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July 2014 Tool Snoozeletter released

Blair has posted the July Tool Newsletter on Toolband, and it’s one of those “snoozeletters” that many of you like to complain about! It seems to allude to Tool moving a bunch of material (including recordings and demo’s) from one location to another. Interestingly Blair specifically calls out some of the newsletter “haters”:

Okay, that should be enough – forget about fusion jazz and fancy spuds for a moment. There IS something possibly of great interest to Tool fans, but I thought it best to start out with the usual stuff about the Baked Potato just in case certain people – the wrong people – happened to be reading this, with my thinking being that by this point they wouldn’t continue any further, and what I really want to say will remain hidden, so to speak, from them in the middle of just another Tool ‘snoozeletter.’ Hopefully, this has happened (they already stopped reading), and I can now tell you about something very strange. Well, hopefully.

Later in the newsletter he elaborates a little further on the materials being moved:

Inside the containers were Tool studio masters and slaves, ADATs, blank recording tape (?), and video and film footage, all individually labeled. Was this the footage that was taken many years ago for a possible live DVD? After the last boxes were loaded with a hand truck, I causally asked the band’s manager what was inside? “lenticular key-chains,” was the quick reply. Now, I didn’t need to be an expert on micro (facial) expressions to know that by using this ‘dangle’ there was something that someone was trying to hide. What these people didn’t know is that, before closing the door of the U-Haul, I took a couple of photos with my iPhone. If I remember to do so, I will post one or two of these on the ToolArmy site with a misleading caption (so not to be viewed by the wrong people).

Whether the remainder of the newsletter actually contains anything opf interest to Tool fans is open to interpretation (as usual). So prepare yourself a grilled chicken sandwich and have a read…

Couldn't find a photo of Mom's Grilled Chicken  so here's Chicken Pesto on Ciabatta Ficelle instead

Update: I got an email from Blair explaining that the first paragraph isn’t necessarily aimed at the usual Blair critics, and more at certain inside people he wants to avoid seeing the “meat” of the newsletter. Think what you will of this – maybe there is something really important hidden here? Maybe Blair just didn’t want management to know he picked such an expensive lunch order?

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9 years ago

$15.00 an hour/$12.00 an hour/ $10.00 an hour….

Reply to  hellboy1975
9 years ago

Flip it… 10/12/2015
Or… the difference between 15 & 12 – 3
and.. difference between 12 & 10 – 2

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

BMB mentioned “Lenticular Key Chains” in the posting RE: The merch guy a few months back as well. Keep an eye on the merch store, he said they’d be randomly releasing stuff from that storage unit.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

My thought process is unwraveling a bit here so sorry for all the posts. There IS a new sticker that popped up in merch. It’s pretty cool actually, I remember seeing all of those photos in the Revolver: TOOL issue.

That goes to show it’s something old and not anything new so it’s coming out of that excavation Blair was talking about. I wonder if they knew they had this stockpile of stuff and decided to just start selling all of it off instead of letting it rot? Which would be sensible…

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

That’s also assuming they use US date format MM/DD/YYYY. Most countries in the world use DD/MM/YYYY… If they went with that instead….

D/M/Y Format
12/10/2015 or 02/03/2015…

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

Tool is an American band fucktard. Of course they would use the M/D/Y format, if Blair was even trying to hint at a date with his hourly wage for unloading a truck…..which he’s not. Idiots

9 years ago

Simply reinforcing the idea that bmb was experiencing “memory loss”. Take that to mean that some of the details are completely made up.

9 years ago

Such a roller coaster now. I’ll believe it when I see it. I know when IT does come out it will be a life changing experience like all the others.

9 years ago

“JOE” = Joe Barresi?

Honestly, I’m drunk and I have no idea what Blair was getting at. But I found it entertaining. It was funny he “called out” the newsletter haters though.

9 years ago and film footage…

9 years ago

That sandwich looks good! thats about all.

Fanny Alger
Fanny Alger
9 years ago

Honestly this is one of the few times I’m more optimistic about a Blair post than other fans. I for one see it as a good sign that we’ll get something (probably live footage) in the next 1/1.5 years while waiting for the new album.

Reply to  Fanny Alger
9 years ago

1 1/2 year time span is close enough to 10/12/2015 for me…

9 years ago

10/12/2015 = 140th birthday of the Beast

Reply to  Artilect
9 years ago

That’s beautiful research right there…

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

Blair has never missed an opportunity to observe Crowleymas before so it is a little coincidental that this is the date you guys were coming up with.

Reply to  Artilect
9 years ago

Yeah and that’s about it. It’s nothing more than a little coincidental because nothing is going to happen on Aleister Crowley’s 140th birthday. I didn’t have to research it to know that was his bday either because Crowley and my father share the same name and my dad died on Crowley’s birthday.

9 years ago

Z.z.z.zzzz. crickets. tumbleweeds…. and the same 15 losers debating what it all means (not being shady… I include myself in that number). at this stage the thought of a new record isn’t giving me a boner. new Melvin’s, queens for Halloween, and a Volta reunion do.

Reply to  smithersSOCAL
9 years ago

Melvins releases are always worth a spin. QOTSA… their last one was a little light and sorta schmaltzy to me. Volta oughta just skip right past a ridiculous ‘reunion’ 2 years after their disbanding, put Bosnian Rainbows on hold, move right on through Antemasque and somehow for the love of god get a band going with Omar, Flea, Frusciante and someone interesting on vocals… could be Cedric, I wouldn’t be opposed to that. Those jams they did back in 04 or whenever that are on youtube are great… proggy, fusiony, technical and weird. All that said… what’s leaving me bonerless… Read more »

Reply to  Artilect
9 years ago

you’re an idiot. Tool isn’t concerned with “metalling”, they just do their own thing if you haven’t noticed. Yeah and I’m sure Tool listened to the latest “Mogwai” album and took pointers haha. Not. I’m sure everyone expects Tool to become more “proggy” and “synthy”, such meticulous and specific predictions you’ve made there. No shit sherlock, but do you really think anything you say could seriously predict anything about the new Tool album? No, it can’t.

9 years ago

Damn, that sandwich looks tasty and also kinda sloppily prepared.

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