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Tool March 2013 Newsletter released

Blair has released the March 2013 Tool Newsletter today, and rather than being an April Fools Joke, it seems to refer to a fire that happened recently in the Tool Loft:

Rather than posting the newsletter that I had originally planned for March – due to recent circumstances involving the band’s rehearsal space – this morning (fueled by 2 cups of Café du Monde), I hastily penned this somewhat somber substitute. And here’s why: With no one present (save, perhaps, for some tattooed phantoms of prior late night carousing), around midnight on Sunday, March 31, 2013 in the common era (or early Monday morning – April 1 in the same era vulgaris) part of the Tool loft caught on fire.

I’m assuming it’s legit, as Blair has already posted his King Buzzo related Toolband joke. Hopefully this only turns out to be a short term setback for writing sessions.

Writing some firery riffs

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11 years ago

it may be true it may not be true. if they only had some new tune on one hard drive their idiots. so i somehow dont think thats true. but why bother swallowing what they feed everyone. i’ll believe it when i see it. fuck it.

11 years ago

It’s a fucking April fools joke you monkeys. Hellboy how can you post your own, then fall for another’s? Come on dude, “think for yourself, question…” Joooooooooooooooooooooooke.

11 years ago

i thought this was an obvious april fool’s joke but against my better judgment drove past the loft just to make sure and it is pretty fucked up. of course there’s no way to know about the hard drive but in light of the evidence i’d say its probably true. maybe all their april’s fools gags came back to haunt them.

11 years ago

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ALREADY! It’s insignificant information! The most vital piece of the info released was that a few of Justin’s guitars got burned! That little piece of music that was on the hard drive is nothing. They can more than likely re-create it or make it better without a doubt. How is this a joke? It seems legit and if it’s not then woo hoo jokes on us! Good one Blair!… If it were a joke I’m sure he’d make it sound more serious. A snippet of a song and some guitars that Justin can easily replace. I’m sure… Read more »

11 years ago

PS- Energy drink and other consumer product commercials are popular for celebs over in Japan…

Aren’t they heading over to Japan soon? It’s a possibility that Danny is doing an energy drink commercial over there and why not just do it for the novelty? Would be kind of fun have you seen their TV ads?

Regardless… if it’s all false, good one Blair… good one. I need more coffee to take a shit this morning… I’m backed up. Maybe I need a Japanese energy drink…?

11 years ago

Actually, Serv-Pro are on our list of preferred providers within the company I work for so we recommend them all the time. Usually very nice and very thorough with their work. Jokes and jokes and jokes.

11 years ago

Very hilarious! Now we know it’s a joke! Now we can move on with our lives! …. again… must take a dump…

11 years ago

@][‘ [[]] [[]] ][,

“Hey, I’ll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher’s ass by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn’t you rather to take his word for it?”

11 years ago

Oh man, what a bunch of wankers, LMFAO, because if you don’t laugh you have to just cry! I spent another 15 mins reading yet another circle jerk of posts from the same old one eyed willy wonkas spitting their same old one line jizz back and forth again! Go brush your teeth you cock eyed groupies lol! You know who you are, yeah, you little knob pricks registering your 1000th post because it’s a fucking contest to you! Not only are you groupies, but turns out you’re also stalkers, apparent circle jerkers and just plain old wanker tools sharing… Read more »

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