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Tool January 2015 Newsletter released

Tool’s Newsletter for January 2015 has been released, and you can find it on the bands website. It contains a few hints that another song is complete on the new album, and also that there may be more news to come soon (though to be fair lots of newsletters suggest this). It also contains a Q & A section, which doesn’t really answer anything too compelling, but I found to be quite funny. Here’s a excerpt:

Q: “If I pay extra…. like $40… can I get the shirt with out the stupid poem?”

A: Nobody likes a Wisenheimer, but sure you can pay $40.00 for the shirt without the esoteric verses (which aren’t being offered now anyway). And I will be checking with Merch to see if you really buy one NOW that you’ve had your moment of glory…

COMMENT: “ I placed an order [for the Crowley tee-shirt] on the 17th [of January] with the confirmation #666. Made my day.”

REPLY: All confirmations are 666. Just kidding. How fortuitous! I hope that the Wisenheimer sees what he missed by not ordering one with the stupid poem…

Happy Trails!

Some shitty poetry

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9 years ago


9 years ago

sigh, another month, more spinning wheels and disappointment.

9 years ago

Maybe a small Seattle/Northwest show? Mentions Rance Q Spartley as well as smaller fake shows before a real big tour in response to the person wanting to be a roadie.

Reply to  Alittlevil
9 years ago

Enough of the touring on nine-year old material. That is just ridiculous no matter how much they enjoy touring. With all of the new family members and other interests/bands their sole focus should be on completing what will hopefully be a masterpiece worthy of touring on for nine more years. Past mini tours haven’t seemed to “get the creative juices flowing” as they hoped. Or maybe they did. Hopefully the lawsuit is done and we can hear that officially soon. Stay focused and get it done, guys!

9 years ago

Cool! Another song finished. Double Double

9 years ago

i love these news-about-more-news-to-come letters………

9 years ago

I’ve come to this site for years, but never registered to leave a comment. I really appreciate the effort that’s put in to keep the content current and entertaining, so whoever is responsible I give major thanks. With that said, I’m more than discouraged that we will ever see great music from these guys again. It feels like they’re making an album more out of obligation than inspiration. They’ve found more reasons not to make the album than ways to make it. They don’t owe me anything… I don’t feel “entitled” to another album in any way. I’ve received way… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
9 years ago

Maybe obligation is a poor word choice. I really have no idea how passionate they are or what motivates them as a band. I know that it takes me no more than a couple weeks to track and record multiple tracks of my own music. My music sucks, but I get a product out damn fast. I know Michaelangelo didn’t paint the Sistine chapel in a day… it took him 4 years.

4 years

Reply to  Melchizedek
9 years ago

Haha… excellent analogy! If anyone has not seen the Sistine Chapel then you must do so at some point. It’s staggering that a work of art of that magnitude took 4 years yet an album has been 8 years and counting… it’s kind of sad. That being said, I know the next Tool album will be amazing. I definitely am getting tired of these more-news-to-come newsletters, though. I know that many people believe that Problem 8 does not exist but if it does they need to release it. It’ll tide some fans over and give them an excuse to do… Read more »

9 years ago

Haha… nope no revelation. But even relative to themselves they’ve slowed down considerably, and that’s not without cause.

9 years ago

Ya, i see what Melchizedek is trying to say. they have taken the longest this time compared to ever before. the small tours started off as a cash grab. i could go on further about that but i think its pretty clear and obvious..not that i didnt enjoy the shows. i did but still. that was the beginning of tool doing things in a different way. (the 10k tour was also a whaat? sorta moment after awhile) they have changed. they are older. im hopeful the album will be good but i think Aenima and Lateralus will always be their… Read more »

9 years ago

The Magnum Opus, The Great Work, the ‘gold’ at the end of the alchemist’s journey. Those are the things that come to mind when envisioning this album and where the band has been taking themselves over the years. Have mentioned it here before, but Blair’s oftentimes strange use of the word ‘decoy’ since before 10k Days came out has always struck me as just such… 10k Days was/is the precursor to an album that will blow the roofs off anything we’ve ever heard or experienced, acting as the perfect decoy to ‘whet the appetite’ as they complete their ‘thesis paper’.… Read more »

9 years ago

This will not be a disappointing album… And I happen to believe that it’s going to be a double double, animal style.

If I’m wrong about it being a satisfying album then you can all point your fingers at me and laugh for the rest of eternity. If I’m wrong about it being a double album well who cares if it’s single or double? It’s still a new TOOL album…

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

Hate to break it to you, fanboy. But people on here have been commenting way, way, before you ever started that it could well be a double album.

Reply to  Maynerd
9 years ago

Um… first of all… what’s with the “fanboy” shit? I get so sick of hearing that… it’s like a passive aggressive way of being a little bitch on a forum. Second, when I first posted my thought of a double album over a year ago, I had yet to see any other postings of such. While I am aware that they may have already existed, I hadn’t seen them yet. Thirdly, how about you shut your fucking mouth and quit stirring a metaphorical pot of shit storm? While I hadn’t yet seen any talk of “double album” when I posted… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

I’m sorry, on a second read of this last rant post I kind of realized that I had really not thought it through and feel that I may have said too much…

You see… in the first paragraph, “like a passive aggressive way of being a little bitch”… that’s a little bit of a redundancy. I’d like to be a little more direct and choose one term over the other as they are the same anyways and say that you’re always being such a little bitch in these forums.

Thank you.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

I understand that you are angry, and upset with my comment. You stated that you are furious about being labelled the ‘fanboy’ of this forum.
You stated that you, ‘Get so sick of hearing that’, and I see that a statement like that shows that you realise that you have had to endure being told that on here many times.
Your outburst towards me was both malicious and very hostile.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

There was talk in June 2004 that 10,000 days was going to be a double album. Blair brought it up to the band in the webcast.

Reply to  Maynerd
9 years ago

…and the best part was when username “Maynerd” called someone else a fanboy lol!

Reply to  Hotdog
9 years ago

Beautifully said Hotdog.

9 years ago

Maybe its going to be a signed E.P available for 150 bucks like the crappy rerelease of Opiate was. haha 🙂

Reply to  bob
9 years ago

HAHA! The ultimate slap in the face…

9 years ago

“(Note: Actually, that’s NOT the ‘dark clouds part to reveal blue skies’ event that I was planning on reporting in this newsletter, but with Mercury still retrograde – you know,…” Is this a reference to the court case, perhaps? Those dark clouds that have supposedly been stifling the creative process? If so, it sounds like a positive for the band’s side. I reckon it’s Blair’s way of letting us know. After all, I don’t think he’s commented much on the case. I’ll admit, since Jan. 22, I was anxiously checking the toolband website for a newsletter or any word on… Read more »

9 years ago

Also, I’d wager that Danny and Blair’s project has something to do with the website, being how Danny just updated his. (And finally just a few of many observations from newsletters dating from Aug. 2014-Jan. 2015) Danny’s having a boy/drum tech. Congrats! Maybe some wax in the works? As BMB has mentioned in recent newsletters such keywords and phrases like “carnauba wax” (which was used in old phonograph records) a couple of times, “in the process of waxing,” and “With no pressing Tool related news at the time (at least that I can speak of)” after having just informed us… Read more »

9 years ago

The newsletter isn’t even convincing that a new track is done.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
9 years ago

Not to you…

Reply to  chonus
9 years ago

Probably because I read this part…

“Taking a final glance, I noticed the magical words, “The End.” I assume that this means that the musical arrangement for this particular tune is finished. Or does it just mean that the guys know where and how it will end? When I go back this weekend to continue working on the project with Danny (don’t fret, the guys don’t work on the weekends), I will be sure to see if anything has changed.”

Blair is basically blowing smoke up proverbial asses.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
9 years ago

Again, which is why it is not convincing to you.

I see it differently, which is fine all the way around.

The court case seems to have been settled out of court. Therefore, the “dark clouds” no longer rain over the band at every step. I do believe he is letting on more than most would like to believe.

Just a difference of opinions. Take it easy, eE.

Reply to  chonus
9 years ago

(please read the following as though I have a smirk on my face, it might help. or maybe it will make me seem like an ass, idk) No, not a difference of opinion. All Blair is reporting is that for one particular piece they have a white board mapping out the different sections and one of them happens to be called “The End”. Then Blair virtually says “Well that could mean it’s done or they just know where they want it to end. I’m not sure, I’ll have to ask.” For anyone whose ever created a piece of art or… Read more »

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
9 years ago

Oh fo sho. I was mainly talking about his “note: dark clouds part to reveal blue skies” line that he says he WAS going to report on but instead talked about the asteroid passing close to earth. If not the court case, what dark clouds does he speak of? I’m convinced he’s referring to the court case, which apparently has been settled. I hear ya with the song info. It has to be taken with a grain of salt. However it’s gotta be true one of these times, right? Shit, who knows. This type of thing could go on and… Read more »

Reply to  chonus
9 years ago

As in, the catalog insert of the other Tool albums is the media itself. Play the actual cardboard insert.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
9 years ago

So yeah, my bad, you were talking about the song part and I jumped in with something else in mind. Blair’s not giving anything away, yet he’s giving it all away. That way afterwards he can say with a grin, “See, I was telling you along.” I don’t disagree with what you wrote. I do kinda think big things are happening all fronts. A live double dvd in the spring, website, cardboard vinyl, cotton candy, new album, videos, the whole works. Everything a true tool fan would want. And more. Because well, if they didn’t, if they let this one… Read more »

Reply to  chonus
9 years ago

At the risk of another overly lengthy post I’ll just keep it at; I don’t really have any thoughts or expectations outside of… there will be a new album (at some point) and that album will either be a definitive statement that Tool have plateaued artistically, or they are capable of experimentation and re-invention and can put something out that is new and refreshing. From my perspective, their albums have told a story, and I believe that particular story to be done. If they are truly trying something new for this album sonically, with the hope of it spurring the… Read more »

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
9 years ago

Word. Thanks for the reply.

Take it easy, amigo.

9 years ago

The only thing I took from it was the part where he said “verses,” does that refer to Maynard writing lyrics? maybe? probably not. “Although I knew that I was looking at a new musical arrangement (with verses, time signatures, and stops),”
They really ought to throw fans a bone, give us a singe damn riff. One thing to talk about, not to complain about. Excitement for this band right now is so low its insane.

Reply to  Intension
9 years ago

They don’t ‘throw bones’ to the fanboy community. Fanboys like Zwerewolf.
They will keep everyone waiting for information as long as possible.
I don’t blame them. Why bother..
They know a new album release from them will go to number 1 on the charts straight away.

9 years ago

Truth is, they could care less rather it’s a hit, or a miss. Of course, it will be a huge success. We know and they know. But, they don’t give a shit either way. We all know that they don’t make records for the fans. They do it because they like making music together. I don’t think They don’t have any time lines to follow this time. No contractual agreement would allow this long of a time period between albums I wouldn’t think. They are just doing it as they see fit… However long it takes.

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