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Maynard James Keenan Book Tour

Maynard James Keenan will be heading out on a brief Book Tour in November to celebrate the release of his authorised biography A Perfect Union of Contrary Things.  Confirmed so far are dates in Nashville and Chicago with more to come:

  • Wednesday November 9 Nashville City Winery
  • Tuesday November 15 Thalia Hall, Chicago

On the night Maynard will read from and discuss the biography and will take part in a live Q&A session.  Get your where is the new Tool album? questions/complaints ready!

Tickets for these two shows go on sale this Friday.  Ticket includes a copy of the book!

In case you’d forgotten, the book comes out on November 8th via Backbeat Books and will feature a foreword by Tool buddy Alex Grey.

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8 years ago

If there isn’t some kind of announcement and/or more info about the new album by then, I don’t see these Q&A sessions going well for him as far as the Tool questions haha

8 years ago

If I wasn’t going to be on vacation that week, I’d probably go considering you get a copy of the book with the price of the ticket and I’m likely to pick one up anyway. Actually sounds like a worthwhile event. Oh well.

I’d *hope* the Q&A goes well. I’d hazard a guess that the particular demographic of fans that would go to this would avoid asking too much regarding Tool if he starts it off with a, ‘ I won’t be answering *THAT* question’-type comment.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
8 years ago

Alternatively; Maybe he’s got some good news regarding the album and that’s why he feels comfortable holding an open Q&A.


8 years ago

He did an unannounced Q&A in Chicago after a showing of Blood Into Wine a few years ago. There was only about 80 people there. He answered everyone’s questions, and he was in good spirits. Definitely worth the price of a movie ticket.

8 years ago

As long as I get a ticket at 10am this Friday, I will be there and report back.

8 years ago

Hi there! First time caller, long time baller… I’m here to complain…. This is why the new TOOL album isn’t out. It’s all Maynard’s fault.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

Do people really still think that? I mean, at this point it’s more like everyone BUT maynard. I have a feeling that most people who even care about the subject know that.

I am going to try to hit the Chicago date but there’s no point in asking about tool. He will say, I don’t write the songs and I haven’t heard more than a riff or two.

New tool- 2019! Fuck yeah!

I wasn’t even interested in the book until that trailer. Somehow it sucked me in.

Reply to  hexagone
8 years ago

Z-Werewolf taking the piss surely?!

Reply to  Earthrocker
8 years ago

Yes absolutely taking the piss as you say. I’m just trolling…

I’m super interested in reading the biography (not taking the piss). I also really hope that we get a more concrete update on the new album at some point (still not taking the piss). I truly don’t care how much longer it takes anymore. I used to, but not anymore. We’ll get it when we get it. (at some point I’ll be taking the piss again but still not quite yet).

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
8 years ago

Many Thanks

8 years ago

i wouldnt be surprised if someone before he comes out (or even him) says ”no tool questoins please” or something to that affect. doesnt mean it will be every show depending on his mood. but very likely i could see that happening for all or most of them. who cares anyway. ha

8 years ago

I think it’s cool he’s doing the Q&A and I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of the book later this year.

What isn’t cool, is that fucking ugly cover…I guess it’s best not judge a book that way though. But geez Maynard, looks like a retarded 90s goosebumps pick a path or something…

Reply to  264zn
8 years ago

I think its meant to be pretentiously ironic….

8 years ago

I can see them posting disclaimers at the Q&A: “NO TOOL NEW ALBUM QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED”

8 years ago

I don’t think he would make a big deal about disclaimer. Might say at the start ‘I have no news for you about the Tool album, sorry’ so people don’t bother. I somehow doubt that the first place we get major news is at a Maynard book signing so who cares anyway. When there is something concrete to tell, no doubt they will tell us. Q&A is an interesting thing. I never can think of something I’d want to ask. They’ve told me things with music that are like, way deeper than any words, mannn “lolmg how did u guyz… Read more »

8 years ago

I seriously hope the first damn question is “Hey, when’s the next fuckin’ Tool album gonna be done?” In a consumer driven world that we currently live in, where anything and everything is a mere click away, you’d think they would realize that we need a 13 song album every 2 years with 2 hot singles and a ballad. It works for Nickleback. But no, they have to jam out 12 minute interludes on 3 songs and then fill the rest of the album with electric pussy fart noises. Its like they play music for their own personal growth and… Read more »

8 years ago

I hope the tickets for this event are priced reasonably. But I have a strong hunch it will be some ridiculous sum that is better spent on necessities like food and shelter. I’m so tired of Maynard milking this cash cow. I think he’s a talented artist, don’t get me wrong – but I no longer support him financially after being spit in the face a few times (ignoring a friendly hello post-concert or calling Tool fans stupid come to mind). I don’t purchase tickets for overpriced Puscifer shows and paraphernalia. I enjoy everything from a distance now. Hopefully my… Read more »

Reply to  falseidol
8 years ago

$65 is what I’ve seen.

8 years ago

A Keenan book … at last … we have our “curve-ball”.

ha ha ha ha ha!

Reply to  bloo-mune
8 years ago

You totally depressed me 🙂 I think that this qualifies as a curve ball.

8 years ago

Ticket purchased for Chicago. $65. Too bad it isn’t before the mini tour. I would Maynard if he could get me a cheaper ticket for the Denver show.

7 years ago

oops. i didnt realize this was posted twice. so their is more interest in it then i thought. and i forgot i commented on it apparently. hurtin! Hellboy, i guess you have a point. they probably wouldnt stop someone from asking about tool. but it made sense at the time when i thought it 🙂 but same idea i suppose, people would probably get a lame answer that sorta avoids the question..or the same old ”i need music” and say nothing more. i wont go to toronto for this,but i want the book so ill be getting it when it… Read more »

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