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Tool issue New Album update of sorts…

I take a week away from the world, and not only do bushfires come pretty close to my house, but Tool post some kinda-news about the new album. In their New Years message via Blair, they say:

Here we are ostensibly in a new year, and with it comes a clean slate to fill with not previously known noteworthy accounts and reports related to the band, TOOL. Having just returned from their individual holiday obligations, the band members will soon be entrenched at the Loft, diligently (as opposed to shoddily) writing and arranging new music for a much anticipated forthcoming recording.

It seems to suggest that the band are finally hitting their straps, which implies we may see some end to the ongoing “where is the new album?” saga.

Some of you will also remember that Danny played with Primus on New Years Eve. Here’s a nice video of Danny & Tim Alexander drumming-off in the time honored tradition:

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9 years ago

What’s worse is the ongoing “Where’s ->MY<- New Album?" saga…

9 years ago

Yeah! They are writing for the new album! LOL. According to past “news” they were writing 4.5 years ago as well. I’m not sure what Blair’s definition of shoddily is, but even if they only wrote for 2 days a month, this thing still should have been done a year ago. When I see news that they are recording is when I’ll believe they are even working on a new album. 22 May, 2014 (10:12am) The other day an insider (and by “insider” I mean truly an insider!) told me that since getting back to working on material for the… Read more »

Reply to  sudnshok
9 years ago

That’s just sad. I know it’ll be epic but it’s a long time coming. You know it’ll be panned by a lot of fans simply due to the unrealistically high expectations. 8 f’n years… and it’s not like they broke up and reunited. They’ve been touring and apparently writing nearly that whole time!

9 years ago

Precisely what the above poster said. WTF! Double-album, gotta be. Blair also said a few weeks ago that they were close to completing a SECOND lengthy song and had been working on SEVERAL other shorter songs. Several songs? No Tool album has SEVERAL songs when you take away the segues and such. Double-album, gotta be.

Reply to  ahlaphus
9 years ago

Undertow, Aenima, and Lateralus all had 9 songs when you remove the segues. 10,000 Days had 7.

I don’t know what your definition of several songs is, but I believe have had more than several songs per album.

In fact, the average album length for most bands is around 9 – 11 songs.

Reply to  UndKeineEier
9 years ago

Yeah, I take it back, just sounded funny coming from Blair. Anyone wanna buy some soup?

9 years ago

I just had a thought of..what if all the new material will be played in its entirety…the whole album….maybe they will another 2 hour show with all new material……since all their latest shows/tours been a hits style song choice , maybe they will not play the old stuff and give us something completely new and fresh….hey hey?? with more lazers or whatever junior has in the flux compacitor . I think its fair to say being they have been writing for 5+ years……..what do you peeps think?

9 years ago

Double album is what I’ve been saying from the beginning… what about a quadruple concept album now?

In other news… well there is no other news worth reporting… the weather sure is nice!

9 years ago

Justin was quoted as saying this was the biggest project of their career. Hopefully that means it WILL be a double album of music.

at this point, i don’t really care. I just want an album that is great, and it would be awesome to get it by the fall of this year.


9 years ago

i didnt get much new news out of the new years message. just that they are writing and enjoying it more now ? or maybe its cause of the court stuff and its getting better ? either way it wasnt enough for me to think about it much. its going on 9 years this coming May since 10k came out. just from everything the past couple years u think THIS year it has to come out. thats why i think its coming out. not any speculation about anything less or more. but for fun, i have my doubts about a… Read more »

9 years ago

Total: 13 YRS
Let’s subtract the bonus album salival which was a 4 year gap between Aenima > Salival… it’s a bonus album so we’ll count it as a negative waiting period… 13 – 4 = 9 Years of waiting time…

Pretty abstract way to approach it but hey anything to help with the coping process right?

Album should come out after 9 years from 10K Days.

9 years ago

At this point my guess is that they’ll record it sometime this year (July/August) and then release it early next year (April/May).

No double, triple or quadruple album; Just one awesome new album.

And, I will be thoroughly excited and thankful that they continue to make music together after all this time, because in the 22 years that I’ve been a Tool fan, I haven’t come anywhere near creating art/music that’s as cool, incredible and inspiring as they have.

Thanks for reading.

Reply to  nxrm
9 years ago

Amen to that. If Tool had enough material for a double album they’d be more sensible up release just one album, then wait a few years to release the other stuff. I hope I’m wrong

Reply to  nxrm
9 years ago

I’d also be happy with a single album but how shocked would we all be if a double came out?

9 years ago

Why do people keep making predictions on when they will start recording?
How do you know they haven’t already started…. It’s not like there will be an update on Toolband that reads “the bros are in the studio”.

Reply to  Baseball_TOOL
9 years ago

Because it’s fun and what else do we have to do whilst discussing TOOL. We are all in high anticipation of the new album… do you want us to sit and talk about a bunch of albums that are decades old? Because I’m sure we already do that anyways. It’s good fun speculating man, that’s all.

9 years ago

Just a heads up I recorded the New Years show w/ Danny and it sounds amazing, you can download it here free without signing up for anything:

Thanks for taking a listen!

9 years ago

Zwerewolf !!, i gotta be the arsehole and point yout Undertow to Aenima wasnt 5 years. a little under 3 years actually. Undertow came out March or May or 93? i dont remember cause i didnt buy it the day it came out but i do recall Aenima coming out Oct 2nd 1996. i was heavily waiting for that one and i remember that morning as clear as yesterday. its been 5 years since then till 10k did its deed and now the wait is going on 9 years this coming May. anyway, i would think this year is the… Read more »

Reply to  bob
9 years ago

Bob you’re totally right haha. You’re never an arse if you’re correcting someone legitimately. Bummer… my calculations are incorrect… but if we leave Salival out of the equation I think we are a bit closer…. I’m not going to go back and do that math though. It’s all in good fun anyways… they may not release this album for another 10 years who knows? I’m sure they’ll be in the studio at least by summer though… maybe… that’s all we have… “maybe”… 🙂

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