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Is Joe Barresi the closer?

Adam posted a pic on Instagram a short while ago, showing Joe Barresi at a large mixing desk with the quote:

*A little taste ~ Mixing a would be jam with Evil Joe Barresi. ~ #Tool

Looks like something is on the final stretch. Unless Tool are playing their cards very close to their chest, I don’t think it’s the new album!

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9 years ago

I wonder what he means by “a would be jam”??? I’m purely pulling stuff out of my butt here. But I’m hoping that the “curveball” is 2 discs and that 1 of those discs is currently being mixed by evil Joe. Maybe 1 disc now, disc 2 later.

Reply to  lettherabbitswearglasses
9 years ago

Looks like DC in the background….soaking it all in.

9 years ago

Real interesting wording. He also said would be JAM, which could indicate something live. Or would be something new. I don’t know man. The part that confuses me is why if they are trying to get an album done would they spend so much time on a curveball? I hope it’s just the new album already.

9 years ago

I think we are all speculating too much here with regard to the wording of “would be jam” and the ‘curveball/closer’ references. However, I’m happy my Joe Barresi guess was right. So my next guess here is that Tool have finally put together at least 4 or 5 pieces of music (hopefully 8 or 9), complete with MJK lyrics added on, and Joe Barresi is now applying his touch to polish it/them off. My interpretation of Blair’c ‘closer’ post is that he wasn’t even thinking of ‘curveball’ at all. Just expressing himself in a short & cryptic way. Typical Blair.… Read more »

Reply to  mattw
9 years ago

Everyone is speculatin’ too much.

But this pic is for sure evidence that the new album is being recorded and mixed.


9 years ago

Joe did 10K Days, right? Clearly working on a 10th Anniversary reissue.

9 years ago

I feel like its a video/sound clip for future album single. like they did for vicarious……the ‘would-be-jam’ that is.

9 years ago

^Yeah BillyD, Joe Barresi did 10,000 days. Back in August 2005, around the time they hit the recording studio, Tool announced they were releasing Lateralus on vinyl. In October 2005, you could purchase signed & unsigned copies on Toolarmy/Toolband etc. Later that year, the Schism & Parabola DVDs came out just before Xmas. 10,000 Days finally came in May, 2006. So maybe they are doing something similar here: release 10k days on vinyl this year, maybe something else as well (Undertow re-issue, Salival-esque/curveball, Problem 8 etc.) & record their new tunes. From the time they have finished in the studio… Read more »

9 years ago

looks like progress. who cares what Adam says cause its all b.s till i see something real. get with the program people 🙂

9 years ago

Salival II (or something to that effect). Bottrill mixed salival in 2000, year before Lateralus dropped. I’m guessing something similar going on here.

9 years ago

i think it would be gullible to assume that is is the new record… 😉 we’ve seen a video of them in a studio which has been confirmed not to be the new album. now Joe is here to finish something. i think it’s pretty obvious that this is the “Tool project that has been in the works for a while” (Sic! Tool Feb 2015 Newsletter)

9 years ago

Everyone is SO wrong. …its OBVIOUSLY going to be a QUADRUPLE album…duh! Or…..they are each going to release their own individual albums, like KISS did back in the day.

9 years ago

We’re not seeing this album till 2017

9 years ago

Total speculation and fuzzy fragments of memories here. Aren’t they contractually obligated for one more album? Would it make sense to release rehashed live material under contract and then release the new album with new money making singles outside of the label contract? Again, I may be 100% wrong …just spit ballin’

9 years ago


9 years ago

There’s no telling what this is… It could be the new album and they’re maybe just being secretive because of the 99.99% likelihood of an album leak… could be something else. I’m not really down with a re-release or re-master but them being productive and us receiving as much news as we have in the past few months is indicative of the creative juices coming back to them. Honestly, I’m just glad to see them being so productive. We’ve gotten so much news this year vs the last what 5 or so? I think it’s time to relax and mentally… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

Maybe the “curveball” is in fact a curveball! Pure optimistic speculation here but maybe the idea of a curveball release is the precursor curveball smoke screen distraction to what is in fact a new album being released in the very near future??

Hey, it’d be one way to stop leaks. There isn’t much motivation for people to try and leak what they don’t know is being created already!

Reply to  simdog
9 years ago

One of my thoughts exactly. I can’t remember what interview I was reading but Maynard was on the topic of music leaking and Billy Howerdel was in the conversation too if I remember. They both were saying that full albums were a thing of the past and that singles were the way to approach anything anymore because the ultimate question is… “When is this going to leak?”. If they are tight lipped about it and put up a bunch of smoke and mirrors… they may have found a way to prevent a leak… we shall see…

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago

That’s some good fanboy action there.

9 years ago

Arron Harris just posted a pic of what may be a Tool instrument case. Not much, but hopefully even the tool camp is getting excited for good reason?!

Reply to  Intension
9 years ago

Saw that… thought it was interesting as well.

9 years ago

Whatever it is, the timing is interesting. Makes one think about the last few years and realize that everything has been on hold due to that lawsuit, and now things can actually happen.

9 years ago

Isn’t this Maynard’s birthday, and the original release date of Lateralus before it was postponed a few weeks?

Reply to  DRURY
9 years ago

It is Maynard’s birthday… I forgot that was coming up. Very interesting…

9 years ago

Okay, say evil joe is mixing something. What could be expected time frame wise if he just started. What comes next, how longs it all take? What could we guess as an eta?

Reply to  Intension
9 years ago

How long is a piece of string? ‘mixing something’ …. depends on the quality of the recordings; how much material there is (how many takes, plus the intended final duration) … etc etc. Mastering would only take a day if the members were there to give it the OK… something like Tool, who knows. Maybe Bob Ludwig masters it and then has to wait 2 weeks for everyone to hear it and respond. Knowing absolutely nothing about what the project is means you can’t guess. If it is in the mixing stage and its not released 6 months from now,… Read more »

9 years ago

After mixing comes mastering, artwork (sometimes done concurrently), promo and logistical stuff. I’d say a few months.

9 years ago

Couple things I’ve been obsessing over:
1. What did you mean Hellboy on 4/8 when you said to watch this space?
2. On Maynards twitter on 3/23 in response to 9and3noquarter, “way off, way way way off”.

9 years ago

whatever this is about is good news. thats as far as i take it with a wee bit of thought that doesnt come on the screen. its good news! try to keep it healthy i do! 🙂

9 years ago

Yes, at least something music related is happening!

I just wonder whether it is a live album or new material that they have been writing alongside the new album that is a separate tangent to the ideas they were exploring during their writing sessions for the fifth LP.

I’m thinking (hoping) that they release more live tracks that they’ve pieced together from different performances like they did with Pushit; that is a cool way to create the ultimate versions of their songs.

9 years ago

I too am curious on the ‘new direction’ that has been explored…… I do hope that the curve ball is that TOOL has gone more prog exploratory synth’d with a more singable vocal demeanor so they can play their new album in its entirerty(sp?)….and take us to a new dimension on this journey of musical inspirement , exploring the mind, soul, our spirit…………

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
Reply to  budsyralli
9 years ago

hopefully if it is Salival2 it will draw a line under Lateralus and 10000 days as Salival did for Undertow and Aenima. new artwork, new direction. mainly acoustic, piano driven pieces from now on… Barresi is probably mixing a 50 minute version of Wings for Marie…

9 years ago

They probably have so much B-side material that they don’t even know what to do with.

They’ve been sifting through decades worth of live recordings, not to mention all of the jam session recordings they must have stashed away somewhere that contain all of the evolution and origins of TOOL songs throughout the years.

They are sitting on a gold mine!

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
9 years ago

5 words for you – Live Shit Binge & Purge. This could get messy…

9 years ago

^^That Metallica live dvd is a colossal collection of live stuff: two full shows from two different tours plus a few other random bits & pieces. Tool could easily do something like that. Keep in mind they professionally filmed/recorded their last 6 shows from the 2002 Lateralus tour (including both Reno & Oklahoma City where they did the secret ‘Faaip de Oaid’ performances 30 mins after the crowds left) and plenty of recordings from the 06/07 tours, the mini tours of 09/10/11/12/13/14 etc.

They could put together an epic live dvd some day…

9 years ago

It looks like this was a video on Instagram and was just copied by Adam since it has the video symbol in the top corner…..

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9 years ago

He’s obviously mixing a 17 minute segue to put in place of Wings For Marie/10,000 Days on the 10,000 Days 10 year anniversary reissue. There will only be 500 copies priced at $666 each. A great deal considering it’ll be signed by Blair himself.

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