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Maynard talks Puscifer and APC with Artist Direct

There’s a new interview with Maynard online where he discusses the recent A Perfect Circle and coming Puscifer releases on Artist Direct. No huge revelations in the interview, but here’s a snippet anyway:

Did you get closer to the A Perfect Circle music by playing all of the songs live? Many artists don’t ever get that chance.

Well, you know your body changes as you age. To go back and re-look at those songs basically in a different skin definitely gives you perspective. I sing differently than I did when I recorded those songs. So, it was difficult to go back and try to re-shape my throat to make those sounds. It was definitely a learning experience, in terms of where I am with my vocal approaches, subject matter, and everything.

Maynard also hints that “there’s always music being written. You never know. All of that is happening.

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