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King Buzzo talks about The Melvins, Fantomas and working with Tool

MWDWN have an good interview with King Buzzo in which he talks about The Melvins (doing lots of shit), Fantomas (not doing anything for now) and Tool:

As for The Melvins’ one-time collaboration with Tool on The Crybaby, he’s optimistic that the two bands might rejoin to write more original material but confirms nothing has been planned. “Well you know, I would do whatever they wanted to. They’re busy doing their own record right now, somehow. I obviously don’t have any idea how that’s working for them. I do know they’ve been working on it for a while. But I would say yes. There’s nothing in the works.” Before concluding, Osborne offers one more appropriately funny remark. “I mean, neither band is going to last forever. It’s like I tell people, ‘If you don’t like what we’re doing now, all you have to do is wait.’ We won’t do it forever, then you won’t have to worry about it.”

An interesting article, and it seems that the Melvins have some cool stuff in the works!

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11 years ago

That would be cool. Divorced is fucking awesome.

11 years ago

I wouldn’t mind hearing another collaboration by them. Especially if it was in a more traditional form. Although I doubt it

11 years ago

It’d be great to see another collaboration between the two or even more shows

11 years ago

it was great seeing him (and dale) jam with them again in vegas this year.

does anyone else get a strong feeling that the guys are having a hard time with this record? even buzz doesn’t sound optimistic.

11 years ago

For sure they are having a hard time. They have been writing for essentially three years now (assuming they started writing in 2010 after their 2 year hiatus). This could be due to a number of things. I think most likely is that they are struggling to come up with material worthy of their high standards (whether this is due to personal issues or lack of ideas, who knows). Another explanation could be that they are writing a double album (1.5 years writing lateralus, 1.5 years writing 10K Days… 3 years writing the new album???). But this is unlikely because… Read more »

11 years ago

Totally unrelated, but did anyone catch this photo from Adam Jones’ Facebook page? Almost worthy of its own news story if you ask me. comment image

11 years ago

Looks like the fat guys who spew shit from Parabol film clip. I hope it’s new though. Maynards hair might help. Is he bald at the moment?

Also, Most of the bands I like list The Melvin’s as an influence, but i haven’t got into them. It’s usually easier when someone recommends an album, rather then picking one randomly. Any suggestions?

11 years ago

Houdini is definitely a good album to start with

11 years ago

I’ll start with Houdini, then get into stag. Thanks guys

11 years ago

whats the official Adam Jones pages, just looked, dont think it was him.

Melvins: htere is not a bad one, Houdini has “revolve” which was the MTv his for 2 seconds.
the trilogy, crybaby/bootlicker and the maggot are always fun!
the new Freak Puke (melvins lite) is kool check ti out have fun! is super cute. is a fun video off thier FREE ep.

11 years ago

Huh? Don’t think it was who? The picture shows that Maynard played one of the creatures in the Parabol portion of the Parabola video. It’s definitely one of his two FB pages. His first was and is a “friend” style page, where the second one is set up via “likes” which is more of a traditional celebrity page. Both are him. This series of behind the scenes Parabola shoot photos, to my knowledge, are just now coming out via his page.

11 years ago

Looks like the fat guys who spew shit from Parabol film clip. I hope it’s new though. Maynards hair might help. Is he bald at the moment?

Also, Most of the bands I like list The Melvin’s as an influence, but i haven’t got into them. It’s usually easier when someone recommends an album, rather then picking one randomly. Any suggestions?

start with Senile Animal and work back. Everyone sites Houdini as that was their “big record”….with the hits everyone knows and loves. Melvins also do a lot of one off singles that are actually pretty good.

11 years ago

“Adam Jones Tool” bazing-ga! got it.

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