Blair has published the Tool newsletter for November, and it’s in a Q&A format. Not a huge amount of Tool news, but there is a somewhat encouraging update on the song writing process:
Seeing how there’s not much going on with the band this month – other than a continuation of the writing/arranging sessions at the Loft (with things progressing nicely, I should add) – I’ve decided to respond to some recent email. The most asked about question came from those who listened to Danny and I recently having some fun on the “Children Of Saturn” radio program, with e-mailers wanting to know how the new Tool record was coming along? In responding to one listener, Danny said that the band was nearly finished in arranging a rather lengthy song. Now, I could be wrong, but I think that he was referring to a second long piece of music, and not the other “epic” song, which I believe has already been arranged. I also know that they have several other songs in various states of near completion (the instrumental parts, at least), but there is still quite a way to go before the actual studio recording process begins. I will try to get a better update next week, and, if so, will post it in the news section.
I found it to be an interesting newsletter, but your mileage may vary!
I did actually read most of it which is uncommon for newsletters nowadays.
Read Into That What You Will.
Later on in the Q & A part he expands on that by talking a bit about May Jay, HB. By Tool standards this actually contained quite a bit of info, I think.
This part:
From what I’ve heard, Maynard has been both listening to the new music at the Loft and receiving tracks to work on at his home. As to how much of this he has added vocals and lyrics to, I honestlydon’t know… I will, however, try to get a better update next week, and, if so, will post it on my blog… er… I mean in the news section.
Imagine how cool it might be for MJK to receive new music from the 3 of them. You’re sitting back in Arizona and get a new 5 to 10 minute piece of music in order to add some vocals. That would be fun. Listening for the first time would be quite an experience.
How does one submit a question to Blair? I’ve never seen his contact info anywhere and you can’t send IMs on ToolArmy anymore.
sudnshok: The message feature actually works. I emailed Blair last month and although it took a few weeks for a response, I got one. Try going to GUIDE on the upper right part of the TA home page, then click CONTACT on the right column, then you can click on anyone on that page to email.
The CONTACT hyperlink is actually on the left hand side of the webpage. Not the right.
I’m pretty sure it’s
sounds like the album is taking shape. I sure hope they can get in the studio by spring 2015. NINE YEARS is about as long as i want to wait for this album….
9 years. There are bands that broke up then years later got back together and released another album in less than 9 years. I’m sure it’ll be a great album but damn.
I’m hoping that they fix the Toolarmy message board.