Just posted on Facebook is the news that one of Justin’s side projects One White Onion may be playing a show sometime soon. They also updated their cover photo:
Also added to their Facebook page was this photo of a recording type setup. I’m guessing it’s a studio on Justin’s property?
Hopefully we may get some M.T.void news soon as well!
I have that exact same studio setup in my basement…
I need to go check on something…
Looks like the set of one of those Capital One credit card spots/A Space Odyssy: 2001
what is this rag tag horde of barbarians all about? experimental balalaika trance music or something?
Where can I find that poster hanging in the studio? Even as a wallpaper that would be rad.
UGH! Justin is always with his side projects! It’s SO OBVIOUS he doesn’t care about TOOL anymore!! Bring Paul back!!!
I had no idea he was in this band.
It’s definitely Justin’s studio, there’s an empty Stella bottle sitting there lol.
Hey, do you guys remember Tool?
Of course. They’re out in the shed. I would have to be retarded to forget that…
lol. No no, that’s “tools” not “Tool”
Oh ok! Yeah I got me one right here
*gestures towards groin area*
Now we’re on the same page.
UUMMM what the effing fuck? Is Adam the only one who cares about the band? Next we are going to hear Adam taking up dog grooming.
Yup, looks like Adam will be the next one that we’ll hear something about. Maybe that rumored Tool-related VIDEO that’s already been in production.
From the toolband December Newsletter”
“Besides a possible new record release, 2012 should be a good year for Tool enthusiasts for other reasons. Projects that have admittedly taken quite a while are now getting finished, and should soon be ready for you to scrutinize.”
Tool is hard at work on their own Chinese Democracy.
Snarky comments from Fourtheye members make the “Why aren’t you in the studio?” irritation a bit more tolerable.
Is there a link or anything to music by this band?
“Snarky comments from Fourtheye members make the “Why aren’t you in the studio?†irritation a bit more tolerable.”
@ SpiralOut34 – What other kinds of comments have you encountered on Fourtheye?
Kittaan are you joking? Uh…how about a ton of comments constantly praising Maynard? Also, there seems to be some sort of irrational consensus among some Fourtheye users that the long wait between albums somehow equates to the band producing better material – which is kind of ridiculous if you think about it.
The first four Led Zeppelin albums were released over the course of only 3 years, same with Sabbath. Snarky comment rant over. For now…
I think most people aren’t so worried about the time it takes, as long as the album is good. That’s not really the same thing as expecting it to produce better material.
I get that, but the band themselves even have the “if it takes longer, it’ll be better” stance. It’s also important to remember that “good” is subjective, so that’s not really a valid point either.
Good point. Pretty much renders your whole argument invalid though.
Well now, you’re saying “good” again there. Lol. I’m just saying the band and some fans stance on it taking longer isn’t valid. It’s just pure laziness.
Lulz. What forum are you on? May Jay gets shat on all the time and is given the vast majority of blame for the long delay between albums despite much evidence to the contrary.
Sure, yea. You’re right. I don’t even have the spirit to fight over an inactive band anymore lol.
Ha Ha
At the very least we know they are working on it. But yea, that’s about it.