Ryan from Tool Collector is once again selling his Tool collection. If you have something missing for your own collection, then take a look at his site, and get in touch with him.
He also has a copy of the signed Lateralus vinyl on Ebay, which is currently up for auction starting at $510. If you’re keen for a bid, check it out here.
Getting pretty desperate for some headlines aren’t you, Hellboy….
Well, there’s not much happening that much is true, however I’m generally quite happy to plug Tool sales of note when they’re pointed my way.
at that starting price im a bit suprirsed he would post it as a headline. id tell the guy to take a hike. they sold for 100 originally.
$500 is not far off the mark in my opinion, the original price has little relevance.
and someone bid! i should sell my demo cassette. i kinda want to actually. i dont need it.