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Adam talks Tool with Metal Hammer

Metal Hammer asked Adam a few questions about the legal issues facing Tool, as well as an update of sorts on the new album:

Speaking of writing music, how is the new material coming along and what kind of direction is it taking?

“We’re always on an experimental path. We never think about what worked on the last record or what’s good on the radio right now. It’s a selfish process, we just go in there with some riffs. We experiment and the riffs start to take a different path and over time, this riff from last week might go really well with this riff from two years ago. We piece stuff together, almost like a film soundtrack, you know? But I’ll tell you this – there’s a lot of stuff in 7/4. Breaking up 7 can sound like an even number to the listener even though it’s an odd number, that’s really exciting. Rosetta Stoned had some elements of that where we had a middle break and the end rhythm of 7 against 5. It kinda opens up a whole can of worms! There’s some really light stuff going on but there’s also a lot of heavy stuff in there too.”

If there’s one thing that can be said about Tool records, it’s that they’re always worth the wait… any idea on when it will be ready?

“Ah man, I really appreciate that. It’s refreshing to be interviewed by someone that loves music and actually knows about our band. Some of the journalists we’ve dealt with… it’s been insulting to be interviewed by people that don’t bother following music or even seem to like it at all – it’s just a gig for them to get a paycheck. This lawsuit has really gotten in the way, all we want to do is get it behind us so we can focus on what we do best. I don’t want to just get it out and worry about the next record, then look back and go, ‘Why did I do that? It’s a piece of crap.’ I want to sleep well at night, it’s my legacy you know? Some day, I’m gonna croak and I wanna look back on what I did and go, ‘I worked really hard, took the time and had integrity.’ I know our fans are frustrated and obviously want to hear new music. You gotta look at that in a good way and think, ‘Wow – they really like us and they want more!’ To be honest, you can’t beat that feeling at all.”

You can read the full interview here.

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10 years ago

Could they be making the rounds of interviews before the release??? Maybe pulling a Radiohead type of move and not announcing? Praying to Jebus.

Reply to  ahlaphus
9 years ago

I wish dude.. sounds like he just took another interview to discuss what’s goin on. Kinda cool that he seems to be opening up about it more though

9 years ago

Yeah it seems like this is them responding to all of our whinging. Which is actually pretty cool as they don’t really owe us shit, though I owe a part of my life’s direction to their music.

9 years ago

“Over-thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind……”

9 years ago

That was an incredibly short interview… Not much of an update either. It seems that any speculation on a secretly recorded album is wishful thinking at this point. These interviews may be surfacing because they know it’s going to take longer to get this album out and they gotta throw something to the wolves… If the album is going to happen, I’ll bet that it’s before harvest season next year and if not… then before harvest the next year… No doubt it will be worth it when it gets here but man… it’s so unfortunate that it has already been… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

We know they’re sitting on mountains of recorded live material, hopefully the ‘curveball’ is Salival II or something better. Can remember Danny saying something like “we’re not Pearl Jam, we’re not going to put out 80 live cd’s”, quality over quantity type of thing, but that was at least a couple of years ago. Stinkfist in particular is a song that has basically been rewritten over time, would be damn nice to hear a professional recording to catch the heavy drumming and overall loudness and thump that comes with the live shit. Aenima too, the live version has a certain… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

Lol @ you

9 years ago

Instead of doing these interviews perhaps they should throw together a mini Salival like album. Problem 8 would be nice to hear, for example. If that’s too much work then why not just a single of Problem 8? I don’t know… that would be a lot better than hearing about the lawsuit and it would give the fans something new.

Reply to  fulcanelli
9 years ago

I wish someone would ask them directly why they won’t simply release Problem 8 (if it indeed exists). It sure would be nice to at least tide us over for the next 3 years until the new album drops. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, I don’t understand why it hasn’t been released. Should take about 10 minutes to rip and post to their website. They could also post a few live tracks that have been recorded professionally. That would be nice too.

Reply to  sudnshok
9 years ago

Instead of a fake track, how about The Pot video?

Reply to  sudnshok
9 years ago

It doesn’t exist. God, the retard quota is certainly filled on these threads…

Reply to  Maynerd
9 years ago

Was there ever any confirmation that it does or does not exist? Not to talk about myself or anything but… I don’t ever recall reading that it does or does not exist so I’m just curious as to what you know Mr. Maynerd?

As for quotas, you certainly fill the douche nozzle quota here so don’t get ahead of yourself.

Reply to  hellboy1975
9 years ago

No doubt in my mind that there are several unreleased pieces of tracks or full tracks in the archives. The guys record all of their practices and writing sessions, how could there not be? What a gold mine…

9 years ago

Extended Llve Stinkfist with “Suspicious Minds” lyrics please. K, thnkx Bye, Let’s don’t let a good thing die.

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