Ten years has passed since the release of Tool’s last album 10,000 Days, and a couple of websites have celebrated the anniversary with some retrospectives.
First up is Team Rock who feature an interview with Engineer Joe Barresi. Â His discusses his first impressions of Tool, as well as some of the techniques used to record 10,000 Days.
The second comes from Loudwire, who have compiled a series of quotes from Tool members outlining the writing and recording of the album. Â Both articles are interesting reads, though not really revealing much we didn’t already now.
Toolshed have celebrated the anniversary in a quite different way, by announcing Today is the official end for this site. Â Sad news, as Toolshed is an important source of information for many of us over the journey. Â It’s wealth of Tool information is unmatched, and thankfully, while the site will no longer be updated, this archive will remain.
A thousand times, this. This right here
It begins. Things finally start to fall away for a long dead band.
I feel like there is a 50/50 chance for a new album.
I can see waking up one day hearing that the band has broken up.
I can also see an album being released in a year and it being great, Ect
Which reality to we exist in?
Really? I understand everyone’s pessimism; obviously the writing and general updates have been a sorely stunted snail’s pace. But I don’t doubt in the slightest that we will see an amazing full length release. I do feel that it may be their last (would assume a best of in the form of a live DVD will also come)…
Agreed adoxnz…perhaps the live DVD might be part of the new album as a 2nd CD …along with the new version of Opiate and a few other bits.
Doubtful. I believe they are still under a 20 year old contract for this next album, which would mean it will just be a single disc album. If they had any more material beyond that, I’d assume they would release that separately on their own, post-contract, so they can keep the profits. Although, I doubt that as well since we can see this band is less-than-motivated to do much of anything (and that is an understatement). On a side note, I’ve been a Tool fan since I first heard Sober in a strip club in 1993. I’ve also been a… Read more »
Well, that’s pretty sad.
I think I am done with Tool as well at this point.
Peace out.
that was quite a nice read on the toolshed site. i remember for a while there people on the forum were pushing for tool navy t shirts because there was so many people posting.
gutted. you can sense the sadness in Kabirs writing. this cant be the end????
It is a sad situation. I don’t think many are happy with the way Tool are going. I love the band and am still confident we will see a new album, but there are plenty of things that are less than ideal in how they are operating currently.
And to top it off Hellboy Radiohead released their new Wicker Man inspired single today…
Rip toolshed. Thank you for the hard work.
Hellboy – was curious what you think about Kabir’s pessimism. It’s concerning to me he doesn’t think the album coming out at all is a foregone conclusion. Given his close relationship to the band that has me worried. At this point the delays are frustrating, but I would be shocked if they don’t eventually put it out.
As an aside I agree with other sentiments posted here about Toolshed. End of an era; that website was an important part of my life growing up.
“It’s concerning to me he doesn’t think the album coming out at all is a foregone conclusion.” He didn’t say he doesn’t think the album will be released. He alluded to the fact that the band’s stagnation led to a stagnation in the site. And give that the resources for acquiring “news” about Tool are many and varied now, there is no need to keep the site up to date. But cmon, that’s been obvious for the better part of 5 years now. The site was just as dead before Kabir made that post as it is now. The pessimism… Read more »
His pessimism is a reflection of that of any Tool fan. An album not a foregone conclusion, as there have clearly been some problems with it’s writing.
Like many of us though, he still believes there will be one.
No doubt there will be one more. The real problem is going to be quality of content vs. time it took to come up with said content. I dont think they’ll end up “weighing” the same and canceling each other out. And how many people will still care as much as they do now when this finally comes out. Because there’s no way its before 2018.
How many others will have dropped out by then?
Define dropped out?
It’s a good thing about music. You can always drop back in again 😉
That’s what I find weird – is there any need to actually drop out of something you’re not actively involved in? Lots of Tool detractors talk about dropping out, or not caring, and while I understand the sentiment, what actual meaning does it have? Were they sitting around fretting for a new Tool album up until that point?
Right! Are they really going to stop listening to TOOL? Are they not going to listen to the new album when it eventually comes out? Are they not going to go to the next TOOL show that comes to their city? I seriously doubt those people are truly done with TOOL. I think I’ll still be listening to TOOL when I’m in an assisted living facility wearing a diaper. Hopefully, by that point I will have heard the new album though!
Dropped out was a bad choice of words. I mean how many more will have stopped even caring. Not meaning they won’t still listen to the old stuff. But casual fans do stop giving a shit after a while. And even hardcover fans stop caring after 10 years.
Dropped out meaning people who run fan sites. If it took another 10 years would you hellboy, keep updating this site with just puscifer news and album updates that offer no real update?
People do stop giving a shit.
Granted at this point tool has a cult like following and bands like that can keep their hardcore fans forever without releasing a thing. Tools definitely not trying to win over new fans.
If Tool call it a day I would stop the site, or at least go into a similar form of hibernation. I don’t mind Puscifer, but they don’t inspire me enough to run a fansite dedicated to them.
The real question is, what reason is there not to care? Sure they haven’t released an album in 10 years, but they’re still an ongoing concern as far as touring, and other (admittedly infrequent) releases.
Is releasing albums the most important thing a band does?
Not care AS MUCH. People above and below this post are saying “I think I’m done” or “I may listen less” so it’s happening. And if you are a member of this site I would say you are a big fan. I guess I don’t see why some are questioning if or why this happens. Releasing albums or even just songs or ep’s is definitely tied if not THE most important thing a band does. Absolutely. Otherwise what’s the point?
I’ll never drop out as a fan, but I certainly listen far less than I used to. They really only have about 35 songs (albeit most are lengthy), and they start to get stale after listening to just 35 songs over 23 years. For newer fans, those songs are probably not stale yet. I’m glad that most of my other favorite bands, like Pink Floyd and Clutch, have a huge catalog of stuff to listen to. So, even though I’ve listened to Floyd for 30 years or so, they must have over 100 songs and I never get tired of… Read more »
+1 on the assisted diaper living.
Winning over new fans. No. They’re having the time of their lives occasionally putting gas in the cash cow (west coast shows and mini tours only, let’s not not stray too far from our homes and side businesses) The greatest trick Tool ever pulled was convincing their cult that they did exist.
I get your reference, but at one point they did exist.
Don’t worry, the new music will drop when it drops and it will be good! Because if it’s not any good; we won’t hear it, as they won’t release it.
We can see they’re still mates because they tour – And when I attended one of Adams’ (apparently over priced, but some of the best money I’ve ever spent in my life) VIP sessions, he clearly still had the passion for the band and it’s music.
BTW – I love the threads on this site!
toolshed. you will be missed… was such a good time for those of us who are truly “OGT”
i went back and reread the reviews from the santa barbara bowl show in 98. met so many awesome folks that day. amazing weather, and mayjay in a fright wig and dress with his “I’m dressed as my favorite Barbara” comment truly a magical show.
as opposed to what passes for magical at tool shows these days. hey look purple lasers!!!!
Yo Hellboy you must have missed this one. Blair posted an update on May 5th – CONFIRMING that there are limited edition TOOL lighters on sale, only $15. I thought you might want to cover this also. You’re welcome.
Yo adoxnz – I didn’t miss it! When Tool release some worthwhile merchandise I will post, wallet in hand! Until then…
I figured you were being sarcastic, but still felt it was worth making a point – I’m done with posting blankets and other merch I see as largely a waste of time. Give us some vinyl reissues or something and I’ll be all over it.
Excellent comment.
Last night Blair (or whoever) posted on the Tool Facebook page that the guy who taught Danny to play tabla is accepting new students…and holy shit the comments were total brutality. People were furious. It was like a barrage of insults about everyone wanting a new album, and ‘fuck you guys this’, and ‘fuck you guys that!’
It was amazingly enjoyable & satisfying to watch the comments unfold.
It’s been very quiet lately in the comments on Facebook when Tool post their stupid updates. This was a true ‘unleash the hounds’ moment.
Reading Facebook comments for the lulz says a lot about a person
Lol @ Hellboi.
The slumber of T.D.N. is my awakening on 4th eye.
TDN at one time was SO popular that another band I think called Sown made their website toolshed.sown.net to cash in on Tool fan’s typo’s. It truly is a sad day. I was still checking TDN about once a month. And toolnavy.com is still working … correct?
10^4 good buddy
They’d never do it, but an album of covers between the albums would be kinda cool to hear from Tool. You’ve your No Quarter, You Lied, some Kyuss song, The Ramones, and maybe one or two more. Surely they’ve more in their vault, them Ramoners ain’t tough and Nirvana ain’t sayin’ no to being a pest. Sugercoatedwhynots?
And that Rush song “Passage to Bangcock”, seems they’ve been working on that one for years. Possible filler track in the “Salival II” saga?
Toolshed down has been archival for quite some time, it is prob quite a bit of work doing a site like that I guess if it isnt doing it for you or you are busy it can get time consuming. He may be inspired to come back in the future. Guess Tool are at a cross roads getting older maybe slowing down but they always done it their own way. Tbh I got no idea what is up but I get the impression it is more they are middle aged got lives wives kids rather than some meltdown or the… Read more »
As long as we’re going to speculate on what Tool have been doing for the last 10 years and what they might do for the next 10; to the list let’s add; Curing cancer. Writing the sequel to the Bible. Writing the sequels to Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. Covering the entire Beatles catalog. Covering the entire Manowar catalog. Covering the entire Dream Theater catalog. Finding a replacement singer for Maynard off YouTube.
Adam Jones walks into a bar, sits down and orders a drink. The guy next to him says “You know, it’s completely fucking ridiculous that you haven’t released a new album in 10 fucking years”. Adam Jones replies “Yeah, I know “.
I think at this stage a new singer might be possible… I bet Adam and MJK are not on the same page and havent been for a long time.
They probably aren’t on the same page. Maynard has a great work ethic and produces a TON of stuff year after year, working multiple jobs. In fact, most people like that don’t have a lot of respect for lazy people, so I’m shocked MJK hasn’t left this band yet myself. Adam seems to produce almost nothing. MJK is not the one holding up the new album, so even if MJK and the band parted ways, there would still not be an album.
Thank you. Exactly. Plus, as much as I liked 10k Days, they took a long time with the music and I think Maynard was a little pressed to come up with lyrics. Vicarious, The Pot, and most definitely Right In Two are nowhere near the standards of the previous albums lyrics (except Ticks And Leeches, which is one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard by anyone. I would have been embarrassed to have my name on any part of that) So, in the current scenario, Maynard has already said ‘I work quickly’, I’m not the lazy one’, and that… Read more »
Yeah that was my point with MJK. It must piss him off no end that nothing is happening but the guy is successful whatever he does. Maybe his book will shed light on his relationship with Adam. Newsletter is out. Nothing doing…
Looking forward to seeing MJK in Manchester UK next monday will tell you all how happy he is. Something tells me he will give more to this gig than he did with Tool Manchester Apollo 07. I just totally think he is a different person now – and arent we all?
Oh but by the way muscle boy Vicarious, The Pot and Right In Two are lyrically fucking great…