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Forum Update

As some of you have noticed already, there have been some changes to the Fourtheye forum lately. The shift was prompted by and influx of spam, and a lack of tools on the old forum for combating this properly. As a result I’ve changed the forums to the latest version of phpBB and they are now available for posting. The move to phpBB means we’re now using a free and open source solution, which has many more features, as well as a great community for all our support and plugin needs. More importantly for me, it means I’m not being fleeced for support money when things go wrong (as they did during the demise of the old forum).

There were however a few issues with the migration. All the posts were imported, however some users seem unable to log into their accounts. Unfortunately there is no easy fix for this problem,and if you are experiencing it, please check out this thread for details on how to resolve it.

There are still changes to come for the forum – at this stage I have not yet visually styled the forum, and there are still some features I plan to implement (such as subscriber only forums) so join the conversation and let me know what you’d like me to add to the new boards.

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11 years ago

I would personally love to see something similar to the older style. unfortunately once the most recent changes were made I just haven’t found the boards as easy to manage (maybe last christmas i think?). i may be a product of routine lol. i would love to come back and join the discussions like i used to. maybe i am just an old fart… too young for that.

11 years ago

At the risk of sounding incredibly slow, I don’t like that the new forum is setup into special categories. I liked seeing every thread in one place to browse through. i find with the more specific areas i was overwhelmed with finding interesting posts. i liked the free for all. if this is possible with the new forum and i am just slow then i will feel awfully inferior haha.

Reply to  hellboy1975
11 years ago

yup that is what i should have been doing. i look forward to browsing the boards again.

11 years ago

Hey HB, the “Forums” button isn’t connecting to the new forum. I imagine it’s on a to do list, but just in case it wasn’t. Thanks!

11 years ago

Thanks for keeping the site effective HellBoy. Side Note: Popped onto this morning and BMB posted a picture of what appears to be a vintage analog recording console. I’ve worked with a handful of big consoles (audio engineering) and I’ve never seen one that has EQ per I/O strip as pictured. I’m led to believe that this is more of a mixing/mastering console because of the setup (could obviously be wrong)… Might it be possible that TOOL are further along than they’d like us to know? I think the goal for us all should be, to find out what… Read more »

11 years ago

Came accross API 2448 so google imaged it and Volto album covers came up…

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