This page contains all the latest Tool news and rumours collected by me from a bunch of sources. It also collects information for a range of Tool related acts – usually side projects such as A Perfect Circle and Puscifer, and friends of Tool such as Yob and The Melvins.
If you know anything you think is missing from this page, feel free to let me know!
Tool News
- Tool New Album – Maynard still yet to get music? Recording early 2016?
- Playing Monster Mash Music Fest in Arizona October 2015. Other tour dates seem unlikely at this time.
- Rumoured to be playing the Soundwave Festival in Australia in January 2016 (seems unlikely for now)
- Some kind of video has been recorded. It was initially thought to be for The Pot, however may also be for Opiate, or perhaps something else. Possibly related to the curveball.
- Tool Live DVD – Legal Wrangles/One day
- Toolarmy busted! Toolband update on the way
- 10,000 Days vinyl (tbc)
Adam Jones News
- Side project with Robert Fripp tba
- Side project with King Buzzo and Terry Bozzio tba
- Lustmord vs. Adam Jones tba
Danny Carey News
- Writing Tool songs!
Justin Chancellor News
- Writing Tool songs!
Maynard James Keenan News
- Biography by Sarah Jensen coming in second half of 2016
- New Puscifer album Money Shot on its way
- Puscifer playing November 1 at Monster Mash Arizona
- Puscifer US tour in October, November and December
Other Bands
- The Melvins – Touring Europe in September and October. Across The USA In 51 Days DVD out in November.
- Meshuggah– Playing a few shows here and there. Working on new album.
- Mastodon – Latest album Once More ‘Round The Sun.
- Big Business – touring now
- Yob – Clearing the Path to Ascend out now!
- Failure – The Heart is a Monster out now!
- Trans Am – new album Volume X out now
Loulz, I don’t think those Adam rumors have changed at all since I first came to this site.
New site looks great!
Good job on the redesign!