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Tool January 2016 Newsletter

Blair has released the first Tool Newsletter of 2016, and in it makes a prediction that we might see some more action from Tool this year (and not in the touring sense):

As I’m sure some of you are aware, it’s now 2016 era vulgaris (or, if your pseudo-Latin is a bit rusty, 2016 in the common era), and as such, it’s a fair bet that at least a few Tool enthusiasts are wondering what might be in store for the band in the new calendar year. Well, the Criswell in me predicts that 2016 e.v. will be an exciting year (of course, Criswell once predicted that a beam from outer space would turn all the metal in Denver into carbon nanotube rubber!). However, before anyone reads too much into this (again), I have no time tables for anything, and that’s with a sequined tuxedo. As Tool finishes up the current mini-tour in those states where McDonalds first offered sweet tea, what I do have is e-mail traffic that suggests (nay, confirms) that the band making preparations for things to come besides a new record. And with regards to a new album, whether your pateience is waning thin, or if you are content to let the writing process proceed accordingly, perhaps you should check out the following article, as it just might put a smile on your face.

Bearing in mind of course that this is no guarantee that we will see anything. I think at the very least we should see something released in 2016, though I’m not so sure we’ll get an album until 2017 at best.

Adi Granov's Tool tour poster from the show tonight in Duluth

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9 years ago

That CoS article he’s referring to makes a pretty lengthy claim right out of the gate. “It’s strange how a band can become more popular by not releasing music, but Tool have mastered the art of anticipation.” More popular? I doubt Tool’s fanbase has grown as a direct result of not releasing any new material in 10 years, and the article presents no evidence to say that it has. The whole thing kind of reads like a fluff piece. Growing or not, the Tool fanbase is still going to eat up anything Tool, and I think that’s all this thing… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
9 years ago

Any thoughts on that poster art being related to the opiate video project? kinda has that feel, imo.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
9 years ago

Yup, you’re probably on to something. The artist for the poster is Adi Granov, same guy who did the 21st anniversary Opiate re-release.

Sure hope to shit that the (if there is one) Opiate video will be like a Salival package, few extra songs and goodies in there. Hopefully nothing like the Parabola or Schism DVDs, the goodies in those were pretty pisspoor.

9 years ago

As far as that article goes, the only reason I’m pissed off (and am sure a lot of other people) at the delays in the album is Blair. Without Blair we’d have no information, with Blair, we have complete disinformation, would much rather have the former. Does nobody any lick of good for Blair to be teasing us with ‘curveballs’ and him saying ‘in my opinion, the album is halfway finished’. That was probably five-years ago when he said that! Guess that makes sense though. How many January newsletters have we been through where Blair hints at the chance of… Read more »

9 years ago

This will certainly be an interesting year as I do believe we will see SOMETHING. Some sort of Salival-ish type thing is coming I’m sure. That’s probably what they were working on when they crossed Motorhead in the studio (RIP Lemmy).

As for disinformation vs information… Christ… These guys sure know how to string people along.

We have new Deftones, (hopefully) Team Sleep and a full length from Glassjaw to anticipate this year so… stoked on that!

9 years ago

i’m the first one to complain about blair’s occasional bullshit, but this one isn’t on him. nor do i think they boys are playing some sort of a long con with this album. nobody’s planning a complicated PR campaign. they’re just going through the process they need to go through to finish this album.

as for the studio encounter with motorhead, it was confirmed (i’m like 99%) that it happened when the extended opiate was being recorded for the new video.

Reply to  walter
9 years ago

All of the things you said are about the most logical assumptions anyone can have at this point.

9 years ago

My guess is they cant say much with non disclosure contracts and copyright will prevent new material being played or is like Salival when we were waiting for Lateralus they had to release material non copyright conflicted with Volcano. The 1998 3 LP deal was done in an out of court agreement prob singed in blood. The band apparently have a large amount of material they never used, my private hope is they been stashing some from labels and will go independent after the contract and release EP single type projects…AJ even hinted at that. High end recording is… Read more »

Reply to  cam011235
9 years ago

How dare you…

Reply to  cam011235
9 years ago

I don’t have a single clue as to what you’re on about.

9 years ago

I hope it’s not all the way until Christmas for the Opiate video to come out. I wonder if AJ has made (or is making) a music video for The Pot? He mentioned something about that however many years ago.

Somebody else here mentioned this. Don’t usually bands have left over songs when making albums? I wonder if Tool have any.

One thing’s for sure, if I want information, I come here; I feel like I waste brain cells trying to read Blair’s puzzles.

9 years ago
9 years ago

Expect to see a HD Bluray reissue Salival with Vicarious and Opiate added on.

Reply to  casusinflamed
9 years ago

oh not forgetting Parabola and Schism too.

9 years ago

“on the hook” that explains everything. Will people stop guessing at this thing, they have flat out said what it is 100 times now. Its a music video for opiate, nothing more, nothing less. The only good thing I see is that at least its the extended version, which is awesome, and will be cool to hear recorded. Other than that, yeah I will watch the video and enjoy it, but probably twice and that’s that. No one really watches music videos anymore unless there are live parts. And they are on the hook for two, but that does Not… Read more »

Reply to  Intension
9 years ago

I hear you there, but after all these years if this year’s another “nothing” year, then there will be a huge rift. I don’t pay attention much to what Tool are doing. I’m not on the edge of my seat. But now that it’s been 10 years, something needs to come out. It’s been a “needs” for a long while now, but a decade is basically like saying “It’s over”.

Reply to  hellboy1975
9 years ago

The intended meaning was that I care about what they do and don’t do, I’m just not a Tool fan that follows every move they make. I didn’t specify clearly who “the rift” will be between. I intended that if Tool doesn’t do something worth while this year, more fans will be more pissed off and show more disdain. If they haven’t already.

9 years ago

This update was like a punch in the dick! While I appreciated the mini tour, fact of the matter is, we have all waited long enough. I couldn’t give a piss about a video for opiate, extended or not. It’s time for something new! That’s it! It’s how bands usually move forward and reward fans. Not by re-hashing and re-releasing a song we have all listened to countless times before. An extended version?! WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK! Keep that shit and give us a new fucking song for fucks sake! _rant over_

9 years ago

I personally am excited for future creative art releases from TOOL. whether blankets or quilted wizardry of the sorts…..synth’s and thinking puzzles……..the making of new album documentary giving us a glimpse into their sonic/cosmic/creativity , with nano guitars and mandala forced tablatry……..cant fucking wait

9 years ago

I’m certainly looking forward to a great year filled with Tool releases!…lol… What’s that saying? Fool me once…? I predict 2016 will end just as 2015 did. With absolutely nothing. As for that article, there is no way this delay is some carefully orchestrated scheme. There seems to be certain members of this band who are just flat out lazy and/or have ADD (which causes them to start project after project and finish none of them). THAT is why this band has produced nothing in 10 years… not because of lawsuits, nor health issues, nor family changes. Laziness and ADD,… Read more »

Reply to  sudnshok
9 years ago

I agree that 2016 will end the same as 2015 with jack and shit. How long has the curveball been just around the corner again? What about The Pot video? Instead they say that there is an Opiate video coming… wait, it was supposed to have been out for a month now. I’d love something new but I’m not holding my breath. All I can realistically hope for is another mini tour that I can attend.

Reply to  sudnshok
9 years ago

I’m in the same boat as you. I keep my eyes open and its fun to come here and bitch. but I’m only here because Kabir doesn’t do much with tool navy and I forgot my password to tool army. I even recently sold my salival box and got a decent amount of $$$. Rock is struggling. most bands have to bust ass and kill themselves on the road just to make a living. at this stage I’d rather support and love a band that warrants my attention. and tool hasn’t been that type of band for me in years.… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
9 years ago

meh. real
Rock bands don’t really need that stuff… see high on fire. Also they don’t call it smoke and mirrors for nothing. still HB. you run a real nice fan site.

Reply to  hellboy1975
9 years ago

rad! you’ll enjoy it…. I saw them a few months back in LA. they killed.

Reply to  smithersSOCAL
9 years ago

Yeah let’s have every band be the same. The world would have been better off without all the visuals pink floyd had in their concerts.
Everyone be hipster now and listen to “real” music that doesn’t require silly visuals. Fuck eyeballs!!!

9 years ago

I would be satisfied if they announce a new Europe tour. It’s been about 9 years since their last visit?? I’m surprised that nobody argues on this… =)

9 years ago

We as Tool fans should be in no rush. If ten years without an new album hasn’t made you patient nothing will. Whenever it arrives, I have a strong feeling that it will be the final album. We know nothing because the band wants us to know nothing. If you haven’t come to grips with this you may want to follow a band that has not achieved enough success to completely control their own activities. Tool is a great band but the release of their new album should be a minor detail in the grand scheme of our lives.

9 years ago

No there stage production has become an integral part of their live sets. The sets have been killer. I saw three songs I never thought id see this tour! Im starting to really feel, they say nothing because there is not much to say, and when forced, they something little because of that. Im also getting the awful picture a lot of its about record company hassling. The mini tours have been awesome. And pretty much the only thing good coming out from these guys, so hopefully they continue. Opiate video… idk. if it was a salival type deal, which… Read more »

9 years ago

Hellboi, I just thought I’d say to you what (it seems) no one else would say.
I know you made an effort to request a Q&A for us all with Blair last year.
That was successful, it was interesting. I think all of us were surprised at how generally honest and ‘clear’ he ‘seemed’ to be in terms of the future of Tool.
Sadly, any kind of promises Blair made have not occurred.
If you actually read this, Blair. Don’t feed Hellboi a load of propaganda.
He has put a lot of time and money and effort into this forum.

9 years ago

I usually don’t leave comments and try to ignore all the negative nanciess who speak like they’ve never been smacked in the fuckin mouth, however, I’m gonna have to join wrestle with the pigs. Tool is one of the most powerful creative forces existing in this creatively deprived world where artists take advantage of their success and begin to compromise their artwork. Say what you want about Tool milking the fans with excessive touring and particular non-album releases, but they have never compromised their artwork (new musical material). There isn’t a band out there that’s able to invoke spiritual movement… Read more »

Reply to  toolman666
9 years ago

Yeah, Tool is great but to call them one of the most powerful creative forces existing would indicate that they actually CREATE stuff 🙂 It’s been 10 years since their last burst of creativity was unleashed. It’s true that when they do release something it’s great. I also agree that they owe us nothing but when fans are told that they’ve been working on a new album for the past five years, and when they say that some sort of curveball is just around the corner for years, that there is a video coming with the date already past, and… Read more »

Reply to  toolman666
9 years ago

There’s TOOL without the fans. We buy the music and pay to see them perform live. Without us fans they wouldn’t be where they are today. So they DO owe us something.

Reply to  casusinflamed
9 years ago

There’s no TOOL without the fans is what i meant. Without fans they are just four guys jamming in a room.

Reply to  toolman666
9 years ago

Never fear! Opinion Warrior is HERE!

9 years ago

I would rather them continue to talk about the album year after year and know that the creative juices are flowing than to just hear crickets. I know that’s the same with most fans. Problem 8s whereabouts have already been indicated in a previous newsletter. It’s already in the hands of few and the people who possess it probably don’t know it. You can go back and check the old newsletter but best guess is that it’s in the Aenima RIAA platinum vinyl. Blair states he can’t recall if it was Justin or Paul who played on it but thinks… Read more »

9 years ago

They certainly do not owe us anything. That being said, maybe they should allow Blair to speak anymore. We keep being told a new album is coming and it is nowhere near completion. I remember Danny saying it would be released at the end of 2011. It would be cool if they shared more with their fans. But we now know that will never happen. The only thing that matters is if they can release one last great album. I hope they do, but am no longer looking forward to it or excited. For them to keep saying they are… Read more »

Reply to  DRURY
9 years ago

I saw Volto for the first time in 2010, and it was my first time meeting Danny outside of the baked potato. I asked about the new Tool record like a typical fanboy and I shit you not he told me that they already had 2 songs written and that Maynard had some music. I was like a kid in the candy store. Here were are 6 years later. Trust me I understand the frustration. I don’t think that it’s all intentional. Maynard has referred to Adam as a control freak a few times in the past in interviews and… Read more »

9 years ago

They are still a great live band. First show on this tour they had some great moments and parts of the show sounded amazing.
They have been gifted with chemistry and that part is easy for them. What seems to be difficult is knowing how to top themselves or improve their craft in a way they can all agree upon.

Who knows. It’s just not worth even talking about anymore until they are in a studio recording.

Reply to  DRURY
9 years ago

And yet here you are talking (bitching)…….. Get a hobby.

Reply to  njbrey15
9 years ago

Do I know you? Fuck you.

Reply to  DRURY
9 years ago

No, you dont know me, but why are you (and countless other “fans”) still here?? You said it yourself you’re not looking forward to/ excited about the new album. So i guess im wondering why dont you go find something (a hobby!) youre looking forward to/ excited about instead of coming here and being negative. Fuck you very much.

Reply to  njbrey15
9 years ago

Why are you obsessed with me having a hobby? Kind of creepy. I have a few hobbies, if you must know. One of them being bass guitar and writing music.

I’m here because I’m talking about Tool. I didn’t only “bitch”, but gave a positive review of their recent live show. I said they have great chemistry.

You, however are “bitching” about my perceived “bitching”, so maybe it’s you that needs a hobby?

9 years ago

I have to admit, Tool’s Facebook page has become such a source of comedy for me personally. Whenever Blair makes a post about a Volto show/VIP Tix/Danny Carey Merch/Puscifer crap/Blair’s own lame ass Crowley inspired GARBAGE/etc… The amount of utter brutal vitriol that is thrown out in the comments is SO entertaining. Some of the comments are very, very, creative. Anyone who doesn’t use Facebook, I would highly suggest creating an account just to ‘like’ the Tool page to see the comments. It is outstanding. I’m sure the band find it hilarious.

9 years ago

I still enjoy seeing what people here have to say about or beloved toolio. complaining happens, i do it and get it like others do. right now though, to say no new album is coming this year is waaay too early to say that if you ask me. give it some time. its basically the start of the 2nd month of the year now. loots of time 🙂 give it some hope!!!

Reply to  bob
9 years ago

about 6 months after entering the studio the album will drop. and mjk is touring for the next couple months. can’t see it happening this year.

Reply to  bob
9 years ago

Recording albums in secret and dropping them out of nowhere has been gaining more popularity the last few years… Massive Attack is releasing two EP’s (one is already out) and a full length out of nowhere this year. The Josh Homme & Iggy Pop album was done in secret, Hesitation Marks was done in secret, Team Sleep was working together in secret… Seems like that concept would be right up the TOOL alley. I know I’m probably missing some other bands…

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
9 years ago


9 years ago

we shall see, as they say. either way,we cant do much about it, can we ? so we better get use to it. whatever that means 🙂

9 years ago

i think that if tool tried to record something in secret we would all look back on the last year and be like duh of course, that wasnt much a secret all along. minus the misinformation.

9 years ago

Got to see the guys in both Houston and Orlando. Great shows. Orlando was particularly good. We were in row 2 just to the right of the stage. There weren’t that many people there because it was labeled an obstructed view. We got to see the guys real good going on and off stage. We had a direct, clear line of sight to Maynard and Danny and most of the time Adam. Didn’t see much Justin where I was at. From that spot it was interesting, like viewing the concert from a different angle, in a different light. Usually I… Read more »

9 years ago

We’ve been duped and taken for a ride (Well, some of you have,- I fully gave up two years ago) by the biggest failures and idiots in music history. Tool suck.

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