How excited are you for the upcoming 21st Anniversary edition of Opiate? Exited enough to watch it being printed? If the answer is yes then today is your lucky day! Post not to long ago on the Tool Facebook page.
No further details yet, but it looks as though the packaging is quite large – I expect similar to the size of the Salival package. Doesn’t look big enough to be vinyl though (unless my eyes deceive me). Hopefully we will get further details in the next week or so.
Edit: Since the forum won’t allow iFrames, here’s a link to the videoÂ
Part of me really hopes this is the new album being printed and this whole “21st anniversary of Opiate” is all a charade.. Would fit nicely with the upcoming Aussie shows (assuming they mention other US/world wide dates once it drops)! The only thing that makes me think this is possible is the fact that not much has been mentioned as far as details, but I’m most likely wrong.. A man can hope though!
looks like vinyl to me
Huh, I thought that was an unofficial Facebook page until now. I wonder who in the band’s camp posts those status updates. Probably Blair?
I’d like to get a copy but I’m gonna wait until they announce everything that comes with it first. Unless the packaging is REALLY sick or the sound is remastered somehow… I’ve already got this album.
I believe Adam controls the Tool one as well as his own page.
Exciting for me. I like shiny new things from bands that are cool. Simple math, really!
sooo awesome..keeping the suspense up there
if its the new album, it will leak before the date. i could actually believe that they could pull off everything else about the secret release other than keeping it from hitting the interwebs early. that is just not possible. radiohead did it, albeit it was planned and announced, but it still hit the net before it was released. i bought the album from their WASTE site or whatever its called but never even went to get it bc a friend emailed it to me a week prior to its official release.
I don’t know much about contracts with the record company etc. But I doubt a re-release with only 5,000 copies would get fulfill their contract
How cool would it be if it was the new album?
Or a Live DVD? That would kick arse. I hope this lame 21st excuse of an Opiate is really a decoy for a live DVD /new album – like Systema Encyphale. It better be the lazy currnts…
Can this release (in addition to being “Opiate” vinyl with some new art) be a follow up to “Salival”? Coming with studio recorded (or live recorded) versions of songs that do not appear on “Opiate”, maybe the “Schism” and “Stinkfist” extended versions they play live? Kinda of how they gave us “Pushit” on “Salival”? That would be sweet. I’d say decent odds are a 10-1 shot on there being at least one major twist with this “Opiate” anniversary release, possibly a studio recorded cover song? “Keep in mind, this is not a cover (not the rumored “Crazy Trainâ€), nor is… Read more »
@crow. Thanks for lettimg us know AGAIN that you would never, ever, neverever, ever, never buy this product.
That is easily the most pitiful statement i’ve ever read on this site. You let other people determine the quality of music you listen to…..also, you wouldn’t accept it as a gift…the people in your life must fucking hate you and your awful personality.
Problem 8 8 Years in between albums Re-release of Opiate (new artwork) with possible new tracks and possible live stuff Possibility of a secret album Misdirection Hawaii for inspiration? Blair sucks he’s so good at this… Pieces of the puzzle seem to fit but we are blinded with the misdirection…? If anyone pulled off a secret album it more than likely would be TOOL… Maynards interview with Joe Rogan… spoke of sitting in his “truck” writing to the new tunes… I don’t think he was writing for Puscifer because that shit just isn’t up to par enough to actually have… Read more »
We haven’t heard more than a snake fart’s worth of news in the past few years that was worth anything and now the rumblings have begun. You would think Tool fans would be more excited and not so impatient and negative. Honestly, most of their songs are about being realistic, positive and patient. There have been more possibilities of touring, material and art in many shapes/forms coming directly from the source as well. This band has done more interviews in the past two months then they have put out (combined) since 2001. Don’t get too down, don’t even be indifferent,… Read more »
Ok so if Maynard covers a Queen song with a band called Puscifer and there’s an entymologist hanging out in the loft and the coke machine goes out… then Justin releases an album with a different band that has a vocalist that only sings in his native tongue… that means that 3 problems have occured because there must have been some sort of mites chewing on Maynards sack, the coke machine and Justin’s brain… 3 problems plus Danny not being at the baked potato multiplied by 2 pieces of artwork that Adam puts out = 8 problems with the way… Read more »
Tool’s new album is going to be crucified by these so called fans. Can’t wait…..
My comments today have definitely been about the Opiate release as I certainly think there may be something we’re overlooking here. However, there are subtle undertones of sarcasm and molotov cocktails of cynicism and crackhead taints… so if in-fact I am overstepping the boundaries of the comments section here Mr. Hellboy please give me a swift kick and let me know and I will certainly abort. FYI readers, a little elbow grease and a bunch of brains together can really make me want to take a shower… or solve a mystery… or have a beer and a cigar… I just… Read more »
Tool evolved way past these chumps that would spit venom all over the internet at every scrap of news they get their claws on.
Makes me wonder why they are so interested in a band they hate so much and have no respect for.
You guys love tool so much it hurts, but you fail to realize its only YOU that is hurting. Tool continues to do their thing, which whatever it is, i assure you is cooler than what you accomplish any given day.
@hellboy1975 Apologies… I feel suspect… Only righteous responses to the topic from me from now on. Scouts honor! 🙂 Prints look cool and I’m considering buying one. I never bought Salival and regretted it. Once the new album drops I’ll also re-purchase all of the other albums again just to support them. I don’t support any other record sales so… seems fair.
I have no doubts it will be worth it. I can’t see them releasing BS.
budsyralli said i have a thought….critique it to your usual self(selves?)……do you think this(21st anniversary opiate edition) is part of a big collectors boxset…do you think ‘undertow’ will get a re-work too? does paul get his cut? aenima? Hellboy1975 Said: On one hand I expect a precedent has been set, and we’ll see this happen on all their albums. On the other hand perhaps Adam was just not as happy with the original design of the Opiate art (which was presumably a low budget exercise) and just fancies getting a new vision of the package out there. As to Paul… Read more »
I cant wait till they sell out in seconds. the tool site crashes.
hellboy breaks in with an emergency post telling everyone to “stay calm”.
then reading 300 posts from people mad they didnt get one. l
ike everyone else has noted its shaped vaguely like the salival box. Mine is falling apart and the DVD is crap (it sits in pristine condition in a plastic bag on the shelf). Like the great Homer once said “possessions are fleeting”.
wow. this place reminds me way too much of a board i visit for my favorite sports team. constantly shitting on something you supposedly love. people barely care for undertow and wont buy the new album until someone else tells them its “excellent”.
count me as someone who will try to get this release and cant wait for the new album to drop, whenever that may be.
Here’s a possibility about this release we haven’t discussed yet when it comes to the “Opiate” package bonus material, how about musical collaborations? In addition to us discussing remixes, unreleased tracks, live recorded material how about if they spiced it up with a few guests features as a bonus song? Dave Grohl has that new studio where he took the “Sound City” board with him. (if you haven’t see the new documentary “Sound City”, give it a whirl. Queens of the Stone Age, NIN, Nirvana, Paul McCartney all jamming together). Maybe Tool got together in L.A. with a few dudes… Read more »
Interview with Adam about the Opiate EP and also touches on the new album a bit. 5 golden tickets will be randomly shipped out.
Nicholas said: what is the glaring mistake with this tour poster… double-checked date & venue and that seems to be correct. i’m from the u.s. but i have this one so I’m very curious…? Zwerewolf Responds: It says 2011 not 2013. Not sure that has anything to do with Adam. If anyone disagrees with him being a perfectionist I’d ask them to take a look at the actual artwork he does and not the text on some poster thathe probably had nothing to do with. The artwork speaks volumes. Someone else said in this forum… “TOOL are fucking astounding.†….… Read more »