Got an email from Tom today who told me the Amazon page for the Perfect Circle release 360 has been updated, and it appears to be a Greatest Hits album. Here’s the track listing:
1. The Hollow
2. Judith
3. Orestes
4. 3 Libras
5. Weak And Powerless
6. The Noose
7. The Outsider
8. Blue
9. When The Levee Breaks
10. Imagine
11. Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums
12. Passive
13. By And Down
According to the description:
The release also includes A Perfect Circle’s first new original, studio recording in a decade with the inclusion of ‘By And Down,’ a song written after the band returned from their self-imposed hiatus for a series of live performances throughout 2010 and 2011.
Buy it at an Amazon store near you!
…a greatest hits album? Wtf is APC now, The Eagles?
Who includes one new track on a greatest hits album, esp one that is relatively lame. By and Down is a shitty ass song.
“Who includes one new track on a greatest hits album”
Lots of artists, like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rob Zombie and Incubus.
Per Amazon, the 2-disc deluxe edition also contains:
1. Passive
2. People Are People (live)
3. Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums
4. When The Levee Breaks
5. By And Down
6. 3 Libras (Live)
7. Gravity (Live)
8. Fiddle and The Drum (Live)
No word if this is a bonus CD or a DVD, but I would think the latter since 4 of the songs are the same.
“I think that can be kind of weird sometimes, when you see “the greatest hits,” no, no – “the greatest greatest hits.” Releases by a record label that the band had nothing to do with, and there’s several versions of the same thing, over and over again. That’s kind of why we did the DVD and the box set. If you’re going to release a greatest hits, we should also offer something that’s not just the old recordings, rearranged.” MJK
This is toxic. You have to just ignore this crap.
You cant even let your brain begin to try and ponder it.
I think there should be a rule about greatest hits albums. Maybe something like… You must have at least 5 albums within 10 years to even consider it. Maybe you should also have at least 20 years as a band under your belt? I mean… aMotion and eMotive still don’t even count as albums for me (because they fucking suck). So now we’re down to two albums for APC and it’s what… a “re-arranging” exactly with some live crappy covers they do (woo girls chime in). Way to make money off songs from other bands and gouge “fans” for a… Read more »
You do realize Maynard is the frontman of 3 amazing groups right!?!?!? The idea that there is a chance that APC is somehow headed for failure just shows your ignorance. I think it is more along the lines of disinterest in this particular project at this time on Maynards part
That’s quite the rant. This release seems to have touched a nerve. Anyway, you don’t have to buy it… or do you?
That’s quite the useless comment. His rant seems to have touched a nerve. Anyway, you don’t have to read his rant…or do you?
Sorry, I really can’t stand it when people reply with this type of pseudo-logic. It’s such a petty thing to say. Add something. Anything.
Anyways, it’s nothing personal. I just see this type of response all too often on the internet, and it’s said in a way that is supposed to imply a good point. It’s really not and only moves the conversation to “hey, lets just not have a discussion about anything.”
/end useless rant
What crawled up your panties? You didn’t have to read my response, incidentally.
I’m sorry for trying to help you out. I really am.
apology accepted 🙂
Greatest hits albums aren’t really for the kind of fans that read Fourtheye. They are for passing fans who’d like to get to know a little more about the band without buying all their albums (I appreciate that when you only have two albums these seems a little absurd). The recent Rolling Stone interview with Maynard highlights what I expect the reality is: And from what I understand, A Perfect Circle is releasing a “greatest hits” package, too. Of course, record companies always have their little clause in their contract, about their right to release a greatest hits record. I… Read more »
A greatest hits record for a band that “barely” made 3 CDs. I’ll just sit back and laugh at this decision. Hopefully the people that made this decision get a job promotion. It will speed up the destruction of the record label industry that just…won’t…die.
As unlikely as it seems, I’m hoping that this release will have a way to buy individual mp3’s.
I’d buy ‘By and Down’. Or…. go that other route of acquiring music.
While I whole-heartedly agree with Hellboy’s view on this release (not for the devoted fan, more for the casual fan who never bought anything) the bang to buck ratio takes another hit here.
At $150 a pop, no “passer by” “wanna get to know the band” is going to buy this. This is directed toward the fan base. Signed lithographs, live recordings, new song… Definitely a gouge in my opinion. To fulcanelli … NOPE! I sure don’t have to buy it and I won’t. I guess my issue is that I hate to see such a fine tuned band reduce themselves to bullshit like this. I didn’t appreciate the Opiate re-release either. It all feels so gimmicky and I feel it undermines the fan base.
Yeah, I hear ya. I didn’t buy the Opiate re-release either. At least the APC package has something new, even if it’s just a little thing.
You guys are confusing this release with ‘Stone and Echo’. It appears this greatest hits release was put out at the will of the label and not necessarily by Billy and Maynard. The interview with Maynard that Hellboy posted pretty much spells it out. This was a in the contract and the label has pushed this one out.
Odds are it’s cost will be more in the ~$15 range, not $150.
I guess reading comprehension isn’t your thing. I was talking about 360 release, which is under $20, not the $150 box set.
I was actually responding about the greatest hits with the new track. I know it’s not going to be $150. The box set is all live, isn’t it? Anyway, I’m thinking of getting that… crazy, I know. I’ve always like APC and didn’t totally hate eMotion. I saw them live a few years ago and they were great.
I know you meant the OP but to be clear I was responding about the greatest hits with the new track. I know it’s not going to be $150. The box set is all live, isn’t it? Anyway, I’m thinking of getting that… crazy, I know. I’ve always like APC and didn’t totally hate eMotion. I saw them live a few years ago and they were great.
Who is this supposed to be marketed to? Most people who are going to buy another APC release already have their albums, there were only a few of them and they came out within just as many years.
I want to hear the new song but I’m not gonna spend an album’s worth of money for it.
Like most I’m only interested in the studio version of By and Down. Sounds to me like Maynard & Billy washed their hands of this and were busy putting together Stone & Echo. Does this complete their deal with EMI?
I did get it confused for sure. Ok so Stone & Echo is the boxset which will be live material and extra shit which… I still say it’s not worth it. Sorry for the confusion but no APC releases and then all of a sudden 2? I thought for sure there was no way they could be seperate releases… well they showed me didn’t they? I can see that a passerby might buy a greatest hits album but I’m still baffled… the fact that there’s even going to be an APC greatest hits album is beyond me. Buy Mer De… Read more »
Oh and Hellboy… “I guess reading comprehension isn’t your thing. I was talking about 360 release, which is under $20, not the $150 box set.” Condescension? Really? I thought you were better than that. Tisk Tisk…
One could argue that “being better than” giving in to condescension is an act of condescension itself…
…that didn’t come off as smart as it sounded in my head. ha.
HAHA! Whatever… it’s all good fun. I seriously didn’t realize that it was two seperate releases… My bad… I wonder how Maynard’s writing is coming along… Hopefully September’s newsletter will bring us good information. We do know that Maynard is not a slacker however, it’s harvest time right now 🙁
Lol @ this thread…