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Tool April 2016 Newsletter

In our absence, Blair has posted the April 2016 Tool newsletter, which includes a censored section for you to decipher (if you are so inclined):

During a recent phone conversation with a certain band member, he told me the following: “Goddamn, I just ******* the *** **** ***** and it was pretty damn amazing! Of course, ** still has to **** **** of * *** ****** before ** **** ********, but what * *** was well ***** *** ****.”

In other news, I was told (again, by a band member) that *** ******** made **** a good *****, so it ***** **** **** *** ** playing the ************** on *******! Of course, this doesn’t take into consideration a grey goo scenario involving self-replicating nanobots, VY Canis Majoris going hypernova, or even the more likely stumbling block of anthropogenic global warming from too many advanced personal vaporizers (APVs) using propylene glycol, which is NOT the main ingredient in antifreeze. There is also some talk about **** *****, but nothing ** ****** ** and, ***** *******at this time. So, keep your toes crossed.

Word has it that the ***** for another **** song has been ******** at the ****, and that the fellows are off to a good ***** on ******* one. So, there you **** it.

Possible interpretations so far include finished tracks, completed videos and confirmed shows, or possibly all of the above. Time will tell I guess, though I hear with very good authority that the Voodoo Festival in New Orleans is all but confirmed.

New Orleans!
New Orleans!
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8 years ago

Can anyone make out what this is saying? Seems a little too obscure for anyone to be sure.

8 years ago

It’s tough, and I haven’t read much of people have put out there as possibility. Here are a couple possible ways to fill in the blanks for the first paragraph. I haven’t spent much time with it to attempt to fill it all out and at least try to make it fit the context. Goddamn, I just WATCHED the NEW TOOL VIDEO and it was pretty damn amazing! Of course, [AJ,DC,JC] still has to **** **** of * *** ****** before IT GETS FINISHED, but what I SAW was well WORTH THE WAIT. Goddamn, I just ******* the NEW TOOL… Read more »

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago

Right…the video part was pretty easy i must say….

here’s the end…

Word has it that the (VOCAL/DRUMS) for another TOOL song has been RECORDED at the LOFT, and that the fellows are off to a good START on ANOTHER one. So, there you HAVE it.

probably drums….

Reply to  greentreee
8 years ago

Could be OUTRO (vocal/drums) and FINISHED (recorded), but I think you got the rest of it.

8 years ago

I just watched the new Tool video and it was pretty damn amazing! Of course, he still has to take care of a few things before it gets released, but what I saw was well worth the wait.

Reply to  aenimal
8 years ago

Makes sense.

8 years ago

I’ll give it a try… In other news, I was told (again, by a band member) that THE MINITOUR made THEM a good *****, so it ***** **** **** *** ** playing the VOODOOFESTIVAL on OCTOBER(?)! Of course, this doesn’t take into consideration a grey goo scenario involving self-replicating nanobots, VY Canis Majoris going hypernova, or even the more likely stumbling block of anthropogenic global warming from too many advanced personal vaporizers (APVs) using propylene glycol, which is NOT the main ingredient in antifreeze. There is also some talk about RIOT FESTS, but nothing TO REPORT ON and, ***** *******at… Read more »

Reply to  fortysixand2
8 years ago

possible correction: “playing the VOODOOFESTIVAL on SAMHAIN!”

8 years ago

Will giver ‘er a try too… During a recent phone conversation with a certain band member, he told me the following: “Goddamn, I just ******* the *** **** ***** and it was pretty damn amazing! Of course, ** still has to **** **** of * *** ****** before ** **** ********, but what * *** was well ***** *** ****.” During a recent phone conversation with a certain band member (DC), he told me the following: “Goddamn, I just WRAPPED the TOY GOAT TWICE and it was pretty darn amazing! Of course, HE still has to TAKE MORE of A… Read more »

Reply to  ahlaphus
8 years ago

I believe yours is more accurate.

Reply to  itoolizer
8 years ago

Not so much an interview, as it is loudwire regurgitating chunks of this newsletter and what maynard said about common ground.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago

This part… Another fan questioned the band’s collective motivation considering the financial success of Tool’s mini-tours and suggested they could just be coasting and riding the wave on their name alone. The webmaster shunned this notion, stating, “If it were just about money, it would be easy for Tool to crank out a mediocre album (that many fans would be happy with; some even considering it to be a great accomplishment!) and tour with it for years. Instead of just riding a wave, as you suggest, I would like to think that – even if they don’t have as much… Read more »

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

I agree with this.

-They set the bar with “Lateralus” and never topped it so that’s the album to beat this time around.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago

Really cute read though.

8 years ago

At least you complainers got mentioned in an article and sure help solidy the notion that tool fans suck. Congrats!

Reply to  njbrey15
8 years ago

Going to a fan website and signing up to be a member (apparently as a non-fan) only to let the fans know they suck. You kick ass sir.

8 years ago

I signed up like whenevet

Reply to  njbrey15
8 years ago

Whenever hellboy started this site.* I am a tool fan, i just get sick and tired of the complainers on here crying about every news item.

8 years ago

Hello, fellow Tool fans, Long time, first time. I’m fortunate enough to live in a state where I’m treated like an adult and can freely indulge in the magical plants that Mother Earth has given us. I recently ingested a healthy quantity of edibles before putting on my headphones to listen to my favorite band. During my journey from Lateralus–>Disposition–>Reflection–>Triad, I had an epiphany. The art that Adam, Danny, Justin & Maynard have already given us is enough. Their music has taken me places that no one else has, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I’m as anxious as… Read more »

Reply to  sularetal
8 years ago

Many of us have complaints because they’ve been stringing everyone along.

If they shut up about it and didn’t act like there was something just over the horizon, what could we say?

But they spent a long time making it sound like the album was almost done.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

Danny said it would be done at he end of 2011. At least 5 years of stringing people along.

At least Maynard’s been honest.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

Fair enough.

It’s just kinda sad that the best information and most inspirational thing from them in years came from a leaked VIP session with Adam that was quickly erased.

Reply to  sularetal
8 years ago

Thank you sularetal.

“The art that Adam, Danny, Justin & Maynard have already given us is enough. Their music has taken me places that no one else has, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
I’m as anxious as anyone to hear some new material from Tool, but the negativity surrounding album #5 is a symptom of just how broken our society is. Be present, and thankful for the gifts you already have.”

Are you reading manowarrollins and drury. Sums you two negative nancies up nicely.

Reply to  L-Hol
8 years ago

“Negative nancy”? That’s lame dude.

I’m massively grateful for tool. Doesn’t mean I have to frolic around like a blind hippie all the time.


Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

Constantly whining and posting negative comments is lame. So is using the word dude.

Go cry in the corner negative nancy

Reply to  L-Hol
8 years ago


didn’t know you were keeping tabs on me so closely. that’s creepy, dude.

8 years ago

In other news, I was told (again, by a band member) that *** ******** made TOOL a good OFFER, so it LOOKS LIKE THEY MAY BE playing the ************** on *******!

8 years ago

One way to look at it:
If they give updates that don’t pan out.


If they don’t give any updates…



It’s our anticipation that makes all this even more frustrating and yet oh so satisfying when it does drop IMO.

@ out…

8 years ago

All of you people that are complaining and all of you people that are complaining about the complaining are really just complaining all together really.

Glad to see unity within the community.

8 years ago

I’m new here but have lurked for years. There’s no way this album, if it ever happens, will be satisfying. The peices of songs I’ve heard sound very unpromising. Same old tired ass Adam riffs. Just like his art, this is getting stale. These guys obviously have zero chemistry anymore. Let’s think about this…..if the album has 12 songs on it, 3 or 4 will be weird ass noises and one will be instrumental. So that’s 9 (being optimistic ) new tool songs with all 4 members on it. That’s like, a song a year. It does not take a… Read more »

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

Adam’s guitar work is top notch. If you don’t hear that, then you’re musically illiterate. He also get points for being pretty damn original and creative. The band is excellent and the snippets of “new” music have massive potential. Whether or not it pans out is another story. They have chemistry. Have you not seen them play live recently? They still destroy when they play. The album will be great, just like each album before it. I do agree the “mysterious” approach is fucking stupid in 2016. It doesn’t work, especially when you can’t even update a website. Trashing them… Read more »

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

I’m not trashing them as artists. At one time all 4 were damn fine artists. Now only 3 are damn fine and one is mediocre at best. Please show me an example of ‘top notch’ guitar playing. Because any first year guitar player can play 95% of tools songs. Not saying they aren’t good songs. But they are extremely simple. Danny time sigs are what makes it sound complex. And yes, they sure look like they’re having a blast on stage. They still dont suck live, those songs will never suck, but adam and MJK obviously do not get along… Read more »

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

‘Blast’ being sarcasm. Sure I would love to see sweat live. I love the old shit. I even like most of 10,000. But no more please. Just. Stop.

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

Ok so you’re not a musician. Or your one of those guys that thinks “technical” skill is all there is to music. Cool. I disagree. Adam is a very interesting guitar player.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

I’ll have to agree with Drury here. Adam is a fantastic guitar player and has a very unique sound. If you think that you have to be the most technical guitar player in the world to be good then you most certainly should not be critiquing music. You’re probably the guy that bows down to the “virtuoso” style players like Yngwie, Satriani and Vai. When I listen to their music it makes me feel sad because they are such technical players that they have no emotion in what they play. We haven’t even talked about the “Jones Tone” to top… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

You can buy that shit. How is his tone so unique? What is his shining moment as a player in your opinion?

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

Tone means fuck all if you play the same 5 notes over and over. Even danny fucking Carrey can’t save you then.

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

Show me the shopping list for Adam’s tone please. Do you know what kind of pickups he uses because that has never been disclosed… Do you know how his pedals are run into which amps specifically if not all of them? Does Adam prefer to run through the effects loop or straight through the front end of the amp? On his feedback control which he is incredibly accurate with, how does he pull that off live in a giant arena the same way he does when he’s rehearsing in the loft? Proximity is a big factor and somehow he knows… Read more »

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

That’s the thing. I am a musician and a guitar player. That’s how I know he never passed a certain level of playing. Because my son could play better than him and he’s 10.

I’m not saying you need to be a virtuoso to write a good song. Obviously you don’t. But I’m saying that his lack of pushing his playing has pigeon holed him into having most riffs sounding like other riffs. You can only do so much the combo of notes he chooses to use.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

Def not going to film my son for said purposes. Def not being a troll. Just expressing an opinion on a tool fan site in the “opinions” section. I fucking love tool and hate to see them become a parody of themselves. I think the main reason is that adam has writers block brought on by his lack of progressing as a player. I’ve played guitar for over 20 years and know all about tone and such. His tone is not so unique that it’s impossible to replicate. Cmon man. Tone does not equal talent. And I’m not saying he… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

Problem is hellboy, that it’s not just the riffs at this point. It’s the artwork too which adam has full control over. So when it’s the riffs, the artwork (which is huge for a band like tool, very important), and the constant no info/same old info/mysterious bullshit AND screwing you fans by selling blankets and 500 dollar cd cases…..that’s when a band becomes a parody of itself.

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago


8 years ago

That’s some damn fine parody right there.

@ out…

Reply to  Stinkfist
8 years ago

You know it says your name at the top of your post, right?

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

Guess it wasn’t parody afterall. Sad.


I’ve been using that same exact signature block on Toolarmy/Toolshed (and now fourtheye) for almost 20 years…it started as a way to differiniate myself from all the other “st1nkf1st,” “5tinkfist,” “STlNKFIST,” etc… that were out there at one point in time.

Thanks for the tip though.

@ out…

Reply to  Stinkfist
8 years ago

Well it didn’t fuckin work!! Your still a cunt like the rest of us!

kidding, I barely log into this joint anymore. I have become a country music fan and find myself on the Kenny Rogers Boards quite often under the name 1SLANDintheSTR3AM

@ oooot eh


8 years ago

I got excited when i saw how many comments there were, thinking that most of them would be trying to figure out the puzzle.

I’m disappointed, Tool fans.

Reply to  SirGreat
8 years ago

We don’t crea to solve any puzzles any more

8 years ago

Much respect your opinions Drury and Hexagone, but disagree that they’re still good live. It’s like watching 4 guys keeping the Captain EO attraction going at Disney Land. Justin’s already taken to drinking beer onstage, what’s next,-checking his watch in the middle of every song so he can go home and watch Law & Order reruns? Dead band, dead songs.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Watching clips on YouTube doesn’t count. What is the last time you’ve actually been to a show?

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

See, that’s the thing Drury. It’s been a long time since a show. But I did watch YouTube clips for years and they were pure nirvana, as was the show I saw. But then,- it went WAAAAAYYYY downhill. It all became apparent what was happening,- kind of one big package/realization.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Ok so if you’re not there you don’t know.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

I’ve seen them on every tour and when you’re in the room, you get the vibe that’s always been there.

Laterals tour was them at their peak, but I think that is partly because the theme was totally cohesive.

Since then it’s been a mishmash of ideas and themes and it doesn’t come across as powerful at times, but the performances and energy of the room is still very impressive.

They are older and they are a little less adventurous at times, but really there always played short set lists and usually stick to the same songs with each tour.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

I used to watch concerts from all over and it was beautiful. Now it’s just sad. Also,- just to squeeze this in. Lateralus may be the reference standard,- but I have MUCH admiration for 10,000 Days. Very good, very dense. If they ever do release the fifth,- I hope it’s absolutely diamond dense. I’ll accept ANYTHING, just not Ticks & Leeches, – that’s one of the worst songs I’ve heard by ANYONE. ‘This is what you wanted indeed’, this is what you’re getting’ indeed.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Never said they are shit live. I would still see them. Those 4 playing with no chemistry is still better than most.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Justin has been drinking beer on stage since playing Lateralus live in 2001.

8 years ago

Some have suggested I’m negative, even going as far as to call me a ‘negative Nancy’. Not true. I should actually be called ‘ManowarPositivityRollins’ In the spirit of positivity I’d like to thank Dream Theater for setting the example of how functional musicians respect their fans. Thank you Dream Theater.

‘Other bands play, Manowar kills!’

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Haha yeah dream theatre!! :/ Please go to their board since they know how to treat their fans!!! (And make shitty music)

8 years ago

Dream theatre is a great ……… game band. When does the new ‘1942’ arcade game come out anyway?

Reply to  budsyralli
8 years ago

Eeehhhhhh!!!!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!@$&&#&$@!!!!!!!!
How could you say that!?! They’re Berkelee schooled for God’s sake!! They just wrote a rock opera!!! They persevered after losing a founding member!! John Petrucci is a practicing Catholic! Oh the horror! You insulted one of my favorite bands. Go forth and multiply you negative Nancy troll!!

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Nothing you mention there means that Dream Theater is a good band. Dream Theater is what happens when you take Rush and remove the fun.

Reply to  SirGreat
8 years ago

No, wrong. Dream Theater are automatically the better band because John Petrucci has Jesus working in his life. Adam Jones may have opened his fourth eye, but what I want to know is, what’s he gonna do when he meets gawd

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

This is what I’m trying to figure out.

What’s the end game here? Do all Tool “fans” need to share these opinions? If we did, would that make the album come faster and be better? Would it discourage the band enough that they’ll just break up already? Would we all be better off if we just agreed with them?

The persistent commenting along these lines seems to suggest things like this. Hence the absurdity of these comments and why they come across as trolling.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago


8 years ago

Hellboy, I’d like to make a feature request. Ignore user.

8 years ago

HB, he has a great idea. Please do.

8 years ago

Can’t we all just get along….

In all seriousness, I still have high hopes for the new album. I’m as frustrated as all of you, but just think how epic this new shit might be if they are taking so long. I know you may think I’m overly optimistic but i just can’t see this band putting out somthing that is underwhelming or crap (speaking strictly pure music not anything else)

Reply to  daha33
8 years ago

I think the concern is that sometimes you just need to let something go at some point.

There are two possibilities for the time wasted here.

1. They’ve taken so much time to write this that it’s going to be perfect and amazing.

2. They’ve taken so much time to write this that they have over thought everything instead of going off the cuff and it’s going to suck donkey balls.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

That’s the problem. Too much time is as bad as not enough time. What they need to do imo is mix it up. The formula they have isn’t producing results anymore. Simple math, change something. Maybe try to write all 4 together again. Maybe set limits to how long you can work on a song. Maybe go with your gut instead of obsessing over things for YEARS. maybe they’ve tried this to no avail. More reason to call it quits and stop with the blankets and reissues of albums that we already have, with no new content for large amounts… Read more »

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

I agree the other shit beyond the music is downright annoying and you guys do make some interesting points. In fact for this thing to live up to our expectations at this point would be foolish, but I’m choosing to be a fool right now. Also my two favorite artists are Tool and Buckethead. Took now new album in 10 years. Buckethead during his recent Pike series released 234 ~half hour albums in the past 3-4 years. pretty big contrast in artists I like but it works for me. I guess this is why I’m so patient and optimistic because… Read more »

8 years ago

~my advice is : stay off the TSP cereal~

8 years ago

Tool used to mean (beyond the music) a way, a tool if you will, to be or discover something creative. A different way of thinking. Thinking for yourself. Its now devolved to a tool for adam to make a few bucks from his diehard fans when he needs to Cue a fan boy quoting the lyrics to jimmy. That doesn’t make it ok though. Maynard wrote that and I bet he’s the only one morally above that shit. He should pull a peter Gabriel and bail if he ever wants to truly stop being “that guy from tool”.

8 years ago

Ah, good old Blair. As if it is not annoying enough being a fan, we get obfuscation added to the mix. My favorite. Either give us an update or don’t. What a worthless newsletter.

8 years ago

I’ve been playing drums for a LONG time and have played in bands. There have been times I have I have pulled a Steve Gadd and tried to just serve the music (and the audience) depending on the material. Enjoyable, but not my hearts desire. If I had my hearts desire, it would be something similar to Tool. My guitar player of choice hands down would be Adam Jones. I would tell him,- just do THAT, more of THAT. Just do what YOU do, and lots of it. I know he’s not necessarily the most technical, but I think he’s… Read more »

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

I could be wrong, but I think because you play music, you appreciate 10,000 days more. I definitely see Adam branching out a bit from his “comfort zone” of chords and shapes.

Reply to  juskig
8 years ago

Yes, probably right. It seems to me to have the most segments and is the most varied and intricate.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Also, the tone of his guitar is phenomenal. Some overlook how important the actual sound of each instrument is. If you didn’t have the blend of of cabinets he uses and the specific guitar and his hands, you don’t get the Tool sound.

Reply to  juskig
8 years ago

It’s funny, for all of the attention say, Dream Theater get for being technical, I actually find the 10,000 Days songs to be more intricate and at times better put together. And there’s always the factor of ‘Anyone could’ve written ‘Smoke On The Water’ but only one guy did. Adam has hit bullseyes A LOT.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Tool is much more “complex” than people think in the sense that it isn’t easy to make something sound so groovy when you have 3 different musicians accenting 3 different aspects of a time signature and weave it together where it doesn’t sound like it’s trying too hard.
Many technical bands are really obvious in how they are trying to impress. Tool makes the composition and sing the most important point, and uses complexity to express it as opposed to overshadowing it, or messing it up.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

Song, not sing

8 years ago

Drury, – good points you made a while back about the live performances. Point taken.

8 years ago

I just read that Beyoncé just released a brand new album that had a movie to go along with it. I wonder if Tool has something similar going on. It would fall in line with “the biggest project” thing Justin was talking about a couple of years back.

Reply to  leenyb
8 years ago

Beyoncé will do whatever the record company and handlers tell her to do.

Maybe the problem with tool is that they try to be autonomous and they run io trouble.

The machine tends to not like bands like that after a time.

Reply to  leenyb
8 years ago

Beyoncé will do whatever the record company and handlers tell her to do.

Maybe the problem with tool is that they try to be autonomous and they run into trouble.

The machine tends to not like bands like that after a time.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

Ya I do agree.

Lots of bands have been putting out really good albums late in their career. I have no doubt tool can nail it.

I just hope they get the chance and it actually happens.

8 years ago

This thread has to go down as an all time classic. Fucking hilarious.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
8 years ago

Cant beat failed musicians talking about music. Wonder if any girls listen to Tool?

8 years ago

Nothing better than talentless trolls dropping by to let us all know how cool they are

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
8 years ago

get a grip mate. I thought you were normal until you went on about ‘accenting time signatures’. read that back to yourself and have a think. Its just some guys in a room playing instruments. But of course i bow down to your talent. Please tell us which band you are in and why I have never heard of them…

Reply to  Jethro Tool
8 years ago

Playing music doesn’t mean you were famous. That is really dumb to think that’s how it works. I didn’t claim to be a bass wizard. So, breaking music down is abnormal now? I don’t agree that we should all give up and just accept the lowest common denominator and decide that all music is “just dudes jamming”. It is that on some level, and on other levels, it takes a lot of thought and planning to do what they do. Should I refer you to an example of what I mean by accenting different parts of a time signature? Not… Read more »

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

I’ll back you up on this Drury. It’s not just 4 guys jamming that’s an absurd statement. They are writing music together and it takes a lot of planning and disagreements to get to something that they ultimately all feel comfortable with. Take for instance the new Deftones album. Gore is weak and it’s because they all weren’t on board with everything that was being written. As for “fame”… what does fame have to do with being a musician? Being a musician certainly gives you a leg up on being able to critique music in a different light than say… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

There are a boat load of positive reviews out there but all the crappy rock news outlets were pushing the album before it even released (of course it’s their job). So what happened was, a huge amount of people said “Oh! Loudwire says it’s Deftones best album to date! I better go with that popular opinion and make it seem like I have good taste by agreeing.”. I think what annoys me the most about it is that most reviewers, when somebody says they don’t like Gore, will respond with ‘Well dude you have to listen to it 7 1/2… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

My band opened for deftones in Sacramento before they got signed. It was at the guild theater. It probably doesn’t exist anymore.

Anyway, they always seemed like a band that was in it to be “rock stars” first and foremost. Not saying that as a cut on them, but they had that vibe even early on, with their little manager running around barking orders at people lol.

Seems like maybe whatever chemistry they had it’s gone now.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

I’d like some examples. Tools music is complex mainly because of one person and we all know who is doing the heavy lifting when it comes to that and the time signatures. Because danny is the one who switches the time sigs up and the strings usually keep doing what they were doing. So that doesnt count. And basic hammer ons/offs does not make you any more advanced or complex than most other rock/metal bands.

8 years ago

Uh yeah its just 4 dudes playing rock music that’s a lttle more complex than most. There’s a lot of rock and metal bands doing that now.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
8 years ago

4 dudes playing rock music is exactly what it is. Studying music and deconstructing it is exactly what destroys it. It isnt that complex – its just people jamming and playing music. What separates them from the rest of us is they have TALENT and the rest of us have NONE! Get it over it!

Reply to  Jethro Tool
8 years ago

You can study and deconstruct without destroying if you keep in mind that it is just 4 dudes playing songs. I agree on that basic point, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t more to it.

Music can exist in the listeners mind on more than one level, and once in a while that perspective is shared.

8 years ago

Ok back to whatever my “normal guy” mode was. I’ll go into a prog rock stasis with only the sounds of dream theater and whatever current trendy math metal band the true music lords approve of, until the time comes when Tool announces their new album and disappoints the normal people once again when it doesn’t sound like undertow or aenima.

8 years ago

Ooh, bad move Drury. You probably lost a bunch of ’em with stasis. There’s a serious possibility half of them are dumb as a brick.

8 years ago

Yeah, I’m sure ultra talented musicians hate when you deconstruct their intricate works of art. “You simply enjoy Nickleback and don’t put too much thought into it, why can’t you extend us the same courtesy?”

8 years ago

Hey Robert Fripp, stop being so serious all the damn time. 4 guys playing music is all it is.

8 years ago

Maynerd April 27, 2016 at 8:54 pm Reply “This thread has to go down as an all time classic. Fucking hilarious” Yeah, it is good, but my personal favorite was where I got someone so worked up they said they hoped Maynard would smack me in the face with his dick. I showed some friends at work. We were laughing so hard we had tears coming out of our eyes. Define irony; a segment of people on a devotional blog to a band who hasn’t released new music in 10 years and counting, deconstructs EVERY SINGLE THING UNDER THE SUN… Read more »

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

“[Laughed] so hard we had tears coming out of our eyes”

Wow is that cringe-worthy…

I mean… congratulations? Troll successful? Yeesh. Maybe set your sights a little higher next time.

I’m honestly picturing you ushering co-workers to your computer to show them that comment for some sort of sad ego stroking and … wow. Yeah, you’re obsessed dude.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago

I’ll probably regret this, but what the hell. I don’t want a negative interaction with anyone, even on a blog. I wasn’t trying to provoke anything initially, but that statement (“I hope Maynard smacks you ….” ) and some others rolled in early. My statement to my friends was “I don’t know where this is coming from….”, which made it funnier, but no one was looking to accomplish anything really. Certainly didn’t mean to disrespect you and HB (and a bunch of others. )

Fanny Alger
Fanny Alger
8 years ago

When I last checked this thread it was just a plucky young Deku sprout, and now it has grown into a beautiful Deku tree!

Reply to  Fanny Alger
8 years ago


8 years ago

I’d like some examples. Tools music is complex mainly because of one person and we all know who is doing the heavy lifting when it comes to that and the time signatures. Because danny is the one who switches the time sigs up and the strings usually keep doing what they were doing. So that doesnt count. And basic hammer ons/offs does not make you any more advanced or complex than most other rock/metal bands.

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

Not much time at the moment, but last night I was listening to The Grudge. During the part where Maynard sings “Saturn comes back around”, Danny and Adam are both locked into a time signature of 3, and that’s only in the beginning. Guitars or any other instrument can play against a time signature or with it. Lateralus has interlocking parts, including vocals, based on the Fibonacci number sequences.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Dude he’s just playing open strings at that point, D D D D. Just like in the majority of jambi when it sounds like there’s alot going on. D D D D forever and ever and ever. He can pick it anyway he wants, in any time signature he wants. That is NOT complex.

I dig the suppers ready reference a few comments away tho. Top 5 best songs of all time.

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

Like your take on it. What do think Adams doing on the “Don’t you step out of line, don’t you fucking lie ” part of Eulogy? Also most of The Grudge doesn’t sound like same or a simple time signature to me.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Off the top of my head it’s like f, d,f,g sharp , g. Or the tab would be 3, 0, 3, 6,5. Something like that. Usual adam stuff.

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

More like 3, 0, 5, 6, 3.

8 years ago

I’m not an expert in time signatures especially by number. Most songs or parts, say if you tell me this section of Genesis ‘Suppers Ready is in 5/8, I might not know it, but when I hear it I’ll understand. The easiest time for any musician is any variety of 4 i.e. 2/4 4/4, even 3/4. I’ve actually played with a good keyboardist that had NO concept of time. I told him I couldn’t put what he wanted, a beat , to him floating around, revving up and down freeform/ Keith Jarrett style. Stevie Wonder is another example. He was… Read more »

8 years ago

Meshuggah is a really good example of music that sounds like it’s all over the place with time signatures, but is actually complex patterns laid over 4 time.

8 years ago

Many years ago while in college, I had a friend who thought Phish was/were the masters of music, talented beyond words. I agreed Phish could jam with the best of them, but told him Phish would be hard pressed to cover a Tool song. I don’t think it’s so much that Tool is overly complex, but it is their ‘craft’ that makes them seem that way. Adam isn’t all that heady in his timing and such, but he and Justin add a tremendous amount to the overall soundscape within the songs, songs kind breathe because of the background ‘noise’. Danny… Read more »

Reply to  ahlaphus
8 years ago

Very insightful point here. If someone has to tell you, you’ll never know. Nobody can sit here and convince anyone about these aspects of music. Just like nobody could change your political views with a list of facts. Tool has mastered a craft with their music that is wholly their own and it could not and would not exist without Adams guitar. Whether or not that matters or is appreciated will vary among the listeners. For me, they are up there with pink Floyd when it comes to a band being ahead of their time or timeless. Not because it… Read more »

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago


Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

Tool are definetely in no league near the Pink Floyd 1970’s era.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

Totally agree with you.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

We know, Hellboi.
You are always going to take the contrarian side to anyone who makes a negative statement regarding Tool.
It’s a ‘given’, you need not even bother commenting.
Although you think otherwise, I promise you Blair will still respond to your emails if you do…

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

A thousand times, this. This right here.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

I think those are pretty much facts at this point. Maynard IS a dick and adam IS lazy. No? I mean, he is the main songwriter right? How longs this opiate video been in the works? There’s no arguing either of those points. Maynards always been a dick and adam became lazy probably sometime before lateralus. Listen, I’ve loved tool since the first time I saw sober on MTV in the early 90’s. Saw them live once a day or 2 before Sept 11th on the lateralus tour. It was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. But it… Read more »

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

Writing music is not easy. I wouldn’t call 10,000 days lazy. Especially considering the title track was done, and they spent a month re-arranging it, only to go back to its original arrangement. That isn’t what a “lazy” band does. The things they do on their instruments that accentuate the sound when most people will never actually even notice or hear it make a huge difference in the overall feel. If they were uncreative and lazy they wouldn’t bother. I agree some aspect of 10KD don’t sound as fleshed out as it could be (right in two), but the compositions… Read more »

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

If by dense you mean layered, then yes. But what makes the title track good in my opinion isn’t Adams riffs/notes but maynards vocal delivery. That song is pretty ambient and Adams parts are very repetitious and honestly boring until it jams.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

I wasn’t comparing them musically.

Ultimately, I like Tool more as well. I do see parallels with the two bands, but maybe that’s just my perspective that only makes sense to me.

I would recommend music enthusiast to check out the song “Echoes” from pink Floyd. It’s on the album Meddle.

Oh never mind. I’ve recommended this years ago and it had less than stellar results.

Listen to whatever floats your boat.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

I’ll start with, I love both Pink Floyd and TOOL and they are completely opposite in a lot of ways but they are also very similar in a lot of ways. That said… I saw a really cool post the other day on Facebook where a son was trying to get his dad to go to a TOOL concert with him and his dad asked him why he thought he would be interested… So the son posted a picture of Pink Floyd on stage (laser and visual glory) next to a picture of TOOL on stage (laser and visual glory).… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

yeah that is a good way to put it.

Also, both bands have music you can fall asleep to. Pink Floyd makes sense because it’s mellow, but Tool also works really well as music to drift off to.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

Yeah even some of TOOL’s heaviest stuff just gets you lost in thought to where it’s more peaceful than abrasive.

8 years ago

Well said. Can’t argue with that.

8 years ago

wow, this is getting just as bad as the newsletters!! 😮 im surprised no one mentioned this around here. maybe it didnt get out as much as i thought it would. “”Apr 20th, 2:00am some real news for once! Cevin Key just posted this about an hour ago. cEvin Key 1 hr · Los Angeles, CA, United States · dropped in on my bud Danny Carey today with my friends from Japan on their honeymoon. The band surprised us with playing one of their new songs live, with Yukio Psy right in the middle. This new Tool album is going… Read more »

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

Thanks for a real update with no asterisks. Not sure why we can’t get updates like this from the actual band page.

BTW, WTF is a Yukio Psy?

Reply to  sudnshok
8 years ago

He said his Japanese friends were with him so I take it one of them is an artist of some sort and was planted right in the middle of where the sound was directed? Or they partook in a jam session? GOOGLE?

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

I fucking love skinny puppy and would love it if the stinkfist remix was released. You know that shits just sitting somewhere collecting dust.

8 years ago

your looking at 4 guys that have been through 25 years of bullshit together. be greatful something is happening

8 years ago

hey, sudnshok

np! we can thank Cevin Key for posting this! i thought word would fly around pretty quickly but i didnt see anyone mention that here.

i dont know what a Yukio Psy is either 😉 maybe its code for the new name of the album. jk. japanese names i guess that we dont know and cant pronounce! all good though!

8 years ago

Just checked this post of Cevin Key on facebook as well.

This is another conrete update regarding the new materials, it could be posted on the main page.
We can assume one new song is finished at least. 🙂

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