Blair has released his latest newsletter, which seems to have an Australian theme to it. Other than that it doesn’t really any Tool news that I can see. Perhaps the theme is a sign that us Aussies will get a fourth 10k Days tour to keep those creative juices flowing!
I don’t think its another Australian tour. Maybe this Spartley fellow is Australian?
Over the years I’ve gotten so remarkably good at scanning through his idiotic pretentious posts, barely reading anything unless it mentions band members names, and keywords such as ‘recording’, ‘new album’, etc…
I’ve never bothered to even ask or find out but I guess it’s time, I MEAN WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY?
Is he just friends with the members and that’s it? Does he even exist?
He’s friends with Danny Carey, and uh…Yeah, he sucks. No one likes him. I’ve skimmed through Tool-related articles, forums, comments on different news items, etc. for a lot of years and I’ve never EVER seen a single person even try to defend him or his awful writing. There’s a couple of pictures of him on Google if you feel like putting a face to the name, in order to hate him more effectively. He’s the ultimate hipster, constantly making obscure and arcane references to stupid bullshit that no one knows or cares about.
He’s a nice guy and I’ve never had any problem with him. Don’t like the newsletters? Don’t read them. Thankfully we have sites like Fourtheye to filter out the bullshit for those that can’t tolerate it.
The bottom line is, he was chosen by the band to do the job, and he doesn’t always have much to report.
Oh Jesus Christ.
I know it’s your site and everything dude, and I dig your effort and respect it, but god I am SO sick of you doing your ‘sitting on the fence’ comments.
It’s so annoying dude. You’re so biased and fuck, just don’t comment if all you are gonna do is make a typical ‘non committal either way’ comment.
hes bias to fence sitting? that’s gonna leave a mark…
Thanks for the info. I fucking hate him.
BB is cool. Plus we have the same initials so that pretty much makes him an awesome person. I agree with Hellboy in the sense that he gives info when he can and that ability is likely tied directly to contractual agreements between the band and their promoters and label and such. And usually his out there references and hints end up amounting to something down the road. Eventually.
Although when the band is active the newsletters are way better. If you go back and look at the archived ones from a touring time there are usually a lot of behind the scenes off day type travel pictures and such.
Pete Reidling. He’s up to something.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
If there is anything going on they should just post photos.
I dont read the newsletters cause they suck.
interesting read…no tool news but definitely of the Halloween theme
Interesting read???? Are you fucking high?
shit! I am indeed…..whats wrong?
ya, i actually have seen the odd person defend Blair with ‘you dont undertand his newsletters’ haha. ya, cause they dont fuckin make sense most the time, thats why i dont understand them! im good at filtering out the b.s too. and this one i could tell was full of crap and i didnt even read it other then myeyes skimming very gently and i could tell its junk. so i didnt read it. ya, fourtheye is good for those that dont care sometimes and u can get a bit of a report on it and others opinions. apparently his… Read more »