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Tool June 2012 Newsletter released

Blair has published the June Tool 2012 Newsletter, and it’s Part 3 in the Tales from the Loft series. As with the last few it’s quite an interesting read with a few things I didn’t know about the band such as this little trivia item:

Up until this point, I hadn’t really listened to that much Tool, and was only familiar with the song “Opiate” and Undertow’s “Sober” – a song that Maynard was instrumental (no pun intended) in writing, picking up Paul’s bass at a jam session at the loft one day and playing the now famous riff for the other band members.

Head on over to Toolband and have a read!

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12 years ago

Sober is very similar to one of Maynard’s C.A.D. songs, so maybe he got the riff from there. Anyway, I’m guessing July newsletter will be Part 4- 10,000 Days and then August Part 5- new album (i hope)

12 years ago

It isn’t just similar, it has some of the exact same lyrics and music. It was obviously the birth of what that song would become.

12 years ago

I bet that pun WAS intended.

12 years ago

Also, it is the July newsletter. I’m guessing Blair just typed in the wrong month when he wrote it.

12 years ago

Nope. That’s HB’s fuck-up.

12 years ago

The newsletter on toolband did say July on it but it got corrected.

12 years ago

yeah the original 80’s version of sober is funny. i’ll never get tired of seeing maynard feather his hair back, showing off his george michael earring and making sweet love to the camera lol

12 years ago

Actually, you didn’t. When Blair first posted it the month said “July”. You had it as June. He’s since changed it to June.

12 years ago

[quote]Definitely my fuckup![/quote]

Also, the quote function on these comments sections doesn’t work.

12 years ago

I have absolutely loved every one of these newsletters, random stories told in a funny and entertaining fashion, The Loft has certainly seen some characters and good times

12 years ago

That quote button never has worked (it’s on my todo list) but clicking the little quotation marks at the bottom of each comment works fine…

Ah, I see. I think I was aware of that, in that I would use it, but I just never really thought about it.

12 years ago

Sober is very similar to one of Maynard’s C.A.D. songs??? See link.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
12 years ago

He should write all the songs! Pass the bass!

12 years ago

These Loft stories bore the shit out of me. All I want to know is how the writing sessions are going and if they are any closer to hitting the studio. Not trying to be negative and I am not being critical of the band. I simply do not care about the history of the Loft. Blair posted something about the last of the Alaskan Salmon being eaten a few weeks ago. Does anyone actually give a shit about the bands eating habits? Last relevant thing mentioned was that they have 5 or 6 “song frameworks”. Would be awful nice… Read more »

12 years ago

Band history stopped being entertaining years ago. Just want some news on the album. A little reassurance that writing is going well would be nice, but then again, maybe it isn’t going well. Transparency quells speculation. But hey glad the rest of you guys are enjoying the Loft newsletters. Better than the pseduometamagikalunicornconspiracyarea51 nonsense.

12 years ago

Better than the pseduometamagikalunicornconspiracyarea51 nonsense.


12 years ago

[quote]I don’t agree with that. There’d be just as much speculation if Tool said they’d written 7 songs now.[/quote] No way dude. If Tool said they had 7 songs written I wouldn’t be speculating about anything. The sheer overwhelming joy of just knowing that songs are actually complete would be more than enough to shut up all the negativity, myself included. The smoke and mirror act fuels speculation, and that is probably not by accident. The long wait between albums hasn’t been so bad prior to this delay, because there was definitely a light at the end of the tunnel… Read more »

12 years ago

There is no way M0gg wrote that.

12 years ago

There is no way M0gg wrote that.

M0gg’s a bit more open-minded then some of his posts may lead you to believe.

12 years ago

@mogg Have you ever been in a band? Its extremely difficult to maintain a schedule for over 2 decades. I imagine the reason it is taking longer this time around is because they have to somehow make something exceptional without repeating themselves after 4 full albums and an EP. Also, they are older now, and that always factors into it. They aren’t supermen. They are human beings that would like to maintain a high level of quality, and every artist knows that sometimes you to WAIT to catch some great waves. I agree it WOULD be nice if they shared… Read more »

12 years ago

Honestly Drury at this point I have debated this issue ad neuseam and it really has become redundant. Four full length albums, an EP and a live/cover album over 20 years is just borderline laziness. Look at bands like Meshuggah, Opeth and Porcupine Tree. All write extremely complex music and have released significantly more material than Tool. The supermen argument just doesn’t work for me. But again, it really doesn’t matter what anyone thinks at this point. The album will be done when it is done and I am finished bitching about it. Just ends up pissing off other members… Read more »

12 years ago

Im frustrated having to wait too. It seems like a fee months ago they wall creatively and its pushed back their progress. I think once they announce that they are hitting the studio, things will be much more interesting. At this rate, i don’t see that happening until next year now….

12 years ago

Whatever anyone’s feelings on the band are…there is no doubt shit has been weird lately lol. There was that sort-of flurry of recent activity, the Loft photo’s…Blair mentioning them working on new material and then just nothing. And then the whole “Loft History” thing…

At the earliest, I’d say we’re looking at them entering the studio at the end of the year, around October – Dec or something. Then again, I saw some old posts on this site from 2010 the other day and people were sure they would hit the studio by the end of that year also…

12 years ago

While catting with a few members after the Puscifer show in Houston last week, I overhead Josh Eustis say there may be plans for Puscifer to play Big Day Out (There ya go, Aussies. Wait is almost over.), potentially followed by a string of dates. He summed it up by saying, “February. We’re starting up again in February.”

Guess the album’s gonna have to happen this year or mid-late next year. Just a couple bits of information. We’ll see how much truth they hold…

12 years ago

This newsletter is a little more suspect than the last two…Blair was tape recording Coast to Coast that very day?…Adam has a brother named Alan…Danny has a brother named Dale…does Justin have a brother named Jason?…its still entertaining but, I agree with the whole ‘ how is the fuckin album coming along’ sentiment…

12 years ago

we need a webcast

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