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Puscifer release video for The Arsonist

Yesterdays Instagram post was a hint towards a new Puscifer video it seems, this time an animated feature with Joe Rogan, Ronda Rousey and Trumpzilla accompanying The Arsonist – in my opinion one of the better tracks from Money Shot.  It’s pretty good!  Watch it below:

More info on the video at AV Club

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7 years ago


7 years ago

Yeah wow so edgy guys. Living on the edge. Watch out, don’t let yourself bonk your head on that low hanging fruit.

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
7 years ago

Good song… Bad video. (In terms of quality and writing.)

7 years ago

So bad, and pointless.

7 years ago

Opens up a dialogue though…

What does the rest of the world think of this shit show circus of an election?

What do you folks from Australia think? Anybody else from another country?

Reply to  hellboy1975
7 years ago

To a degree you’re right about “figure heads”… The thing is, these two “figure heads” are a fucking embarrassment. The “debates” if you haven’t listened to them are all about mud slinging and dancing around questions. There aren’t responses to a question that don’t include “well he/she does/said this” and then they fucking argue inaudibly for 15 fucking minutes until the moderator asks the next question. It’s bullshit! Go back and look at the Obama debates… that dude fucking slayed! I’m embarrassed to be part of this country right now we have some severe issues that are just being ignored… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

“The goal of socialism is communism” -Vladimir Lenin

7 years ago

Hey Maynerd,

Shut up and sing.

7 years ago

Where is the KILLARY monster? I guess Maynard is on the same payroll as the media is. Trump is definitely not a great candidate, but I can only see it as choosing the lesser of 2 evils…

Reply to  itoolizer
7 years ago

This whole election is a fucking embarrassment to this country. Bernie was the only valid option in the Democratic party and for people to just blatantly ignore Jill Stein now… I’m just at a loss…

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

Bernie had no chance. He may have been serious about defeating Killary early in the primary but he HAD to know the fix was in with her super delegates. She was always the anointed one. You rubes had NO say in the matter. None. THAT should scare the sheet outta you about the democratic party, among the many other things.

But hey, he now has that bitchin’ $600,000 lakefront house on Lake Champlain. I wonder where THAT money came from?

Reply to  Hammer
7 years ago

That sure does scare the shit out of me that it’s so rigged. I keep hoping that Julian is going to release something devastating to both candidates but that’s going to be stifled I’m sure. I’ll be campaigning for Jill Stein next election as I’ve grown to really appreciate her politics and I think she’s highly intelligent which is something we need. As for that $600,000 lakefront house… That’s a drop in the bucket compared to what Hillary got from one Wall Street speech. I don’t think that’s illegitimate money but I could be naïve. I just don’t think Bernie… Read more »

7 years ago

Maynard begged people to vote for John Kerry years ago, which I thought was hilarious because bush and Kerry are both skull and bones brothers, so to politically fall for the left VS right paradigm is fucking embarrassing. It’s disappointing to see a talented and creative person go after the most obvious punching bag in the country. Every hack on tv and print is hating on the guy, so to have Maynard pile on is just boring and lame. Attacking Hillary gets you blacklisted or killed, so that would actually take balls…but even that would be stupid and a disappointment… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
7 years ago

…not saying he was serious, but why Trump and not Hillary? Because he’s liberal as fuck and swings waaaaaaaaaay to the left.

7 years ago

Fun video.

7 years ago

Fun video x2. For me, the track “Smoke and Mirrors” was immediately and clearly seen as a dedication to Hillary. It’s her theme song. And it’s much more damning than this lighthearted piggybacking of trending pop culture. Listen again Also, Maynard reads Noam Chomsky and follows in the footsteps of Bill Hicks, who famously said of himself, “Think of me as Chomsky with dick jokes.” So Maynard definitely rests on the left side of the political spectrum. Chomsky has written extensively about the crimes and influence of the Clintons for decades. This isn’t lost on Maynard. He is on… Read more »

Reply to  chonus
7 years ago

noam Chomsky is a hack.

The left-right paradigm is so obvious these days as a tool to control the population that I’m blown away that people still vote and believe it matters.

Reply to  DRURY
7 years ago

“noam Chomsky is a hack.”

{spews some regurgitated Chomsky info}

If that ain’t making the case I don’t know what is.

7 years ago

Interesting political viewpoints all around here on Fourtheye, the Tool site. Curious what they are about; black lives matter, Muslim, ‘refugees’, third world immigration, an open Mexican border, murders of police officers, armed attacks of police stations.

Reply to  jadrianjadrian
7 years ago

Speaking of Bill Hicks, South Park had Garrison Trump doing a Bill Hicks bit on the new episode yesterday.

Reply to  jadrianjadrian
7 years ago

What they think about….

Reply to  jadrianjadrian
7 years ago

BLM is funded by billionaires and is a terrorist group of assholes.

Countries don’t exist without enforced borders.

Why doesn’t Israel or Saudi Arabia take these so called “refugees”?

Because it’s not about “helping”. The larger plan is just triggers for future conflicts.

7 years ago

Nice to see we all mostly on the same political page. Shell game. $hill game. Controlled opposition, Bill Hicks and George Carlin laid this all out publicly bare in comedy form years ago. Kinda surprised Maynard is even acknowledging this shit.

This kiwi managed to be right place right time tonight though, primus, tool, meshuggah. God damn now that’s a show

7 years ago

This comment thread has verified my belief that tool fans are just as stupid as everybody else.

Reply to  SirGreat
7 years ago

And yet you offer no retort or anything and just blurt that out from the cheap seats.

I saw Tool last night and confirm the human race is quickly devolving on every level.

Reply to  DRURY
7 years ago

Care to elaborate on what you saw that led you to feel this way?

7 years ago

Thank you Drury as always. In addition to humanity ‘evolving” on the same line it always has, the wheat is being separated from the chaff like maybe never before. I feel great.

7 years ago

Fuck it. I like both candidates. Green Party. The whole system needs an aenima. Who really says the president runs the country anyway, people put too much emphasis on the executive branch of government, it’s overrated. What goes on behind the curtain is yet to be seen.

7 years ago

In retrospect I think MJK pretty much nailed it by choosing Trump for the video. Could you imagine if it was a Hillary video? Oh that wouldn’t have aged well. This, howecer

Reply to  chonus
7 years ago

*however will grow ever better with age and forever be relevant.

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