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November 2013 Tool Newsletter released

Blair has posted the November Tool Newsletter, which is largely a reasonably positive update on the status of Tool songwriting, and very little of the stuff you guys normally complain about (though I’m sure several of you are still more than capable of complaining regardless).

He also discusses the Mexican Festival date, and the possibility of other dates. The short answer is he doesn’t know if there will be any, though it would make sense from a logistical point of view. Also, the festival date is not the “curveball” just in case you were wondering…

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11 years ago

will have to go read the newsletter then. im thinking their wont be that many other Mexico shows. anytime bands play their its usually one or two real big ones and thats it. i dont know if thats always the case but it seems that way. regardless it will be a unique show. the crowd sings a long to instrumentals down their! rush in rio they sang to YYZ! im sure it will be a smiliar vibe in mexico!

11 years ago

Good read. That’s about as direct as Blair gets. He basically said this, “the other 3 finished the long song, gave it to May Jay to add his lyrics/do his tinkering on it, and decided to take a little break.

Man if I could I’d do the same.

11 years ago

It seems nowadays we get more in depth information from other publications.

Why do I have the feeling the curveball is the Sober figurine???

Reply to  Bogart
11 years ago

I really doubt that because Adam has been posting about that for a while. They seem to want it to be something we aren’t expecting. (Though some of us do hope/expect a Salival 2 type release)

11 years ago

i bet the curveball will be anniversay edition of undertow which will probably have a sober figurine with it.

Reply to  fraz
11 years ago


11 years ago

Fuck their newsletters and fuck anyone who thinks this ‘curveball’ is gonna be anything but something to do with the next album…

11 years ago

Dope… Maynard has some of the music… This is good news.
I hope he’s sitting in his truck, drool coming out of his mouth because he is getting mindfucked by what he is listening to… (assuming he gets it together to make sure he turns the song into even more of a mindfuck with his brilliant lyrics.)

11 years ago

I’ve got a pretty good assumption (if I say so myself) that the “curveball” or “change up” as Blair now calls it, will be digital releases of their albums.

Reply to  emsazo
11 years ago

I’d say you can run with that! @emsazo. Don’t take it to the bank just yet though… Why is it so important to people that TOOL comes out with a digital release? I know it may be archaic but… I like that they haven’t conformed to digital releases yet. It proves that they can still be successful without digital releases and that’s big. It means that what they produce is quality and people will go through what they consider “great lengths” to obtain a copy of the album… (chuckle chuckle) Great Lengths somehow = going outside, seeing the light of… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
11 years ago

Digital allows for the music to be released at higher bit depth/sample rates than CD’s would allow. The Volto album was released digitally in 24/96. Hopefully any Tool digital release would follow suit. Reproduction of a wider frequency range and better dynamics. That’s why “some people” care.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
11 years ago

I’m not holding my breath for a digital release of their albums. I prefer to buy physical copies, so it isn’t important to me. It just seems to make the most sense because no one else has really thought about it being a possibility and it “changes up” their beliefs on releasing digital music. Especially because digital audio can easily be in a favorable quality for audiophiles. I would LOVE a live DVD, but I highly doubt it would be that.

Reply to  emsazo
11 years ago

During one of the “Meet and Greets” in Australia Adam said that they were more than likely releasing the new album digitally as well. So this wouldn’t be the “curve ball”.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
11 years ago

Considering that most people who read the Tool Newsletter probably own all of Tool’s music already, there doesn’t seem to be much of a reason to tease digital releases.

“Hey did you like Lateralus the first time you bought it? Well now it’s on iTunes so you can not buy it there instead of not buying the CD at Best Buy!”

11 years ago

Is this “curveball also the “the big thing” we’ve been hearing about for the
last five years?

11 years ago

curveball, whatever. its just part of their marketing b.s that keeps people on their knees ready to blow these guys! dont buy into it!

i am eagerly excited for a new album but im not playing these b.s games that blair succeeds at doing with some of you.

Reply to  bob
11 years ago

Look how calm you are!

11 years ago

Seems like they’re setting up to finish things, and go on a summer tour. Hopefully the time table adds up. Im sure you have to start with dates well in advance, so they probably planned on being done with the album before spring and summer. Hopefully that holds true. You never know though. The whispers of Maynard getting music and writing would make you think so. But you never know. And, although i would like him to have been done yesterday, we all wouldnt want maynard to rush the lyrics after the rest of the band has taken so long.… Read more »

11 years ago

First post here, hello to all. Have a sinking feeling that we’re in for a double CD. Not only has the band taken their sweet f*cking time this time around, but if you listen carefully to Blair and go back and look at the pictures of Danny over the last couple of years (Danny gets them photos out), there’s always two of something or Blair is rehashing old themes and such. Few examples… Danny back in Hawaii, with TWO tee boxes in the background (previous Hawaii had him in front of TWO tiki torches). Blair has been mentioning a few… Read more »

11 years ago

i wasnt thinking about a double album but i hope your right. arent a lot of bands not into releasing double albums though? their is this weird thing about double albums sucking or something. i donno but im all for more tunes! your double cd theory seems a bit out their but thats kinda cool 🙂 i hope something big comes out. maybe they are releasing a video to go with the album. they did say something about doing this a long time ago if anyone remembers. im pretty sure they did anyway. maybe this is some sorta of visual… Read more »

11 years ago

the digital release is a good idea if you think in terms of the higher quality stuff. thats a great point and u cant deny that! plus tool likes money so im sure they will release it digitally in every way they can cause its true thats the way it is but the higher quality stuff is a good investment!

they have a hardcore fan base of course so the physical copys are going to sell very well too! i know i want one!

11 years ago

I hope that whatever it is, it comes out before Christmas… yeah, I know.

these three words are not interchangeable: their, there, they’re

11 years ago

we will get tool coal in our stockings this x mas 😛

11 years ago

Tool to replace Blur at BDO?

11 years ago

I really hope their done with festivals after Mexico. Their own shows are muuuch better in my opinion. Taking away from an already short set, less segues, and less visuals sucks. Tool should stick to a more intimate setting. With festivals getting more and more teeny bopper molly weird, i feel like its getting farther from what the bands trying to get across. At this point in their career i dont think they’re winning over that many more fans either, people have all heard their music. But, i think basically lollapalooza in chicago sucks now and thats not how i… Read more »

11 years ago

i’m thinking they will record two albums and release them separately a year or two apart.

11 years ago

The double album theory is the most ‘curveball’ concept listed so far.
Fans would not be expecting that in their wildest dreams.
Perhaps this long song they’ve finishing writing takes up a whole disc.
That would be cool shit for sure.

11 years ago

“Curveball” is also referred to commonly as “number two” because, with the simple signs used in practice situations, one = fastball / two = curve is universal.

11 years ago

It’s interesting that BMB decided that “change-up” is a better analogy than curve ball. There are at least two possible reasons for deciding change-up is a better analogy: 1) In baseball, a change-up refers to any pitch designed to throw off the batter by “slowing down” the velocity of the pitch. Sowing down could certainly relate to the time it takes to make a double album. Of course, it could refer to a lot of other things too. 2) Or, the word “change” could have a significant meaning and therefore BMB decided to dump the word curve ball. If so,… Read more »

11 years ago

Missed all of this conversation here whilst I was celebrating natives being massacred… I mean… Thanksgiving… Anyways, double album or DVD… I feel like those are the best options for whatever this “curveball” may be. Not so sure about ahlaphus’ theory pertaining to hints at a double album but I’ll say he’s definitely BMB minded. Digital fuckle… who cares about a digital release really? Even if it is higher quality I doubt that would get anyone wet enough to sit on it. If we’re going that route we might as well say they are going to release the new album… Read more »

11 years ago

fans… not fands…. oh and… their, there, they’re

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