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Maynard takes up journalism

We all know, Maynard is a man of many talents, and soon to be added to his repitoire is blogging. That’s right, Maynard will be penning a bi-weekly column for the Phoenix New Times. According to the description:

In typical Maynard James Keenan fashion, the column will feature his freewheeling examinations on whatever he feels like writing about, including music, wine, and…well, you’ll see.

The column will debut on the 10th of September, so set your interwebs. Thanks to all 23 of you who emailed me…

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11 years ago

Interesting. I’ll have to remember this. Although I’m fairly sure if I forget, someone here’ll remind me.

11 years ago

How about writing some lyrics to some songs.

11 years ago

mah, im sure i will read what he has to say most likely but im a bit sick of his ‘otherness’ all the time. agreed with the post about some TOOL instead of all this other ‘stuff’ boo hoo for us complainers but your just going to have to deal with us 🙂

11 years ago

O I thought I would be the only one to read his twitter and inform you of this news.

11 years ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if Maynard has already started writing lyrics. Although you have to keep in mind that Danny stated that they weren’t quite ready for Maynard about a month ago. Now I know that it’s possible that that could’ve changed, but given that there really hasn’t been any updates to the contrary, I have to assume that most likely this is still the case. In which case you can’t exactly blame Maynard for lack of involvement. Though I have expressed a theory, on a different post, that Rand Q Spartley (Spartly?) was actually Maynard and that that newsletter… Read more »

11 years ago

What makes people think that he’s NOT writing lyrics for Tool? Maybe there’s nothing to say that he is but there sure as Hell nothing to say that he’s not.

11 years ago

i kept all those things u guys mentioned in mind as we prob all the know the story. it still sucks kinda though, true, they have to give him something to work with so hes last on the list. this is the longest stretch inbetween albums tools ever done though, 7 years if the new one comes out by may of next year. gaaah ;p

11 years ago

Exercising his writing skills I presume…

11 years ago

Im 99.99999% its not MJK that’s holding up this album from being put out, sure it’s easy to blame him. But the fact of the matter is this is guy is always doing something. I cant imagine his sits in his house and says hmmm I know the guys are done with the music but fuck it I have better things to do. Go back and read the dedicated to Tool Revolver mag. He said he almost walked away during the Lat album because ADAM was being such a pain in the ass about it being so perfect. So if… Read more »

11 years ago

To improve upon your craft when you’re in a band like Tool is no easy task. It’s probably hard to sit in the loft and hammer out an excellent song that hasn’t been explored by them already, AND maintains the chemistry and excitement that is needed to want to record it. So, it takes time. I’m sure Maynard gets demos and writes lyrics and comes up with melodies as it goes, and they go back and forth with ideas. that’s how songwriting works. What happened to MTVoid? Where’s Volto? I know Volto will probably make it out this year, but… Read more »

11 years ago

UndKeineEier “Though I have expressed a theory, on a different post, that Rand Q Spartley (Spartly?) was actually Maynard and that that newsletter was just a very cryptic way of saying he had met with the rest of guys. I imagine that if that is indeed what happened, then Maynard probably has some samples to work with.” Agreed. Anyone else notice that Cap’n Keenan’s been posting a LOT of arthropod pics on twitter lately? Centipedes, spiders, mantids, etc… …I think you’re on to something. Everyone else can keep being anxious; I believe things are running well. Also, this new blog… Read more »

11 years ago

The other half of MTvoid (ie not Justin) posted about it again on Fourtheye the other day.


11 years ago

Can’t wait! It’ll be the only newspaper article I’ve ever read religiously.

11 years ago

FYI he’s not taking up journalist, opinion pieces aren’t journalism

11 years ago

I really wish someone would inform our journalists that they are not to report their opinions…
I digress.
I look forward to reading some of Maynard’s musings, I’m sure he would not put himself up for the task if he did not feel he still has something to say. An infomercial would be sad but anything else I’d welcome.

11 years ago

Heres some unrelated news some of you might be interested in..

Robert Fripp, the only original member of prog-rock band King Crimson, recently granted a rare interview with UK Financial Times in which he stated, “…I made the choice to give up my career as a musician in the frontline to deal with the business.” He continues, saying, “My life as a professional musician is a joyless exercise in futility.”

Wonder where this leaves himself and adam’s album???
I never really expected to hear it anyway.

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