What’s the best part about Tool‘s Lateralus? What makes it the number two in my Tool Top 10? That catchy riffs with Adam and Justin intertwining? Maynard’s Fibonacci inspired (deliberate or otherwise) lyrics? Danny’s polyrythmic drumming? The cathartic last minute of the song? The laser show during the live set?
All of those things appeal to me, but my favorite parts of Lateralus are both guitar solos, and they are both in my opinion Adam’s finest hour. The first solo midway through the song is a catchy clean solo which hits all the right notes for me. Combined with Maynard’s great bridge moments later, it’s a mid track highlight.
The second solo is much less structured, yet just as good. I wouldn’t say the entire solo is improvised, but it is very chaotic and never sounds the same from show to show. Perhaps that’s how it’s meant to be – a contrast between the structured first half of the song, and the more chaotic second half. The song endorses the message of embracing the random after all. Or perhaps I’m just over analysing…
“Maynard’s Fibonacci inspired (deliberate or otherwise) lyrics”
From what I’ve gathered it was a little bit of both. The end result was intentional, but they kinda just stumbled into it moreso than deliberately planning it out. If you know what I mean?
I knew this would be either 1 or 2. This song is completely PERFECT! How could it not be 1 or 2. I feel Parabol/Parabola coming up?
HB has stated in the past parabola is his least from lateralus and i remember him saying aenima was his favourite song in one of his polls a few years back so I think we’ll find his top pick will be aenima
Oh well if Hellboy stated in the past that Parabola was his least favorite from Lateralus then he must have been telling the truth and there’s probably no way that he could feel different about it than he did in the past. Aenima would also be a good choice and so would Reflection but clearly it’s not going to be Reflection according to these other posts here so then it must be Aenima according to you.
It has to be Reflection. How can you have a Top 10 TOOL song list and NOT include it?
There’s no way it’s reflection. That song is all about confidants and telling your secrets to the moon. Which according to mog is “super gay”. It has to be another song, it just has to.
I don’t think Mog thinks Reflection is “super gay” nor is this his list. #1 track won’t be Reflection though…
Adam has had a new interview. From the sounds of it no movie album.
I presume you mean that new old interview: http://www.fourtheye.net/2007/07/adam-in-guitar-world-2/
Haha oh. Why yes that’s the one.
Him lying in the interview, as to which could be a reason for reposting the article. To better stimulate and freshen the notional possibility.
What lies was he telling in that interview?
I’m suggesting he could have been lying. And that would be a pretty good curveball.
I’ve seen stuff on Burnt Ambers channel which could very well be footage from a new Tool movie someone’s privy to release. It’s extremely high budget and abstract, speaking in partial to some of the material he has uploaded.
Could someone please go to Burnt Ambers channel and confirm that the music video on one of his most recently uploaded feed’ s (Tool~~1993/09/21 [Full Concert] @ La Moulin, Marseille, France)- IS NOT material from a new Tool song and/ or movie.. Thanks~
What makes you so convinced it is footage from the new Tool song or movie? Why would some random uploader have access to it and then overlay it on a below average bootleg?
There’s plenty of excellent user made content on the internet – there’s nothing to suggest this it Tool or Adam’s work in any way.
It totally looks like something Adam would do.
Didn’t you watch it all the way through? This isn’t something that just anyone could through together. Much of it had the claymation mixed with some CGI.. Who else would have that kind of mind power, money and patience?
#1 has to be Aenema.
“The laser show during the live set?”
Yep, that’s it.
Let’s talk more about an interview with adam from 6 years ago that was filled with a lot of empty promises and false hopes.
Grow up.
I’d be very curious to see if you still have the same top 10 in a year or two years time, Hellboy.
And #1 is definitely Eulogy, whether you choose it or not.
I could write this list 200 times over and unless I’m looking at a previous list… my choices will probably be different every time. ALL of their songs are fucking number 1. <— period…
Let's just be honest… we all search for something new to listen to and nothing gives us the same satisfaction as TOOL. That's why we're all here! Because we have that in common.
lol @ lateralus not being #1
stay tasty bro