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May 2016 Tool Newsletter out now!

Blair has posted the May 2016 Tool Newsletter, and it appears there’s no real news of note at the moment.  Instead the newsletter contains an interview with a random Tool fan.  Those with low tolerance for Blair–isms should probably give it a miss.

Here’s the final question with a few asterisks for you guys to ponder:

“How about Problem 8. Just kidding. Having heard Faaip de Oiad, I’m good… But, when are we going to hear some new stuff? Wait, I think I know the answer – when it’s finished.”

Thanks for agreeing to answer some questions. I’ll try to get you on the list for *** ****** ******* **** ** ******.


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8 years ago

Why is Grimaldi’s Pizza in this post? Lol just wondering because I live in Brooklyn New York where Grimaldi’s Pizza is. It isn’t the best in Brooklyn but the hipsters love it lol.

Reply to  sokebk
8 years ago

Was wondering that myself. I’m guessing it’s an ad, Hellboy?

Not from NYC but I’ve visited the place too. Thought the pizza was pretty “meh”.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

To quote the original point break movie: “That would be a waste, of time.”

8 years ago

I’m calling bullshit on this supposed ‘fan’, he sounds too much like Blair. There’s probably some good hidden tidbits in this newsletter, maybe the next box of Crackerjacks will hold a BMB Decoder Ring. Scotch! Blair moved to Vegas too? Good for him, fuck LA.

Reply to  ahlaphus
8 years ago

+1 .

He says something about the fan not being identified. I.e. He is the fan and interviewed himself. Lame.

Blair is such a troll. Co-ordinates for Problem 8 buried in the source code of some old post? Honestly, if you wanted to troll over zealous Tool fans, this is exactly how you would do it.

8 years ago

BMB: How do you feel about having to wait for a new album, video, live DVD, website, etc.? ANSWER: “ I guess that I’m not as impatient as some fans. There are way too many other things to do… or to worry about! Besides, I would much rather have something done really well, than something that is mediocre just because it’s quicker. I think that some fans who complain about these things, it’s just their – misguided – yes – way of expressing how much they like Tool’s music. So, it’s not really that bad of a thing.” WHO wrote… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

It’s bad when they have done literally nothing in 10 years but a handful of personal-fundraising mini tours. If they would have done at least 1 of those things in the list it might be more acceptable. Specifically the broken TA website is bad. People paid for a website that has been unusable for years now. How hard is it to take the membership money and pay a web company to fix it. That is just inexcusable.

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

You have to be honest with yourself at some point. A new tool album every 4 years > than not having any in 10 Also -The people here aren’t complaining about the 10 year wait as much as they are complaining about the mis-information provided. Adding Blair and his nonsense to the mix only torments us more. True fans would wait 5 life times to hear the T00L sound that nobody else can produce – but to constantly provide BS answers to questions, or to simply avoid them is a joke. You would think the very fans who helped these… Read more »

Reply to  disog
8 years ago

10,000 days took 5 years and it wasn’t all that great…

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

Not trolling, we all hear the same old ‘we could rush out an album, but wouldn’t you rather hear something done really well’. 10,000 days wasn’t rushed and it’s not a good album apart from Rosetta Stoned.

I’m old school though, Aenima is best, then Undertow, daylight then Lateralus.

8 years ago

That would depend on the quality of the album – If they could put out an Aenima or Lateralus every 4 years – then hell yeah I WANT. Maybe the well has dried up, prob not for danny but the rest of them…

Reply to  disog
8 years ago

Seems like the older people get the less creative they become. Also, I’ve noticed the 2nd album release of nearly every band is the best album they will ever create. With Tool that would be AEnima since I consider Opiate and Undertow practically the same album since they were released so close together. Maybe it just takes twice as long to be creative when you’re twice as old? ha ha! Tool seems to still be creative in all the side projects they’ve done. For the past 3 years I’ve thought “this is the year” … eventually Tool will blast us… Read more »

8 years ago

Pictures or it didn’t happen. 😉

8 years ago

More talk of Problem 8 and Bethlehem Abortion Clinic. Personally, I choose to believe that Problem 8 (the song) is real but I just don’t understand why it’s not released so that we can all listen to it. What’s the point of keeping it hidden?

8 years ago

I’ll try to get you on the list for *** ****** ******* **** ** ******.

I’ll try to get you on the list for the summer concert tour in august.

8 years ago

i agree with ahlaphus – there’s no way this fan is a real person, just a vehicle for him to get some “info” across to us is my guess. ‘cept, of course, ain’t no real info save for another “yea it’s real, but let me also add a bunch of bullshit as a postscript to make you doubt it again” confirmation of problem 8 and an indirect confirmation of the things that are coming out eventually (album, video, dvd, website – i’m assuming that “having to wait for” implies they are indeed coming). also a nice nod to fourtheye and… Read more »

8 years ago

Coal fired pizzaria? That’s not very renewable. What’s wrong with a wood fired oven or natural gas? All Indians, No Chiefs. Love that shirt!

8 years ago

Fake interview.

And WHY.

More non-news for the unwashed tool fans to suffer.


8 years ago

Finally Fourtheye! You’re openly acknowledging that Tool are completely full of shit!

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

Not you. Posters.

8 years ago

LONG time lurker, first time (or second…never kept count) post. Had to request my password to log in. Anyway, this band frustrates the heck out of me. I love their music but they are some of the freaking laziest bands I have ever known. Even Van Halen reunited with DLR, recorded a new album, and toured 3 times in the interim that Tool has languished in. Those mini tours are ok…though I never went to one since they never play in Louisville KY anymore. Seems like a waste of talent to squander away. Time for them to get off their… Read more »

Reply to  DeadGuyAle
8 years ago

Dude, you were 2 hours away from the Nashville show in January. That’s hundreds of miles closer than a lot of other fans who went.

8 years ago

Since long time lurkers are posting tonight…I thought this would be my first. I was in a music coma until my buddy dragged me to my first Tool concert in 2011. It was unbelievable. I have been a devoted follower ever since. I listen or watch a video every day (thank you Burnt, OP667, and the now defunct TA). I hear something different every time. Especially in the live performances. I hit the Tempe show Halloween night and three shows this year. Grabbed three on the WestC in “14 and loved the show in St. Paul. I have always traveled… Read more »

Reply to  DTWAirport
8 years ago

Welcome aboard the Tool Train…
Glad you jump aboard. Some of us have been here a long time with zero refreshments and we’re getting cabin fever.
Some of us are lucky and live in parts of the world where we can see them play live every couple years, but even that is starting to feel like a rip-off.

We still love their music, but damn is it difficult to not see progress on ANY level, even with a website that was said to be overhauled YEARS ago. It’s a pretty sad situation for such a great band.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

DRURY – well said.

Reply to  DTWAirport
8 years ago

hear, hear!

i’ve been a fan since ’96 and am still grateful for what i’ve gotten and full of patience for when whatever’s next is ready.

8 years ago

I think a lot of Tool fans will enjoy this….it’s like looking into a mirror

Reply to  aenimal
8 years ago


Delaying a game that is this anticipated is even crazier than Tools delay.

8 years ago

You know what was really nice? Over a year before Lateralus was released Tool (sorta) released a track on the Melvins album The Crybaby called Divorced and by doing so it really helped tie me over until Lateralus came out. I listened to Divorced so many times with so much anticipation for the new artistry. This decade plus long wait might not have been so bad if Tool would have at least threw in a single somewhere. What’s really funny is shortly after 10K Days came out Blair stated that the next album would most likely be released sooner than… Read more »

Reply to  bloo-mune
8 years ago

True. If there was a live album, a new website, a video, a b-side instrumental jam, ANYTHING, it would go a long way. Maybe the legal stuff really fucked them over all the way until just last year or Whenever it finally ended.

8 years ago

At this point, they could release anything and call it “Problem 8” and we wouldn’t know none the better

8 years ago

A while back I made a comment saying Tool should at least have the courtesy to break up. Someone responded “who says that?” What I meant was of all the bands are cited in that post when they were no longer actually active and no longer looking towards releasing a new album they broke up and went on to other things. They came back for tours here and there and in some cases released a new album. None of them posed as an active band year after year saying that their fifth album was right around the corner while doing… Read more »

8 years ago

Compare the activity of these 3 groups; Iron Maiden Iron Maiden (1980) Killers (1981) The Number of the Beast (1982) Piece of Mind (1983) Powerslave (1984) Somewhere in Time (1986) Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (1988) No Prayer for the Dying (1990) Fear of the Dark (1992) The X Factor (1995) Virtual XI (1998) Brave New World (2000) Dance of Death (2003) A Matter of Life and Death (2006) The Final Frontier (2010) The Book of Souls (2015) Dream Theater When Dream and Day Unite (1989) Images and Words (1992) Awake (1994) Falling into Infinity (1997) Metropolis Pt. 2:… Read more »

Fanny Alger
Fanny Alger
Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

First of all Opiate and Salival both kick ass. Secondly, I love Iron Maiden, but they basically put out the same album every time, they aren’t really mixing it up. Not to mention that anything after “Fear of the Dark” is pretty sub-par. Thirdly, Dream Theater sucks.

Reply to  Fanny Alger
8 years ago

Respect your opinion. Not sure about ‘same album ‘,- and I’d be more than happy to have Lateralus and ’10k’ clones. As far as ‘Fear Of..’ is concerned,- with bands with extensive discographies I think it’s enjoyable to have interesting failures mixed in. Don’t forget they also had X Factor and Virtual XI in there.

Reply to  Fanny Alger
8 years ago

Iron Maiden’s Brave New World and their new double album Book to f Souls are easily some of the best material they’ve ever recorded, and those are post Fear of the Dark, which actually isn’t that great aside from the title track and a few gems. Maiden has their signature sound but they experiment and always approach albums in different ways. I don’t think Tool needs to release tons of music. I think one final album would be great. I just find the lack of communication and continued attempt to be mysterious really lame. It must be a real battle… Read more »

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

lol… I saw Iron Maiden play at the end of Soundwave after seeing Slayer, One Day as a Lion, QOTSA & Rob Zombie the same day.

We all walked off ten minutes into their set. They suck 😛

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

That didn’t explain anything. Both of those bands release nothing worth listening to. Your post backfired. Made me glad Tool doesn’t put out an album every other year. ha ha!

8 years ago

In Iron Maiden they changed singers 3 times, Bruce Dickinson was replaced and came back and had tongue cancer. Since Dickinsons return they have released 5 albums. For the latest they said they weren’t promising anything, they would see. And then they released it anyway, 5 years after their last epic.

Dream Theater survived the loss of probably their founding and chief member, only to come back stronger than ever before and release 3 albums,- one a double disc rock opera.

Extensive tours around the globe for both bands.

8 years ago

It has been a sincere pleasure to be a lifelong fan of Rush, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Motörhead, Yes, Genesis and countless others.
Tool,- not so much.

8 years ago

Perhaps it speaks volumes about the quality of music produced if their last 3 albums, Aenima (1996), Lateralus (2001) and 10,000 Days (2006), keep providing so much for their fans to enjoy. Each of those three albums have a ‘rich tapestry’ which fans seem to enjoy on many different levels as evidenced by the ticket sales of all of the band’s little tours over the last few years. For other bands, if you haven’t released any new material and your old material isn’t that interesting, your fanbase will dissipate over the years. As an example, Aerosmith announced a ‘reunion’ tour… Read more »

Reply to  mattw
8 years ago

When taking a look at why humans respond to the stimuli that they do, one could look at the CIA, the government, advertising or why when you go to an expensive restaurant there’s the top priced item at the top of the menu or the wall covering TV at the electronics store which are only placed there to get you to by the next one down, the one they actually many in stock of or enough meat or seafood for.

Reply to  mattw
8 years ago

Here, Here – Matt!!!

Well said.

@ out…

Reply to  mattw
8 years ago

Not disagreeing with you…at all but at this point your *only argument* is quality over quantity.

… its about the journey more than the destination.

Reply to  JohnnyUtah
8 years ago

I enjoy most of Corgans output since Mellon Collie. I especially like Zeitgeist, Oceania and most of all Mary, Star Of The Sea. No they’re not as good as the 1st 3, but still enjoyable. I often prefer Maidens last 5 to the earlier stuff, and I bought the 1st album when it was released. If and when Tool ever release the new album I’ll be happy with it and nothing say, other than ‘Its good”. Neither here nor there if it was “worth the wait”. “Do what thou wilt”. Tools situation reminds me of Stevie Wonder creating “Songs In… Read more »

8 years ago

However, besides Dream Theater, the most direct comparison is this;

Gish (1991)
Siamese Dream (1993)
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (1995)
Adore (1998)
Machina/The Machines of God (2000)
Machina II/The Friends & Enemies of Modern Music (2000)
Zeitgeist (2007)
Teargarden by Kaleidyscope (2009–2016)
Oceania (2012)
Monuments to an Elegy (2014)
Mary, Star Of The Sea (2003)
The Future Embrace (2005)

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

You have fucking horrible music taste.

Reply to  Maynerd
8 years ago

No, I don’t, but I’m not close minded. I am a music addict. Please tell me what IS good. Maybe you can turn me on to some good music I haven’t discovered yet. I’m respectful of other peoples tastes, opinions and motivations.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Fugazi “the argument”

Megadeth “Dystopia”

Blues Brothers soundtrack

Persona 3 & 4 soundtracks

Faith No More “Angel Dust”

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

Own all of those except never heard of Persona,- will check out.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

Fuck all y’all. This is what you need to be rep’n:

Al Green – Love and Happiness
Original Ghostbusters Soundtrack
Kenny Loggins
Jay-Z: Hard Knock Life Vol. 2
Cult of Luna

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie were the only two releases from Smashing Pumpkins that were good all the way through…. Adore and Machina had some moments but everything else just sucked….

All these bands and albums that you’re comparing to TOOL don’t even hold a fucking candle to what TOOL have accomplished.

Save for Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie… those were two really bad ass albums. James Iha is one of my favorite guitarists of all time.

Stop with the Dream Theater shit already… it doesn’t seem that anybody here agrees with you on Dream Theater at all!

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

Tons of interviews with Smashing Pumpkins confirm that James Iha had little to do with those albums. In fact, Billy had went back to re-record both James’ and the bass parts by himself.

I hate Billy Corgan, but the guy wrote almost all of those albums himself.

8 years ago

Someone raised the point of the “legal stuff” just before – and I think fellow fans at times forget about it. Tool have been very, very unlucky in this regard, having at least two massive court battles since Aenima. The first clearly delayed Lateralus but gave birth to APC. There were other cases to arise from this and that they even persisted then is a credit to the band. The most recent one with Cam de Leon obviously left the band quite jaded (and maybe disillusioned with music) and again a huge credit to the band for remaining an active… Read more »

Reply to  Joelsy
8 years ago

I believe a few months back Maynard’s wife posted something on Instagram about being cleared of cancer. Not even sure if it’s still posted but I vaguely remember seeing it. That could have been the “other thing.”

8 years ago

we get it. you like dream theater.

the above poster has it right

8 years ago

mano – are you truly comparing tool to smashing pumpkins, dream theatre, and megadeth?!
thats your problem right there, you dont get it

Reply to  brewdog123
8 years ago

I didn’t mention Megadeth but now that you mention it,- but yes, I am. Let’s throw Opeth in there. I admit Tool are more intricate, layered and well thought out than most, maybe anyone (although Corgan achieved quite a feat with Gish, Siamese and the double Mellon Collie, and he didn’t stop there). No not a decoy fan. I actually have expectations of people, which are usually the minimum and easily attainable. Adam has had 10 years to get a record out, MORE than enough. Perhaps you should look no further than Maynard, who doesn’t like, understand, agree or have… Read more »

8 years ago

Obviously a decoy fan.

8 years ago

I hope there will be a change of tone when the album drops….Christ. What will happen to the discussion boards when its out?!

Ps. Dream Theater are bollocks!

8 years ago

This is getting laughable. I realise I come back here often and appreciate everyone here is in the same boat but I’m almost at the point of giving up. I mean in the last 10 years I’ve seen them live many times between New Zealand and Mexico and it was awesome every time. But as some other posters mentioned why not give the fans something to chew on like an E.P or even a single? This Opiate video still hasn’t seen the light of day either. Guess the band owes me nothing, but still feel 10 years is a bridge… Read more »

Reply to  tOOLNZ
8 years ago

I forgot about the Opiate video. I think that’s going the way of The Pot video. Weren’t they putting on the finishing touches late last year? I was looking forward to having an official version of the updated Opiate song. Maybe in 10 years we’ll find out that they released it on USB sticks that were hidden away at garbage dumps across Bulgaria.

8 years ago

A little cliched yes, but I actually think there a lot of Tool fans who feel the same way as the supposed interviewee. They just don’t feel the need to argue with the people who are always bitching about the same shit every month. As far as decoding: By the way a good friend who saw Volto at the Complex last Saturday had a chance to chat w Danny. Voo Doo is confirmed and the last of five shows that Tool is doing. Aftershock in Sacramento is the second to last show. Good news for those who haven’t “lost interest”… Read more »

Reply to  toolman666
8 years ago

The last of the five shows they are doing….ever? This year?

Reply to  rinkwhopper
8 years ago

This “mini tour” not ever lol.

Reply to  toolman666
8 years ago

I live in Sacramento, so I will be attending that one if true.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

Shit…. I live in Folsom… I’ve been to all but one Aftershock. Unfortunately I will not be attending Aftershock this year. Going to see Death From Above 1979 that Saturday and The Faint on Sunday over in SF…. BOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Reply to  toolman666
8 years ago

@ toolman666 – The fans complaining haven’t lost interest or they wouldn’t be here venting…they’ve simply lost their faith. Part of the healing process for us is taking consolidation in the fact the wait is tormenting others as well. Misery loves company. For me I looked at the last few years as a way to branch out into different bands. Anything to help fill the void – from Tesseract to Katatonia to Karnivool. Many others along to way…but these 3 for me helped fill the void. Each produced a few albums that came near the Lateralus perfection. Currently listening to… Read more »

Reply to  JohnnyUtah
8 years ago

Johnnyutah @ toolman666 – The fans complaining haven’t lost interest or they wouldn’t be here venting…they’ve simply lost their faith. Part of the healing process for us is taking consolidation in the fact the wait is tormenting others as well. Misery loves company. For me I looked at the last few years as a way to branch out into different bands. Anything to help fill the void – from Tesseract to Katatonia to Karnivool. Many others along to way…but these 3 for me helped fill the void. Each produced a few albums that came near the Lateralus perfection. Own and… Read more »

8 years ago

I enjoy most of Corgans output since Mellon Collie. I especially like Zeitgeist, Oceania and most of all Mary, Star Of The Sea. No they’re not as good as the 1st 3, but still enjoyable. I often prefer Maidens last 5 to the earlier stuff, and I bought the 1st album when it was released. If and when Tool ever release the new album I’ll be happy with it and will have nothing say, other than ‘Its good”. Neither here nor there if it was “worth the wait”, “Do what thou wilt”. Tools situation reminds me of Stevie Wonder creating… Read more »

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

After your detailed history lesson on The Who/Townsend, I don’t think Tool’s new album will be worth the wait, but I used to think it would before this history lesson. I didn’t realize that learning about an irrelevant band like the Who could really help me understand how I feel about my favorite band’s anticipated new album.

Reply to  toolman666
8 years ago

The Who will never be irrelevant. One of the best rhythm sections of all time.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Dude learn what the word paragraph means and I will consider reading your novels.

8 years ago

Drury,- Brave New World and Book Of Souls ‘some of the best material they’ve ever recorded”,- yes they are, – SO enjoyable. Dance of Death, A Matter of Life and Death, The Final Frontier are also excellent and epic. Tool fans, answer me a question; Manowar are BEYOND ridiculous, and impossible to defend. But Bob Marley was a blithering idiot and his spiritual possession during live perfomances was purely made up. The sad part was he was stupid enough to believe it. Is Maynard really any better hunched over and stomping his foot? Besides the fact that Manowar are musically… Read more »

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

manowarrollins – LOL. Did you just compare Bob Marley’s stage performance to Maynard’s? And did you do this comparison after calling Marley a blithering idiot? I seriously just laughed hysterically. I hope no one tries to argue with you about this, but instead gets the same pleasure of enjoying your ignorance. It’s true you “asked the question” which doesn’t imply you believe it, but the implication is pretty strong. The Tool comparison to the Who was pretty damn funny, but this just topped it.

Reply to  toolman666
8 years ago

Yes, I did. I think Bob Marley was a moron. I don’t think Maynard is, at all. But in music, both recorded and in performance, what makes one thing ‘cool’ and one thing not? At what point does a performer (or one members) performance or lyrics (in Manowars case) render the music ‘not good’ or enjoyable?

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

There are many artists that people blindly think are great but in reality are awful: Bon Marley is one of them. So is Prince.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

See that’s the funny thing. I like the music of both of them, and was on a huge Prince kick BEFORE he died, but I respect someone else’s contrary opinion.

Reply to  toolman666
8 years ago

Comparing what one songwriter can accomplish in 10 years versus another.

8 years ago

All of this quality over quantity talk…..the quality isn’t there anymore man…how about adam picks out a different root note to write a song from. It’s D D D D all day long and it’s boring at this point. Use the prison sex tuning, anything… this shit started with the album lateralus and was ok at first. Sure they used it before but not overwhelmingly. But what makes lateralus great in my opinion wasn’t adam. My favorite all time tool moment is the climax of the title track, with my feet upon the ground part, and who’s doing what…justin killing… Read more »

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

The art is stale, the songs are stale, the adittude is stale, it’s a fucking shame. One if the best bands of my time going out like this. We won’t get new tool till 2018 and at this point maybe we’d be better of without this album that prob breaks no new ground. It’s sad.

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

I think you hit on it hex. people on this site tend to worship at the altar of Adam. but he’s got a limited tool (ha ha) set. for me. the thing that has set tool apart from other bands is mayjay. and the bass and drums. Adam is just like the salt on top… but still nowhere near any kind of virtuoso. and most likely the reason there are no new tunes. Josh from queens, Omar, heck even Larry from primus absolutely rip!

8 years ago

Manowar are unintentionally ridiculous, but I like their music and approach. Pucifer are intentionally ‘humorous’ (or whatever it is their trying to do), and I don’t like them at all.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Puscifer has like 6 good songs. A lot of talent for 6 good songs though. The humor is horrible.

8 years ago

Another post drenched in complaints.

I’m sure it’s all worth reading too. It really accomplishes so much.

8 years ago

As hard of a time that I give Adam for being lazy, taking his fans for a ride and attempting to redefine how long it takes to write and record an album, I actually have no problem with his skills and approach, and really like them. A critic once said that he had grafted Tony Iommi barre chords onto Yes music, and I find a lot of truth in that. I would add King Crimson of course.

8 years ago

Devin Townsend, the bizzaro Adam Jones.

8 years ago

I’ve done my fair share of complaining and I was really truly naïve in thinking that we were close to a release. I was silly enough to get my hopes up. Seeing these most recent threads that have been stacking up with complaints brings it all into perspective for me for sure. TOOL owe us nothing. Life happens and you get distracted and sometimes the creativity goes dormant. Having kids, law suits, other projects and just a huge amount of time away from a creative venture can certainly stunt your vibe. I’m sure that music has taken a back seat… Read more »

8 years ago

May 27, 2016 at 7:45 am

“Tons of interviews with Smashing Pumpkins confirm that James Iha had little to do with those albums. In fact, Billy had went back to re-record both James’ and the bass parts by himself.”

“I hate Billy Corgan, but the guy wrote almost all of those albums himself.

Knew that, but wasn’t going to point it out. I don’t like upsetting people

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Everybody knows that Billy writes everything so you guys aren’t providing any sort of revelation for anybody here… That also doesn’t mean that James Iha isn’t a fantastic guitarist. As for re-recording anything, I’ve never heard of that but who knows?

I’m not going to argue about SP. Still love Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie. Billy Corgan is still a douche…

8 years ago


“Fuck all y’all. This is what you need to be rep’n:

Al Green – Love and Happiness
Original Ghostbusters Soundtrack
Kenny Loggins
Jay-Z: Hard Knock Life Vol. 2
Cult of Luna”

Kenny Loggins 1st 3
Neurosis – all
Cult Of Luna – all
Al Green – don’t care
Ghostbusters – no opinion
Jay Z – No

8 years ago

I hate to keep the complaining continuing, but I just do not understand the whole “they don’t owe us anything” shit. I’ve used the argument myself, but it just doesn’t make any sense. It’s like Tool became famous ALL by themselves – no, the fans made them famous. Yeah – Tool doesn’t have to make us anything – but you would think they would give us something for being such dedicated fans. Most bands would have lost all their fans by now (most likely). manowarrollins talked about (for example) all the albums Iron Maiden and Dream Theater have released, comparing… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago


…why am opiate reissue but not undertow?

Aenima LP reissue?

Live DVD…

New website…


Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

The Opiate reissue was weird! Seemed so half assed. If they had re-recorded it, now that would have been cool – the production and mastering on that album is a much lower standard. I would love to hear those songs modernised (though of course the rawness of the record is its charm). Aenima LP reissue – would love that, but I assume they like the fact that the original pressings are rare and valuable. If I owned one that factor would make it more special. New website – no excuse. That could be done in a week, they just don’t… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
8 years ago

I would be ecstatic if they released an Opiate single with the new version of the song and Problem 8 as a B-side.

I really dislike the “they don’t owe us anything” argument although I do agree with it. It would be great if I could use that line on the people that pay me. Sure, they shouldn’t feel obligated to put out anything just because there are some angry fans out there but it would be awesome to get a little more material from the band we all love.

Reply to  lumps
8 years ago

Interesting view. I cant count the artists I’ve seen. My brother and I saw Tool on the Lateralus tour. He went for 10,000 Days without me. I didn’t feel bad about not going and still don’t. Although they were one of the best shows I’ve seen, I don’t really like seeing bands kind of ‘back to back’ on successive tours. For years I really enjoyed watching their concerts on YouTube. But then, along with year after year of false ‘promises’ about the new album watching them play the same songs and an ever pared down setlist got REALLY BORING. They… Read more »

8 years ago

I will really leave this alone, but lumps you made me think of something. I’m grateful to Iron Maiden for all they’ve given (and I’ve seen them 3 times). But looking at their tours since Dickinsons return in 2000; 2000 Brave New World tour for that album 2003 Give Em Ed Till I’m Dead Tour; To preview their forthcoming Dance Of Death album The stage decoration was based on artwork from the band’s past releases, while the Eddie props were based on the 2002 compilation, Edward the Great, and the 2003 music video collection, Visions of the Beast. 2003-2004 Dance… Read more »

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Talking about Iron Maiden and Manowar here… on a Tool forum.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, you have fucking terrible music taste!!!!

8 years ago

For god sakes please Mano go troll under a different bridge. I think the Genesis page is missing your multiple inane references, your bitter diatribe on a Tool fan page and most importantly you are literally insufferable.

Reply to  DTWAirport
8 years ago

It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t fail at stringing two thoughts together so often. Or the double posts. Or the posts that reference something someone said in another thread that everyone’s forgotten. Or the bad grammar. Or the poor sentence structure. Or just a ceaseless barrage of ramblings and listing other bands repertoires without context. I’m only saying this because I have come here regularly for a very long time and in the midst of this now agonizing wait for Tool to do anything, I’ve often enjoying reading and taking part in the discussions here. However, Mano stands… Read more »

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago

Ha! Trump of Fourth Eye. Brilliant!

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago

Wow look some hipster using trump as a punchline. How original…

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

I thought it was pretty funny.

8 years ago

My Opinion is the truth man!
Your opinion is fucking stupid.

– humans

8 years ago

‘Trump of Fourtheye’. Yes it is. Very good.

8 years ago

Let’s remember that Tool doesn’t care what we want. Never have, and hopefully they never will. They only care about what they want. Selfish artists are the best ones, and it’s because they don’t pander. When Tool does pander it’s always ironic – like t-shirt blankets and symbols for $3500. I have no doubt that they could have put out a record or even two records of new music since 10k Days, and even if they had not moved forward at all most of us would have loved it, me included. That would have saved them from taking so much… Read more »

Reply to  maxell0405
8 years ago

One way of looking at it. I just don’t get the attraction and faithfulness. One of the pleasures of following Rush, The Who, Yes etc etc is the introduction of new material, sometimes focused on or played in its entirety, or what older material means when revisited in a new context. Tool are like a SNL more cowbell skit in which the same song is played the same way for 16 years straight. “Ladies and gentlemen,- Lateralus!”

8 years ago

“Trump of Fourtheye”

Looks like someone’s afraid they may end up getting ripped from the government tit.

Get a job, clowns.

8 years ago

Came a few times a year for any update on new album. Never read any reader posts until a month ago.

Could not believe the circle jerk among the same 6 guys positing the earth is flat.

Reply to  manowarrollins
8 years ago

Show me a real photo of earth from space that isn’t a “composite” or photoshopped. Fun fact: none exist.

Reply to  DRURY
8 years ago

mostly loling @ people like ‘how come you can see the earth’s curvature from an aeroplane window then?’

duh. the windows curved.

8 years ago

Tis a bittersweet day for me. Manowar have announced their ‘Final Battle’ farewell tour.

ElusiveEuphoria, – sincerely curious, who are some other artists besides Tool that you like?

8 years ago

What’s happening on August 23rd?

8 years ago

Why not, one more; Punky Brüster – Cooked on Phonics (March 19, 1996) Ocean Machine: Biomech (July 21, 1997) Infinity (June 17, 1998) Physicist (June 26, 2000) Terria (November 6, 2001) Devlab (December 4, 2004) The Hummer (November 15, 2006) Ziltoid the Omniscient (May 27, 2007) Dark Matters (October 27, 2014) Casualties of Cool Casualties of Cool (May 14, 2014) The Devin Townsend Band Accelerated Evolution (March 31, 2003) Synchestra (January 31, 2006) Devin Townsend Project Ki (May 22, 2009) Addicted (November 17, 2009) Deconstruction (June 20, 2011) Ghost (June 20, 2011) Epicloud (September 18, 2012) Sky Blue (October 27,… Read more »

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