Here’s a fantastic video from Ernie Ball where Justin Chancellor talks about Bass, Strings, Tool and life in general. Â Well worth the watch!
Here’s a fantastic video from Ernie Ball where Justin Chancellor talks about Bass, Strings, Tool and life in general. Â Well worth the watch!
What a cool dude. I think he’s the most reclusive of the band, and wish we would hear more from him because he’s righteous.
I ordered hybrid slinky Ernie ball strings right after watching this. Nice marketing.
Sure sounded like he may have been playing new tool bass parts in that video.
Very cool video
Yeah, I couldn’t work out what Tool song the second riff related to when he was re-stringing his bass. Could definitely be new stuff…
Like his Teepee
That was great. Such a legend.
Yeah he is a badass. I’d love to hear the stuff he records at his house. Adam should take his advice on songwriting. Glad he started playing stuff he wrote, at first I thought, no don’t keep playing Paul songs.
Very cool. Totally enjoyed that. Immediately loaded everything by Peach, Suns Of The Tundra and even Feersum Ennjin.
Feersum Enjinn, while great, has nothing to do with justin.
The reason I included Feersum Ennjin was because I hadn’t really paid enough attention to Justin’s bass playing. I had always considered the ‘guitar bass’ far more Paul’s thing because he plays that way and he uses a Rickenbacker, which is the most common bass used for that style. Justin primarily uses a Wal, which is not. I never really noticed how similar his sound and approach were to Paul’s. Therefore, I also loaded up on Feersum Ennjin.
great vid never heard him say so much.
He really does deserve a pat on the back.
He’s been so prolific in that recording studio of his over the last ten years.
Sounded like some ‘new’ stuff in there I reckon?? Nice chat – guys a dead set GC
I thought so at first. I jumped the gun in saying there was new stuff. He plays in order:
Forty Six & 2, intension, Aenema, 10,000 Days, and Schism.
Must…go…buy…Ernie Ball…strings…
I prefer D’Addario strings for bass but when it comes to guitar, Ernie Ball Power Slinky is the way to go. Especially if you want a darker tone and a big fat Drop D sound.
However, I have never tried the strings he’s using so I may end up doing that soon.
The interview was cool. I always enjoy it when Justin has something to say. He’s a very prolific bassist and happens to be my favorite as a matter of fact. I love listening to his creative riffs and contours that he adds in.
I loathe ernie ball power slinkys.
I’ve never gone back from elixir nanowebs since I switched (almost 8 years ago now). And I’ve easily been able to mimic adams tone when desired.
I reckon eb must have coated/long life strings (cbf to google it), but the standard ones turn to trash so quick… ugh. Still bitter about it.
I don’t use Power Slinky to mimic Adam’s tone. I like the gauges and tone. When I was playing gigs regularly I was changing strings once a week so it didn’t matter to me if they had corrosion or not. I also wipe my guitar down every time after playing also and my sweat is not very acidic so I don’t experience a lot of corrosion usually. As for coated strings… Ernie Ball and D’Addario both have them and I’ve tried both and they both suck. They add more treble in my experience and it just doesn’t work with my… Read more »
I just recently started using elixir phosphor bronze polywebs on my acoustic. Great tone. I don’t know how to describe it, but they sound bright and meaty at the same time with good harmonic response.
Yeah Elixir’s on an acoustic… pretty awesome stuff there.
Back to electric, I think I’m going to experiment with Drop C so I’m going to try out the Beefy Slinky’s soon. Wish me luck!
Anybody have experience with Drop C?
If you play bass, give DR handmade strings a try. I use the low riders. They have amazing sustain and maintain their newness longer than any other strings I’ve tried.
I put some Ernie ball hybrid slinkys on my rickenbacker yesterday and they seem good. Less sustain but more punch so far.
I’ll check those out for my bass.