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Adam Jones and King Buzzo project emerges

Found in a toilet at the recent show in Houston was a CD claiming to be from an Adam Jones and King Buzzo project called Bleeder. It seems to be related to the Instagram video Adam posted back in February.

Here’s what is published on the Tool Army Members Facebook page (thanks to Kat for the tip):

This little gem was found in a bathroom at Toyota Centre Houston at the Tool concert.

The Silver.
The ‘Y’ Incision’, part of the Cal McDonald series, is experimenting with an audio accompaniment to enhance the reading experience. Jones will be composing and producing, whilst it’s up to Buzzo to perform the musical segments. Bloody Pulp Books are publishing the effort.

It comes with a photo of the CD as well:

And a clip of the track can be found on Youtube:

It was King Buzzo’s 50th birthday on the 25th of March, so could be a birthday present of sorts…

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10 years ago

Um… ok.

10 years ago

What is a Tool Army Members facebook page?

10 years ago

That youtube video sounds fucking terrible.
I hope that project gets shelved.

10 years ago

^^all three posts^^
not so good.

10 years ago

you can add a 4th to that!

10 years ago

sounds like its adam playing with his virus indigo synthizer which is ok but not anything to get too excited about

10 years ago

Honestly, I thought it sounded like shit in several different ways. Wasn’t going to say anything but then I read the other comments and decided to add my own negativity to the thread. lol

Reply to  Proxicity
10 years ago

I’ll be the voice of reason and speak for us all (even Hellboy cos he’ll agree, but be too scared to admit it) and say that if this ‘project’ releases some fucking EP before the new Tool album drops then we’re all gonna have to suicide.
It’s a pact. I’m glad we all agree.

Reply to  hellboy1975
10 years ago

I’ve decided that I will agree to suicide if Hellboy will agree to never post any possible future developments on the Bleeder project.

10 years ago

“say that if this ‘project’ releases some fucking EP before the new Tool album drops then we’re all gonna have to suicide.”
that was pretty funny, made me laugh here at work.
but if this sort of noise shows up on a new Tool album, it really won’t be that bad will it?

10 years ago

I had a horrible dream the other night that I was listening the new Tool album, and did not like it. Horrible nightmare that made me feel like life was unfulfilling. Woke up happy to know its probably gonna be EPIC and that I have yet to hear it. This probably stems from the fact that I decided not to see Tool this tour… Idiot.

10 years ago


Very few people go and pull off side projects that are worthy of note… Maynard pulled off APC which is becoming less worthy of note but still. Volto… MEH! M.T. Void… MEH! Puscifer… MEH! This shit with Adam and Buzz… MEH! I’m certain none of it is going to influence or have any effect on the new TOOL record. That’s one thing I like about these guys… when it’s on, it’s on.

I’m certainly not committing suicide over this shit so count me out of the pact Jim Jones.

10 years ago

haha. suicide pack. im with Hellboy! you go first and will go to ur funeral and then maybe do it. haha. hellboy didnt say anything bout the funeral but i just did. so will be their for you bud 😉

10 years ago

Well, the post does say that it’s a musical accompaniment to the comic book thing, have you tried that before going and telling the world how badly this sucks? I know I haven’t..

Reply to  nonearthling
10 years ago

How could reading a comic book possibly have anything at all to do with whether the music is any good or not? Like I’m gonna read the comic book and think, “That’s weird, the song doesn’t sound like shit any more!” If you have to rely on something ELSE to prop up your shitty music, that my friend is what’s known as a “gimmick.” That’s like saying that Justin Bieber’s new album sucked, but it came with cupcakes so that makes up for it. Actually…I like cupcakes…Bad example.

Reply to  Proxicity
10 years ago

You probably could have just said no without pretending you are tutoring me in marketing 101, but I appreciate it anyway.

I like both the comic and, now that I’ve given it a listen, the music, and think they go together well.

I’ll never understand why you people get so excited to defend your views from something that has no impact on them.

Reply to  nonearthling
10 years ago

Well you said something incredibly stupid, and I enjoy arguing over the internet so there you go. “Bla bla bla you must have so much free time bla bla bla immature blah bla blah.” It’s ok.

Reply to  Proxicity
10 years ago

No need to put words in my mouth.. I agree with you, it’s ok. No harm, no foul. Thanks for pointing me out where I was wrong, I’ll take your words into consideration. Maybe one day you will see the world from my point of view, maybe not. At least for now we both have someone to talk to.

If you’re looking for something new you’re bound to find something that pleases you, but if you’re looking for what you already consider good, what you see isn’t likely to change your mind much.

10 years ago

Found in the toilette? It should have stayed there where it belong…

Reply to  bartron
10 years ago

Toilet :p

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