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Danny, Adam and Justin play for WWE

Tool (sans Maynard) have put on a private show for a bunch of WWE wrestlers in the Loft, and have posted some photographic evidence for us all to enjoy. Word is they played Sober, 46&2 and Schism at the request of those in attendance.

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10 years ago

I wanna be a wrestler.

10 years ago

(sans Maynard)
Enough said.

10 years ago

They let those bogans strap on their guitars…. FARRRRRRRK!

10 years ago

Calm before the storm?
Are we to a point to where we know that Maynard is in posession of music from a certain group of instrumentalists?

10 years ago

Getting bored of all these laim articles about Tool.
The mysterie and secrets about a forthcoming new album suck.
Just get on with it. Afterall it has been 7 years since 10.000 Days.
APC keeps repeating themselbes and Puscifer started out good but now…
They also keep repeating themselves with their mix of almost every song and they keep getting worse. Don’t care much more about APC and boring Puscifer.
So Dear Maynard, stop acting like you’re the king of the world because you’re just growing into a merry-andrew.
Sad ending of the greatest bands in the world.

Reply to  App69
10 years ago

Umm get your facts straight dude. For the last year and a half or more it’s been the other members who have been holding the process up. Maynard said in an interview last year that the process is ‘Tedious’ with Tool because he has to wait and wait for them to provide him with music to write lyrics to. In contrast he said his other projects work far quicker, and he prefers it that way. Probably explains why he does the wine, Puscifer and tours APC… He’d be bored as fuck otherwise. All of that being said, I don’t understand… Read more »

Reply to  Maynerd
10 years ago

And MJK never tels bulshit to create a smoke-screen? So Adam, Dany and Justin are holding op things? Really? You believe that? I have never seen MJK so bored on a stage when he performs with Tool. He doesn’t even wanna be the frontman. Why else would he be as far as back as possible. According to MJK it’s because his mic picks up Dany’s drum and it interfeers. Weird that only Tool has this problem. Did you watch (what is) Puscifer? Wat the hell was that? What is Puscifer? A big childish joke. Even their own site is nothing… Read more »

Reply to  App69
10 years ago

“Did you watch (what is) Puscifer? Wat the hell was that? What is Puscifer? A big childish joke.”

its awesome, I bought it, I love it.

listen to “mama sed”, “tumbleweed”, “humbling river” or ” polar bear” (just to name a few), and tell me they are not amazing songs.

10 years ago

Several years back, possibly before the release of 10K Days, Blair had a delayed response to a fan’s email or an update to one of his own posts or newsletters, the type of response which garners his full-blown purple ink. As I’m too lazy to go back through the toolband news archives/newsletters to find it, can say that the ‘post’ in a way confirmed that Tool’s next record (after the decoy album, which was 10K Days) was to be their Great Work, the kind of art the master(s) put out on their way out. Does anyone else remember this? Have… Read more »

Reply to  ahlaphus
10 years ago

Speculative mumbo-jumbo.

In an interview with Adam and Maynard shortly after the release of 10kdays, they stated they all but write enough material to fill a CD, polish it and release it. Calling 10kdays an album of B Sides? It was an album just like any other. Don’t kid yourself.

10 years ago

I like that thought. Whether it be true or not, it just may end up being true by coincidence if you really enjoy what they put out next. I agree that we are in for quite a treat. It’ll happen soon. Every one of their band members understands how much talent they all have to not pursue something “next”. I can’t wait.

10 years ago

@ Everyone, you all do have a point. @ Maynerd, the songs are good (not great), but that’s only my personal feeling. It’s the intermezzo’s to me are childish. I also own the dvd so I did saw him. @ Hellboy, yes they are a band so we can lay the blame on all four. But to me it looks like MJK doesn’t really care anymore. But I can’t believe Justin is holding up anything. @ Ahlaphus, I didn’t read the article/post you’re talking about. But the last few years I’ve been thinking that we’ll never see/hear another Tool album.… Read more »

10 years ago

Edit They just could cut the bullshit ( remember Ronald P. Vincent) that’s been going on for years. By now we all know who Tool is, what they stand for and that they create awesome music (Art). That they want to keep new songs a secret till release date. Much respect for that. “We’re working on a new album and try or will be released in 2014” Come on evereyone has it not been long enough since 10k Days? I live in Belgium and I have only seen them twice. Because they don’t give gigs in Belgium unless they have… Read more »

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