were lucky enough to have taken photos, in this case Rynne and Adrian Belew Power Trio member Julie Slick:
Details on the Crimson ProjeKct tour (supporting Dream Theatre) can be found here.
Update: Video available!
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Going to see this show next week.
^tell us all about it on return hmm?
going to bubbatron tomorrow!
Video available!
Hey, remember when VOLTO! was coming out with an album?
Hey, remember when M.T.void was coming out with an album?
Hey, remember when Tool was working on an album?
Hey, notice how Maynard has no trouble getting projects done and/or off the ground?
interesting observation