As I was poking around Fourtheye today, I noticed that we’ve actually passed the 10th Anniversary of this site, back on June 8th 2005. It’s been a long and fruitful journey, and hopefully one that will continue for some time yet.
Over the years I’ve made 2,124 posts (2125 including this one) which have gathered over 31,000 comments. We’ve worn out a couple of forums, and even shifted servers over the years.
The site, which started as a way to help Toolarmy members get news via new fangled (at the time) RSS-feed technology, which was something that wasn’t available from the official Tool sites, nor any of the Tool fansites at the time. Facebook was hardly even a thing, with Myspace just starting to make it’s brief rise to the top. Toolshed was being infrequently updated, and a number of other Tool sites vanished into the ether. I even read Usenet posts in, which may or may not still exist. I decided since I wanted a central place for Tool news, that there would be others, and Fourtheye was the result. It should be noted that since Fourtheye came into existence, Toolband has never been updated, and it still doesn’t have an RSS feed. Toolarmy sadly still remains a shadow of it’s former self.
Fourtheye doesn’t survive without the support of many. Dan from Toolnavy and CamelCamelCamel offers frequent support with hosting. Blair from Toolband has always been there clarifying Tool news for me, and answering questions from both myself and Tool fans. Thanks to our many sources out there, some that can be named, and others that can’t that have provided Tool news over the years. Kudos to Kittaan, Kat and others over on the forum. Kat helps fun the popular Facebook Tool Army Members page which no doubt many of you are familiar with.
And of course the hundreds, if not thousands of Fourtheye readers out there. Many of you I know from comments on the site or the forum. Some I’ve even met in the flesh at Tool shows. There are others who have provided me with much friendship over the years, and I’m sure will continue to do so as time moves forward. Of course there are silent, non-commenting readers out there as well. Sometimes the wisest opinion is the one left unexpressed.
Many of you (perhaps not the RSS readers) will have noticed a new theme applied to Fourtheye today. It’s one that is still a work in progress, but I believe offers a good range of features, a modern look, and, increasingly importantly these days – a responsive design to allow better use on mobile devices. Feedback on these changes are always welcome. Simply leave a comment below or get in touch with me privately via the contact form.
Finally, I’ll make a couple of predictions, some of which may or may not be based in information collected over the last few months:
- Don’t get your hopes up for the 2015 release, but you should be somewhat confident that you’ll see a new Tool album in 2016, hopefully before the 10th Anniversary of 10,000 Days.
- The curveball will see the light of day in the next couple of months. It will be a surprise to many, and a disappointment to some.
- European fans will be happy to see Tool doing the rounds in summer next year.
- Don’t be surprised if another show or two happens this year.
- Toolband will be updated in the next 6 months. It still won’t include an RSS feed
- We’ll see a change of direction in Tool art on the next album. Think of the work done by Adi Granov on the Opiate reissue.
Curveball = Live DVD… please for the love of whoever.
Would love it to be a live DVD too! But I have a feeling it’s going to be a video for the extended version of opiate that was performed live on the last tour. 10+ minutes in length. And hopefully in 3d. A lot of folks don’t enjoy 3d so much but I think it would have a superb effect on a tool video experience
Very sharp new look!
Congratulations Hellboy and to all else involved.
Once I discovered Fourtheye it was always my first stop for TOOL information and has been a great way to connect with other like minded fans.
I’m sure this will continue to be a fruitful endeavor for you in the future to come.
Thanks so much for providing such a great website to us.
Great job on the new layout HB, and thanks for keeping this place running.
i think a live dvd is it. many will like, some will be dissappointed that the ‘tool secret’ has been leaked to the masses.
website is looking good, nice work
I think it would have been more appropriate to have waited until the 11th anniversary before updating the site.
Congrats, when was gone you were our only hope, 10 years later the site still rocks!
Fancy new digs, Hellboy.
Sounds like you got some inside info with those little blurbs at the end. I read them as encouraging.
I like the new look and feel! Thank you very much for your work over the years Hellboy. No doubt sometimes a frustrating passion. Much appreciated
Congrats Hellboy! Thanks for keeping us in-the-know with the most frustrating band on the planet.
Thanks Hellboy, always love coming here for a read and the inside info, you’ve built quite an awesome community on here 🙂
Thanks and congrats Hellboy…you do a tremendous job!
Yes..I suspect some inside info you have…although I’ll believe it when I see it!
Ive been coming here for years but don’t often comment. Be assured I’m here everyday getting my fix! (Or looking for updates on my next one)
Love the new look mate; very good stuff, especially the nice little touch with the purple font here and there. As someone else said above, it all looks very sharp so well done. 10 years? Yeah i think I remember it all starting way back then but we were all anticipating a new album and the vinyl release of Lateralus had us all talking. Hope the band has rinsed, lathered and repeated the release strategy/process this time around: a 10 year anniversary of 10,000 days is cool but I’m sure everyone would just like a new 75+ minute record to… Read more »
I’m too used to the old style of the page, but I’m sure it will grow on me. Couple Qs: How do you know the curve ball will be coming out in the next couple months and that the Tool band website will be updated? Wonder how it will look. I’m guessing the curve ball will be a music video. I so badly want a Live DVD. I saw someone write that after they released Lateralus, they had a couple shows professionally filmed. Don’t know if there’s any truth to that. PS. Tool’s Facebook page is Fucking annoying – the… Read more »
Regarding my predictions – as I said, some of them come from sources, some from my interpretation. I’m not saying which ones are which thought! I will say I’d love a live DVD, but I don’t think we’ll get one. I think we will get some live material though.
I agree regarding Facebook comments – I prefer to avoid them where possible. Thankfully the calbre of comments on Fourtheye, both the blog and on the Facebook page are of a higher standard.
Thanks for your responses, Hellboy. Very much appreciated.
Thanks for all the hard work Hellboy. Thee Only place to go for real Tool info, when there is some. Shit, even my old user name finally worked! Site looks nice and seems to work well! I hope some of these rumors come to fruition.
I like the new look.
Thanks for the shout out…
Shout out? Where?
Cool site, cool on the eyes, better sight for all.
Please, for the love of all that is holy or whatever someone posted above, let the curveball smack us in our helmets with some live material, Salival’s Third Eye/Part of Me/Pushit sound fucking awesome, need more!!! IMO, those new riffs in the extended Opiate are a bit of a new song and are not actually part of Opiate. Just can’t imagine Adam going all the way back to Opiate and making a video, doesn’t seem right, especially with Justin now in the band.
Some live material? Def Salival 2… Really hope you are right with Europe 2016 – def suggests new album tour. Think you have done a bang-up job here Hellboy dunno what you do for a living but you obviously put a lot of time and effort into this and I think Tool and Und… I mean Blair owe you one. Speaking of which I think Blair deserves a shout out for rambling for 10 years with nothing much to write about. I think we are nearing the end… Anyone read The Long Walk by Stephen King? We will get our… Read more »
Site looks great! Congrats on the 10 years, how time flys.
Live DVD…I asked Adam to please release it when I got to talk to him at the Vegas meet & greet (2014)… he smiled and said “We are working on it”, but that’s probably just his normal quick response to comments from fans. Everyone knows they said they filmed the last 8 shows from the 2002 Lateralus Tour, but hopefully they’ve filmed newer shows, however I think Junior stated on here that they have not….must be patient. Also Hellboy, thanks for this site. I literally have visited it everyday for 9 years.
If ya had proof he said this, I would be excited.
People say every so often that Tool have had some of their shows filmed, but I have Never seen professional cameras anywhere at a Tool show. Besides, you would think their would be a report somewhere that people have seen cameras at a show.
I think the curveball’s gonna be a music video or something. Maybe they’ve been filming them making the new album (doubt it).
Besides the law suit and injuries, I think there’s something they’re working on that’s be lasting the album. Whaddya think?
2002 was so long ago that I can’t remember exactly, but it was the last 4 shows (at most). It might have only been the last 2 shows.
A recording engineer did a professional audio recording of some of the last 6 shows, as well.
Either way, there hasn’t been another multi-cam attempt since then, although nearly every show since 2001 has been recorded with a single camera about 120 feet from the stage for archival purposes. It’s just a wide shot of the entire stage, so it’s not something that would be used for a release.
After some research it seems the audio recordings were from more than the last 6 shows, as I remember the recording setup being in San Antonio when the dressing room fire occurred. I think that was the first day the recording rig was out there.
Video was later on, possibly starting in Albuquerque or Phoenix.
Nice new layout HB, i like it.
Ever since ToolArmy went dark, this is the only place I go to communicate with other like minded fans. Thanks for keeping my interest in Tool alive, even during their uninteresting periods.
^I wish Junior could give us his thoughts or predictions for the year ahead with regard to what he might already know. I always appreciate the clarifications. Reno and Oklahoma City were in the last 6 shows back then in 2002, and the finished at Long Beach. The Faaip de Oaid thing at Reno would be really cool to see some day…
When they are done, we will all know. That’s about all I know.
thanks for the updates Junior. i would love some live sound board release of any of those shows in flac or CD
Nice site update Hellboi!
…Crickets Chirping…
Congrats HB, has it been so long already? I scarcely remeber a time of internet scouring for tool tidbits without a 4th eye ;p
Looks just dandy on mobile!
Congrats hb and great new look! I think I died a little inside everyday when fourtheye was down and am stoked it’s back up and looking better than ever