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Maynard answers 11 Questions

Maynard James Keenan has answered 11 Questions with the AV Club recently, which gives us an interesting insight into his personality. There’s no real news of note contained within, but it is an intriguing read for Maynard completionists. Here’s one of the 11 questions:

7. What have you done so far today?
MJK: I processed three-and-a-half tons of fruit today for a rosé. It’ll be a Grenache-Syrah-Mourvedre Rosé which is probably going into the Merkin Vineyards wines. I actually racked off some Sangiovese Cabernet from the Marzo block here, so that’ll be a Caduceus wine. That was about two tons of wine. It was already fermented and is now pressed. I rearranged all the barrels, and in the morning I’ll be getting up around 6:30 to barrel down stuff that’s been pressed, so there’s been a lot of Tetris today with logistics. All of that to the sound of Joni Mitchell. Almost her whole catalog. Yesterday was The Chemical Brothers. There’s so much we had to deal with today, and it’s basically just me and my friend in the cellar doing all this, so we have to pick a soundtrack based on what we consider our puzzle level. If there’s a lot of logistics involved with moving the pumps back and forth and just trying not to get in our way or do things out of order which will just cause us more delays, we sometimes just put on Joni to keep us on track.

AVC: Is your work maintaining and operating your vineyards and making your wine something you find to be the most personally fulfilling creative outlet for you now?

MJK: I feel like with music there’s so much ego rooted in expressing your thoughts on the thing and your experiences with it. I feel like there’s no real innovation in having some music. It’s more just unique personalities and unique expressions, and you being able to tell your story, and I think I’ve done very well with that. I’ve done it three times where I’ve actually been able to change my perspective and come up with three completely different versions of me. With the wine it’s far more about getting out of the way and letting this place express itself, and I’ve done that well enough to where it’s changed the economic landscape for the state. So all the weird shit we hear coming out of Arizona, I hope what we’re doing is essentially changing a lot of that with our dollars and our votes, our economic impact, and our dissecting of how politics is done in Arizona. The art part of it, being able to express a place and establish something that over time will be passed on through generations, kind of takes it outside of the woe is me dude sitting in his corner boo-hoo lyrics. It’s less about me than it is about this area and that reconnection with food and shelter and clothing and things that matter and transcend time and ego.

Don’t forget that Puscifer are touring right now, playing tonight in Texas I think. You can find all the Puscifer tour dates here!

Maynard James Keenan AV Club

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8 years ago

That actually was a fun read. Some of those questions seemed like they would be “eye balls rolling in the back of my head” questions for Maynard but he seemed to be having fun with them.

Pretty normal dude and a really good sense of humor.

8 years ago

Yeah agree! One of the funnier interviews I’ve read and great to see him having some fun with it. Still reckon he’d be a fly on shit if didn’t end up being Maynard and Cher was showing him a bit of leg…

8 years ago

I’ve grown quite tired of Maynard, his inflated ego, and his supposed ironic sense of humor. Joke or not, I find most of what he says rather lame. That does not, however, take away from the fact that he is a talented lyricist and musician. But I personally want to hear more from the other members of Tool, I would like to hear more from Blaire, and I would like to hear more from Billy Howerdel. How is Billy anyway? Maynard please just zip your lip for awhile. Don’t flame me for my views. I am a long-time Tool fan… Read more »

Reply to  falseidol
8 years ago


The good news here is that you do not actually have to read any Maynard interviews. Note that this statement does not count as flaming you for your views.

I’m surprised that I haven’t seen any hate based on MJK’s fandom of Joni Mitchell – you all know who she is, right? I’ve seen hate on every other artist Maynard seems to mention that doesn’t count as metal or grunge but nobody says anything about Joni. Personally, I like her lots. But her music and lyrics are very whiny and emotionally vulnerable – very unlike melvins/meshuggah/mastodon/whatever

Reply to  SirGreat
8 years ago

I do not hate Maynard. I am just so utterly disappointed by the relatively recent air of arrogance I’m noticing, that others are also picking up on, the subtle Tool/Tool fan snipes, and the fleecing of sheep in the form of wallet raping VIP ticket costs, wine tastings priced through the roof, and the auctioning off of signed paraphernalia (might as well start selling your used toilet paper). Oh and my favorite. Blocking people on twitter when all they do is ask a question or make a fair statement. What’s the problem Maynard? Can’t take an ounce of criticism? *eye… Read more »

Reply to  falseidol
8 years ago

“But I personally want to hear more from the other members of Tool, I would like to hear more from Blaire, and I would like to hear more from Billy Howerdel. How is Billy anyway?

Maynard please just zip your lip for awhile.”

I didn’t realize he kept them from interviewing.

Reply to  Ark
8 years ago

He doesn’t prevent them from being interviewed… just doesn’t have the same level of visibility. I think you know what I mean. I hope you do, anyway. 🙂

8 years ago

Can I just say I abhor Maynard apologists and they should pay for their sins!

When someone utters “spiral out man” I shudder.

Reply to  falseidol
8 years ago

And yet, here your are. On a tool fan site. Where you can read all the maynard interviews you want, complain about him, and encourage a fresh crop of maynard fans to post, “Be patient, Think for yourself, Spiral out”. What an age we live in.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago

I want to clarify that I enjoy the music of Tool, some Puscifer, and I dig everything APC has done. Great musicians. All of them. Please see my recent reply to SirGreat. Just think Maynard is turning into an arrogant SOB and needs to be “smacked in the mouth” just as much as the person he’s directing the same criticism towards. He cannot/will not take an ounce of criticism. You will be shut out. Stop fleecing your fans! I hope I can talk with my fellow Tool fans and point out the things I do not agree with. Things that… Read more »

Reply to  falseidol
8 years ago

Now you’re just getting personal… ;(

Reply to  gamebounty
8 years ago

Not making it personal. Unless I missed something? :\
Just airing my feelings about a rich musician who needs to remember his roots.

I will repeat myself. The reason for him/them (Puscifer mainly) having any clout or relevancy points entirely below them, the foundation upon which they stand now: Tool.

8 years ago

I went to the Dallas Puscifer show, and I have to say that it was more fun and engaging than any of the Tool shows I’ve been too. I LOVE seeing Tool live, but what Maynard has done live with Puscifer is flat out more entertaining (live that is). Of course Tool is more about making music, and Puscifer to me is more about putting on a show. No Puscifer album comes close to a Tool album. The latest Puscifer album was a bit bland to me until I saw it live… and live it’s absolutely fantastic. Maynard was also… Read more »

Reply to  Melchizedek
8 years ago


Reply to  Melchizedek
8 years ago


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