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Maynard suggest Tool have found “common ground”

In a recent interview with The Press Enterprise, Maynard James Keenan mostly talks about Puscifer , but also gives us an interesting statement about Tool, as well as expressing a desire to work on A Perfect Circle again:

Keenan said he hopes he will work again with his main A Perfect Circle collaborator, Billy Howerdel, and make new music with that band. As for Tool, there have been signs of life recently, including a 17-show tour this past January, but Keenan wasn’t promising any new music from his main band.

“We’ve found a common ground,” he said. “We just can’t seem to move forward.”

Hopefully some progress forward is made sometime in the next 6 to 10 months.

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8 years ago

“The people in the audience, you’ll have a huge percentage of them that are (mad) because they didn’t get to see the ‘Money Shot’ songs. But the other ones will go ‘That’s what Puscifer is. We got to see the weird show, the random one.’” Interesting considering that the Nard doesn’t usually like to change the set lists. With Tool it’s one thing, but even on Puscifer’s last double header at the Ace in Los Angeles, they only changed out one song (Smoke and Mirrors for Humbling River). I think the Puscifer audience is more flexible than he thinks. He… Read more »

8 years ago

Going to repeat what I wrote almost a decade ago: this band is (or should be) cooked.

8 years ago

Is this negative or positive? ……The common ground.

8 years ago

he cant find an audience thats open minded enough for puscifer. maybe hes in denial and cant realize maybe people think puscifer sucks a bit ? their are fans. so i dont get that anyway. if you guys are saying the setlists are mostly the same then thats another thing as well. ”cant seem to move forward” makes sense. poor tool! damn!

8 years ago

I haven’t given up faith (yet) on the Opiate video…I think that will come out before the end of the year – also, someone from one of the VIP sessions mentioned they were developing 2 music videos, presumably the other one is for The Pot, so hopefully those will get released as a little package-type deal…I just can’t believe they’ve released literally nothing in all these years.

I’d love to hear some new APC material…and there’s the inevitable Money Shot remix album that will probably show itself sometime this year!

Reply to  aenimal
8 years ago

The Opiate video was supposed to be released before Christmas 2015 so I guess a year late for a video to a song that was released 24 years ago sounds about right for these guys.

8 years ago

I guess this means we’ll get a new APC album and tour in a year while Adam, Justin, Danny are still being useless.

8 years ago
8 years ago

I’ll take some new APC.

8 years ago

I truly do not give one fuck about Puscifer and can’t understand how anybody really could (to each their own). As for TOOL… that writers block must be painful for them I can only imagine. Mildly excited to hear chatter about APC. However, I think Billy may have writers block as well. Anything after Thirteenth Step was sub-par and he was supposed to release a second Ashes Divide album which is still nowhere to be seen… I really don’t care about Ashes Divide either but I’m making a point about writers block here. Ultimately I think we can safely say… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

I gave puscifer a chance. frankly it’s boring and not all that funny. MJK is a world class multitasker but a comedian he is not. actually I don’t care for any of the bullshit side project stuff anymore. don’t care for the lame jazz ensembles at the baked potato. Etc…. I want new tool music. if they can’t get it together. call it a day and stop ripping off fans with tours comprised of 15 year old songs. I saw an interview with I think Carina? she was all “if you don’t get this by now it’s not for you.”.… Read more »

Reply to  smithersSOCAL
8 years ago

I’d have to agree with you on everything you said about Puscifer. Boring, I’ve tried to listen to them several times, Maynard is no comedian and the rest of the band are just hanging on to whatever the fuck he wants to do… I can’t blame them if music is their main profession because it’s wildly successful and that means steady work. However, if you’re happy farting on a snare drum and calling it art… that’s really sad. I also have to agree that all the side projects are mediocre at best. I sometimes feel that the people that put… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

What’s this nonsense now? SNW is their second best and only because of a few creative hiccups doesn’t quite reach to White Pony levels of amazing. After the lackluster self-titled album that reeked of the band “trying to get back to its roots” or some shit, SNW despite almost tearing the band apart has by far the most cohesive combination of everything that makes the Deftones great this side of White Pony.

Reply to  atarigw
8 years ago

Wow that is the most insane review of Saturday Night Wrist I’ve ever heard… I really don’t get it. Self titled was a bad ass album aside from the single Minerva. How is “Deftones” a trying to get back to their roots album? I don’t hear any rapping on the album and the band is not the most fond of their “roots” and they are very open about that. What bullshit article did you read? Saturday Night Wrist was a total financial flop and the band were in complete turmoil and didn’t even write the album all together. Chino didn’t… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

it’s funny. while it’s not not my favorite. Saturday night wrist has some good songs. I’d say kimdracula is one of deftones best songs…

Reply to  smithersSOCAL
8 years ago

I listened to it a couple times after work last night…. Kimdracula has always been one of my favs from that album. Xerces is pretty good and so is U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,A,B,Select,Start. I also like Cherry Waves and Riviere a lot… I like Saturday Night Wrist it’s just by far my least favorite. For fun, and this can probably change at any given moment… 1. White Pony (because… White Pony) 2. Koi No Yokan 3. Around the Fur 4. Diamond Eyes 5. Deftones 6. Adrenaline 7. Saturday Night Wrist I imagine that Gore will take 7’s spot and 7 will become 8.… Read more »

Reply to  atarigw
8 years ago

I agree with everyone who replied to you… their self-titled was pretty great. It was a bit meatier, and a several moods going on there…

8 years ago

what if he’s being tongue in cheek alluding to “the curveball” ?

Reply to  nad
8 years ago

Curveball is a live Tool DVD featuring the band performing the entirety of “Fragile” by Yes

8 years ago

Wow the saltiness in some of you pathetic..

“Maynard didn’t say anything good about Tool, so fuck his band
Puscifer. “

Reply to  Baseball_TOOL
8 years ago

No… fuck Puscifer because Puscifer sucks and some of us are tired of hearing about them. TOOL fans don’t have to be Puscifer fans or APC fans or MTvoid fans or Volto fans or Alex Grey fans etc…

If people think Puscifer sucks it’s simply because they think Puscifer sucks and not because of bitterness towards TOOL.

By the way, Puscifer sucks.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

Puscifer is alright. I like it.

For every bit some of you are tired of hearing about it, there are those of us who are equally tired of hearing people bitch about it.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago


Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago

I can see and understand your statement.

8 years ago

I love Tool but it kind of sucks being a fan of them right now, we’ve been waiting for this album for such a long time. Who knows what’s actually happening behind the scenes? I do agree that writers block along with super high expectations are probably playing a role here.

It’s strange but part of me wants them to call it a day after this album if it ever comes out. Most bands don’t create their best material when their members are in their 50s anyway.

Lastly, Puscifer is not that good…Some new APC songs would be really cool!

Reply to  ejc462
8 years ago

I have a strong feeling this will be their last album. I’m totally cool with that concept as well. I’d prefer that they leave us with one last album. Preferably a double album but if only a single album I’ll totally be happy. I think the easy thing to forget is that we’re already happy with what they’ve put out there. I think we forget because they speak of a new album all the time instead of saying they’d like to call it a day. So it drags our emotions out much like that drawn out lawsuit they went through…… Read more »

8 years ago

puscifer doesnt suck. that had probably their most successful tour this last year. i think many of you think that puscifer is the real reason behind why tool has not put out an album and you all hold some sort of anger/resentment to nard. embrace it, know that he is still writing and creating and in the end this will benefit tool more than you know. how many time does he (mjk) or other articles and interviews have to say MAYNARD IS NOT HOLDING UP THE ALBUM? dont hate nardo, hate the game

Reply to  brewdog123
8 years ago

I certainly don’t hold anything against Maynard that’s for sure. I don’t even hold anything against the rest of the band. I just don’t like any of their side projects. Aside from Adam’s artwork of course because he’s really a fantastic visual artist.

Regardless, we could be speculating upon something that is already almost complete. You never know with those guys.

More APC!

8 years ago

hellboy, this is very tangential, but is there any easy way for you to add a +1/like/upvote functionality to these posts? i like the idea of being able to like/dislike comments – it would probably add a nice layer of participation to these conversations. but i also know that finding a good forum client is a pain in the ass, maybe this is a good as it gets. ** as for tool, i wouldn’t jump from “can’t seem to move forward” to writer’s block. the one writer’s block comment we had was like four years ago from justin. the little… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago


Reply to  walter
8 years ago

+1 Seriously, what the fuck is Danny’s website all about? Also, you’re probably right about the writers block, it may just be logistics. He did say that they had “found common ground”. Probably referring to a direction they’d like to take the album.

8 years ago

Baseball_TOOL – get used to it, i basically look at the comments and just LOL these days. Z-Werewolf – what has APC released since 13th step?? Nothing! (a cover album, thats it) Their first two cds were great (far from mediocre) and not because maynard was in the band. You also contradict yourself saying that if TOOL is done, just call it already and quit touring on 15+ year old songs; then a comment later youre praising the “old stuff” saying how great and timeless the songs are and dont mind going to see them play said “old songs” live.… Read more »

Reply to  njbrey15
8 years ago

Wait what? A Perfect Circle hasn’t only done covers after Thirteenth Step… The shit that wasn’t covers… was mediocre is what I’m getting at. I think Passive might have been the only song that was pretty legit and actually you’re right that was a Tapeworm song wasn’t it?? I could be wrong about that but I guess that would make it a cover if true. Touche’…? (By and Down? WTF was that?) Yeah, I do think TOOL should call it a day on saying they are going to write a new album if they are having this much trouble doing… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

I think you may have reading comprehension problems…….. i called you out for your hipocrisy on the “old song” comment not for bitching, that is directed at the countless other people that piss and moan on here. I guess i can t make a statement telling people to chill out without being accused of “bitching”. Got it.

Reply to  njbrey15
8 years ago

I’m the one with reading comprehension problems? Yet I explained in my post exactly how there was no hypocrisy in the comment you were referring to and you still call it hypocrisy?

Cool, thanks for not considering me a bitching person…

8 years ago

Puscifer and APC are great bands as well.
Volto is great, Ect.

Tool is supreme. I hope they release their final album in my lifetime.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

I really enjoyed APC… I only caught them live once and it was when they were doing the “album a night” at each venue. I only caught Mer De Noms but it was nothing short of amazing. I’d love to see them live again.

As for TOOL… Hopefully soon…

8 years ago

New APC would be cool. As far as Puscifer goes , I am a fan. I didn’t really like the first album. It’s grown on me more over the years. I think Conditons is fantastic and money shoot has some good stuff on it. It’s a good live show as well. And if nothing else puscifer lead me to Carina round and I LOVE her solo work. To each their own. No one that is a Tool fan has to like anything else any of them do outside of Tool. No one really knows what’s going on with the album.… Read more »

Reply to  77X42
8 years ago

True, very frustrating. We all want it… Hopefully we will get to hear it some day.

8 years ago

Many people blame Maynard for the lack of Tool music. After attending the VIP session in North Carolina, i’d in fact say the opposite. Adam discussed their writing process quite a bit. Basically, he compared the band to painters. Justin, Danny and Adam are very methodical painters, every brush stroke counts. Every nuance in the painting is just as important as the other. It’s very hard for them to be satisfied. On the other hand, Maynard is a quick painter and can put out all of these pieces in a very short amount of time. It doesn’t mean that one… Read more »

Reply to  Bogart
8 years ago

I certainly don’t blame Maynard for it. We know it’s the other 3. It’s usually the casual listeners that think it’s Maynard because that’s the only name they know from the band anyways. You just reminded me of the portion of the VIP session where Adam talked about how Danny comes in with all these crazy drum rhythms right off the bat and he and Justin are like “Dude… can you chill for a second and do something simple.” I always get a kick out of that it’s so funny. Danny is such a fucking beast of a drummer…. the… Read more »

Reply to  Bogart
8 years ago

I wonder what painters Adam was referring to because I don’t know any that take 10 years to finish one piece. Michelangelo painted the entire ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in 4 years. I really get the impression that the delay is not due to being methodical but more to do with laziness or extreme attention deficit disorder. Such a waste of talent. I’m at the point that I wish Danny (who I feel is the most talented in the band) would find a new group of metal guys to write with. I’d love to see him get together with… Read more »

8 years ago

holy ! lay off with the spam already! this post makes my head spin! 😛

8 years ago

I said It a while back and I’ve been saying it for a long time, – you people have been taken for a ride. Some of you are just now starting to realize what I did a long time ago, – if Tool were to ever release another record it would be a fluke. The reason Maynard is on record as saying Tool fans are pathetic and dumb is because he sees you take serious and pine away for something he gave up on a long time ago. He makes money and satisfies his artistic craving from his wine, Pucifer… Read more »

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

This is probably pretty close to the truth. Any of us that saw them a couple years into the 10KD tour noticed the band was fractured.

As of late, they are able to have good shows because they’ve been blessed with that amazing chemistry, but let’s face it…they do the absolute bare minimum for a set list. Shows are short and never change. It’s a shitty aspect of life that happens in relationships, where you can have all the chemistry in the world, but if you lose respect for that person along the way, it will never be right again.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

I think there may be some truth here but I’d say that any of the idiots or “retards” (whatever Maynard was referring to) are the people that buy the blanket made from old T’s and the purple cymbal that Danny whacked a couple times and the plastic key chain and the stick that was up Danny’s butt and on and on and on… If you’re still buying the shit then yeah you’re probably delusional. As for simply speculating on what the next project will be, if any, isn’t really retarded at all. I’d say that’s what most of us here… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

Amen, sell music not blankets. They do know how to take advantage of “insufferable” peoples’ money

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

Yeah, the Opiate re-release really was a joke. At least remaster the album or something. Actually, they really should have released it with the new version of Opiate. I strongly considered buying it but then I realized that I don’t sit and stare at packaging anymore. Whatever. I love Tool but I want new music, or something new-ish like the new version of Opiate.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

+1. I don’t know that I’d go so far as to call fellow t00l fans idiots. it’s not all our fault. every year the drummer comes out and says “nearly done. most likely recording by years end”. and then the guitarist comes out and tells
people “smoke on the horizon”. and then Blair comes out and takes a big mystical shit. and writes to tell us that he “may or may not have heard new music”. …. mayjay seems to be the only one telling the truth. and I love him for that.

8 years ago

Thanks for the replies. Stop speculating people. Tool are like the prospective partner who keeps assuring the other this is going to be the year we finally get together, I just have a couple more things to sort out. I really want to be with you, really. Or, the closeted gay actor who swears I really like women, but who’s relationships bear no resemblance to the rest of the PLANET, and are few and far between, if ever.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

So true…they may even believe it themselves…but there probably is nothing left. They still have great sex (live show), but when it comes to actually working together and moving forward, it is DEAD.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
8 years ago

You are all gonna look so silly when they announce a QUADRUPLE album next week…

Reply to  Jethro Tool
8 years ago

Quadruple Deluxe With a 10% off Taco Bell Coupon that is signed by Blair. (Limited to 100 Copies).

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
8 years ago

Ha! I must admit I have started to think this album will never happen and was never intended too.

8 years ago

Gee whiz here I was thinking Tool have found common ground was a good thing!

Insufferable people…. Can’t help them

8 years ago

Joelsy, this is all in good fun and I’m being a troll, but really? ENCOURAGED by TEN YEARS to find ‘common ground, but no ‘forward progress’ ? You are THE case in point.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

Hellboi always with the contrary position…

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Manowarrollins- get off your high horse and STFU. You act like youve got it all figured out and start calling other people stupid for getting excited for some “common ground”. I guess the cool thing to do around here is give up on a band TEN YEARS AGO and still have nothing better to do with your life than troll on one of said bands websites! I just wish i could have figured this ten years ago, then i could be as cool as you whiners on here…….

8 years ago

Blair from the February Newsletter: “I have a different take on the matter, which I will now share with you, even though, with all the secrecy surrounding the new album, and that the loft photo was never intended to be seen by me, I would be better advised not to do so.” Sounds as if the album is finished, doesn’t it? What secrecy? Blair certainly hasn’t been secretive about anything regarding the album, according to him (and he’s in a league of bullshitting nobody has even seen), they’ve been writing/arranging. Poppycock! They’ve been blowing shitsmoke up our noses this whole… Read more »

Reply to  ahlaphus
8 years ago

I completely agree man. This album is coming out soon. People are getting way too bitchy. Lol

8 years ago

Maynard tells it like it is because he doesn’t feel the need to lead fans on.. He’s got other successful projects goin on to support himself. Tool’s a great fuckin band, we all know that & that’s why you’re reading this on this website. People bitch at others for complaining about delays, but what do they expect? Blair’s job is to keep us intrigued, I don’t blame him for trying to string us along. Face it, if the band was remotely close to recording they’d tell us that instead of cryptic messages. They’re not. But in the end they’re gonna… Read more »

8 years ago

“It’s lost. Insufferable people . . . It’s just ridiculous, retards. I’m sorry. Can’t help them. Way too serious. Too much. Lighten up.” Keenan’s answer to that whole pesky “When is the new Tool album coming out?” question, by the way, is “There’s nothing to say.” “Do I seem like a lazy person? Read between the lines” All Maynard quotes. I never called Tool fans names or put them down,- Maynard did. It IS fascinating (and unbelievable) that anyone would take serious, discuss and pine away for a band that claims to be attempting to create and release music but… Read more »

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
8 years ago

I think he accepts others views but he makes a valid point. I remember before Lateralus Adam laughing that ‘of course it doesnt take 5 years to write an album’. It probably takes 6 months tops. So all this time the standard response from any band member is ‘yeah we are writing’ just to please obsessive fans like us. Of course the tease just makes us want it even more.

8 years ago

~Tool~ Common ground , cannot seem to move forward, are these maybe not to be viewed as positive and maybe they all agree that they cannot move any further in their songs?

some call it wishful thinking , some call it over thinking , I call it all possible

8 years ago

I came here in the first place because (it doesn’t do it justice to simply say) Tool were my favorite band ever. I’ve been coming here for years for concrete news of a new album, but look how that’s turned out. My band du jour is Cryptopsy. Let’s compare the two bands activities in the roughly the same time frame. In Cryptopsy s case I’ll stretch it to 11 & a 1/2. Cryptopsy; 2002 Releases ‘And Then You’ll Beg’ 2nd album with new vocalist Mike Disilvo, both praised and criticized as a more focused, slicker upratcheting of ‘Whisper Supremacys’ push… Read more »

8 years ago

Another thing, – I forgot. I mean no harm and I enjoy the feedback, but it’s not like the last three have been perfect. (I’m not counting Undertow,- that’s the work of a different entity. ) Ticks And Leeches and Right In Two are pure filler, The Pot is highly questionable. By most Tool fans opinions, the quality of 10,000 Days is hotly debated. For the sake of argument lets say they have released their ‘Fleetwood Mac’ and Rumours or ‘Songs In The Key Of Life’ and now Adam doesn’t want to release ‘Mirage’ or ‘Hotter Than July’ Understandable. But… Read more »

8 years ago

It was never my intention to be a troll or provoke arguments, so, something different. What bands/albums do you use or recommend as a surrogate for Tool? Personally, I think Tool very much sound like a blend of Yes and King Crimson with Tony Iommi playing the guitar parts, so, any of the 70’s albums by those three bands. Also, I highly, highly, highly recommend ‘The Quicksilver Meat Dream’ by I Mother Earth. Other than that, Soen and Rishloo (especially on Eidolon) get a LOT of things right, but focus way too much on one period of their sound, and… Read more »

8 years ago

Also, the last two by Isis.

8 years ago

For the record, I gave up on Tool 2 years ago, not 10. It’s kind of a ‘Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, …….. Gave up on them two years ago and after all the UTTER BULLSHIT since that time they come out and say “We’ve found common ground, we just can’t seem to make forward progress” This is straight out of the script and playbook for all downward spirals. Their heads are so far up their asses it’s like brand new heads again. For God’s sake, just release stuff recorded to your iPhone or in your… Read more »

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
8 years ago

OK. I really like Right In Two…

8 years ago

I’m starting to feel like Kanye West for all the posts. Sorry. This is the last one (I think) . With 10,000 Days, Tool released their Mirage. Throw caution to the wind Adam, and wireless your Tusk.
Also, Fourtheye community, I highly recommend you check out the band Floater, starting with their 1st and progressing chronologically through the catalogue from there.

8 years ago

… did tool lose their material?

dream theatre belongs back in the arcade game ‘1942’

8 years ago

The Pot is a great song. It flies over the head of some people, because on the surface it seems simplistic. There is a lot going on in the song, and it has an incredible groove.

Right in Two does feel “unfinished”. Good song that could have been great.

Ticks n Leeches is a really good aggressive song. Works when you’re in the mood.

8 years ago

hey manowarrollins, for someone who “gave up on them” you crap on a lot on a fan site dedicated to said abandoned band. Why are you even on here considering the above? And why on earth would you compare Tool to your “band du jour”? Two completely different beasts. And personally I couldn’t give two shits about your fave band, go and wank on about them on their fan site. I’m getting really sick of all the negative comments on here about Tool – if you are all seriously over them and saddened/angry/enraged/frustrated whatever and decide to take a pessimistic… Read more »

Reply to  L-Hol
8 years ago

you couldn’t “give 2 shits” about mano’s fave bands yet here you are commenting. I find it odd that people who comment on message boards then complain about people voicing their opinions. than you proceed to tell everyone what you think the opinions are of people commenting. “I believe the majority of people are happy with their output” and then throw a derogatory troll label just for fun. I actually appreciate mano’s comments. he seemed well thought out and concise. and it was hard to argue with any of his points. now get back to worshiping at the tool altar… Read more »

8 years ago

I do hate when people have endless suggestions of “great bands” to listen to, because it never turns out that way.

8 years ago

They are going to drop there tour de force final album I stick by a lot of this smoke and mirrors is to stop leaks before its dropped. But my god the new deafheaven… New Bermuda? I’m really digging it. Anyone else?

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

yes, please do so!

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

“New Bermuda” has some really good instrumentation but I just can’t get over the dude’s vocals. His vocals are just so shrill and annoying to my ears. Those instrumentals are insanely lush though…

8 years ago

Cryptopsy? Really? … I can’t do the pig dieing vocal bullshit it’s just garbage. Maybe I’m old school idk I hate it

Reply to  Undertowjones
8 years ago

Nope, it’s bullshit.

8 years ago

Thanks smithersSOCAL and thanks to those who recommended Deafheaven,- will check them out. “Cryptopsy- really?” Yes, as I said they were the band I was listening to at THAT moment. They are extremely talented and very creative, especially within a death metal realm. It would been all too easy to stack the deck and pick any of the great artists who’s output positively DWARFS Tools (who’s doesn’t?), but they were SIMPLY THE BAND DU JOUR. I only mentioned suggested bands because I like when people suggest them to me, and often, as a Tool fan, it has been a way… Read more »

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

I see a meme here.

Posts negative comments.

Shocked when people respond negatively.

Really? You still haven’t quite answered the question of, “If you’ve truly given up on Tool, why in the world are you here? ENDLESSLY commenting?”

Because you haven’t. You’re not over it at all. Not in the slightest. So welcome to the club. Maybe tone it down a little with the spam.

8 years ago

Also, you jumped right on Cryptopsy, the easy target, because they choose to play genre defying technical death, but you said nothing about Fleetwood Mac, The Beach Boys and Stevie Wonder, whom I also discussed.

You don’t like it when people recommend artists? I guess Deafheaven and The Deftones beamed themselves into your head through divine intervention then.

8 years ago

Over Tool being one of the greatest bands ever? No I’m not. Over taking them seriously and anyone believing they’ll ever release another album and resemble the other 99% of creative artists that produce and are functional? Very much over that.

8 years ago

Deafheaven – good. Had listened to them before. Didn’t remember the name but recognized the artwork of the 3rd album. Reminds me of Wolves In The Throne Room.

More bands; Abdullah, Sleepy Hollow, Windhand.

8 years ago

There’s just nothing that comes close to tool in my opinion and search man I really do they are just on a whole other level. Although I have great respect for the Mars Volta as well and meshuggah has really grown on me But I come back here waiting. Because nothing nothing has inspired and touched me on a level like all the tool albums throughout my life they really are that fucking good. Something has to be said for the lawsuit drama and maybe they needed time idk man whatever but I don’t hate I just hope they do… Read more »

8 years ago

And to have art , lyrics, intertwining secret songs splashed with themes of alchemy hidden songs , they take years to digest they are literal works of art in my opinion and being an artist myself I have great respect for the amount of thought and time it takes to make that whole package , that one hell of a feat , masterful art takes time and if and when they do another one I’m sure it will be the same and killer. Adam is a perfectionist and I feel he’s doing his magnum opus atleast I hope

8 years ago

I personally feel as if this statement from Maynard is true. But I do not think it has to do with the writing process……it could have to do with logistics of being able to produce what has been crafted.

Could it be that Tool is having trouble choosing an engineer.

Could it be that Tool is having issues with political issues involving their ‘Project’?

Could it be that Tool has to wait in line for their project to be produced?

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

My thoughts exactly….particularly after Danny and Adam said a year or two back that they were working on really heavy ‘metal’-type stuff, I was wondering how Maynard would adjust nowadays to those type of vocals. I took the ‘common ground’ comment to mean they’ve had to re-tool the music a little bit to be more suited to his current vocal capabilities.

Reply to  aenimal
8 years ago

He doesn’t have to sing aggressively over aggressive music.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

Plus his vocals on the title track on Money Shot are nice and mean. I think he still has it in him, but whether or not he does is fine with me.

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