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October 2012 Tool Newsletter published

Blair has published his October 2012 Tool Newsletter. His usual dense prose seems to largely cover Justin’s recent escapades in Houston, and not a whole bunch of Tool specific info (or any from my quick read).

Only thing of interest I can find for Tool fans is the line “By the way, whatever happened to your friends playing those big shows in South America in the Fall?” Good question. My sources have suggested that Tool were offered a range of tours this year (including Australia) but have knocked them all back in order to concentrate on the next album.

Finger crossed that Tool revisit the South American tour though, as I know there are a large number much neglected fans in the area.

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12 years ago

I just bought a Rickenbacker 4003 bass (rubyred). I noticed its tone reminds me of Undertow. I wonder if he used a ric on that album.

Yes, this comment was as useful as blairs halloween post.

12 years ago

Paul D’Amour was the bassist on Undertow.

12 years ago

I just bought a Rickenbacker 4003 bass (rubyred). I noticed its tone reminds me of Undertow. I wonder if he used a ric on that album.

Yes, this comment was as useful as blairs halloween post.

Justin didn’t use any bass on Undertow. Paul D’Amour on the other hand did indeed use a Rickenbacker. A Chris Squire Signature 4001 CS in fact.

12 years ago

I detected a bit or sarcasm in DRURYs post tbh.

Paul’s bass was white though from memory, not Ruby Red.

Do you remember if it was the same one he was selling on eBay not too long ago?

12 years ago

Exhausting read – it’s enough to make a cat laugh. Save yourself the time and enthusiastically smear a banana on your screen for homogeneous entertainment.

12 years ago

So paul did use a white RIC on that album? When i saw them live pre-aenima he played a stingray. Guess he used both…

12 years ago

Zwerewolf <==== Jealous of the Rickenbacker purchase… Although I have a Dean Edge Improv 5 from early 2000's… Can get close to either Wal or Rickenbacker tone if I want… Works for me as a first instrument that I'll never get rid of.

12 years ago

a silly newsletter featuring rance q. spartley again. South America show is canceled for now. There is something “exotic” in the works…maybe just a reference for a tool world tour for the next album. Other than that, nothing.

12 years ago


Cool! As long as you can get a tone you like, the bass is good. Im making up for another RIC i stupidly got rid of like 10 years ago.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
12 years ago

i dont care if he uses shit strung together with cat gut and played with a frisbee. Make something!!!

12 years ago

The whole Rance q spartley or whatever part was interesting, mentioning shows that fell through in south america. He also said, “Big Shows.” I still dont really see a connection between a bug man and shows in south america? But the mention of something else exotic sounds enticing.

12 years ago

reading blairs newsletters are like reading all of the worst parts of a thomas pynchon novel. terrible, usually alliterated fake names, esoteric and hard to follow details that seemingly add up to nothing, and typically no real “plot” or relevant theme. at least pynchon is a great writer and buried in his dense, convoluted works are passages of incredible literary merit. i have to think that blair and possibly even danny read pynchons works, esp mason and dixon, as he frequently talks about matters of the occult and supernatural forces.

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12 years ago

So did this creature Blair mentioned have celery for an arm and Brent Musburger for a leg? Did it weave baskets?

12 years ago

It’s time for the band to come to south america!!!!! the TOOL fan community its very large here!

12 years ago

reading blairs newsletters are like reading all of the worst parts of a thomas pynchon novel. terrible, usually alliterated fake names, esoteric and hard to follow details that seemingly add up to nothing, and typically no real “plot” or relevant theme. at least pynchon is a great writer and buried in his dense, convoluted works are passages of incredible literary merit. i have to think that blair and possibly even danny read pynchons works, esp mason and dixon, as he frequently talks about matters of the occult and supernatural forces.

Your post is like a Blair newsletter. Are YOU Blair?!

12 years ago

Your post is like a Blair newsletter. Are YOU Blair?!

if i was blair i wouldnt come on here posting like blair. id make coherent statements and provide full length details about the actual band. at least i think thats what i would do if i was blair, but then again…

12 years ago

I am Blair.

Prove I’m lying.

12 years ago

You’re lying, because I’M actually Blair.

12 years ago

You’re lying, because I’M actually Blair.

12 years ago

You snooze you lose, Tool. My 2 other favorite bands are finally getting me excited. Soundgarden album leaked, Queens of the Stone Age just announced Dave Grohl rejoined the band…. You know what I don’t get? Just as a business model, a band that puts an album out every 5-7 years would want to keep their fanbase engaged. You know, tell them things. The last QOTSA album came out in 2007 but I’m still being given occasional newsbits. Does Tool like money? Then PLUG YOURSELVES. Danny tries, but it’s not enough.

12 years ago

holy fuck dave grohl

12 years ago

I know right? Foo is on hiatus (thank god even though last album was listenable) and is back where he belongs: pounding the skins for Josh Homme

12 years ago

You snooze you lose, Tool.My 2 other favorite bands are finally getting me excited.Soundgarden album leaked, Queens of the Stone Age just announced Dave Grohl rejoined the band…. You know what I don’t get?Just as a business model, a band that puts an album out every 5-7 years would want to keep their fanbase engaged.You know, tell them things.The last QOTSA album came out in 2007 but I’m still being given occasional newsbits.Does Tool like money?Then PLUG YOURSELVES.Danny tries, but it’s not enough. You ARE engaged. You check this site and the official site frequently for any updates. When the… Read more »

Reply to  snaggle
12 years ago

I used to be way more engaged. I check maybe once every few weeks on here now, and never the official site. I’m not complaining, because you’re right, I see them every time they come around, I buy CDs. But not every Tool fan is a Tool fanATIC. Can a band really live on nothing but the most dedicated? I don’t even want diaries, just maybe something like “Excited about this new track” or something. I think what does it for me…. is I wonder if there was some deal struck where they don’t even thank their fans for coming… Read more »

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
12 years ago

moral of the story is you are still talking about about tool even tho they havent done anything for 6 years. Mystique is everything…

12 years ago

i’ll pass on the foo fighters…..even nirvana…qotsa did make some great tunes so i will give a listen

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