Progress is slow, however some glimmer of light shines through the storm clouds with Adam today confirming that another Tool track is “in the can (minus Vox)”. Â So while the album ain’t done yet (and probably is still a way off) at least there seems to be progress!
“minus Vox”?
Some “news” of sorts.
minus “Vox” = vocals, no?
Hopefully this means another track has been RECORDED at the loft and they’re waiting on The Nard to add the vox (which have already been tweaked with and worked around for the last ten years). Adam once said something like… We lay the groundwork for the song and then Maynard comes in and shit gets weird. Hopefully they’re past the ‘weird’ part and are recording. I’ll be a wooden nickel Aaron Harris will be the engineer on this record.
I doubt they’re recorded any of this at a level suitable for release as an album. Maynard still needs to add the lyrics, and when he does so I’d expect another pass over the instrumental stuff to tweak as required.
This is funny. They’ve had 10 years to get the arrangements done for MJK to come in and contribute and now that he’s going away with APC then suddenly the situation is “minus Vox”
The situation has always been “minus Vox”. Maynard has made this pretty clear.
these days you can record yourself wherever you are just as well as a “professional” studio, so who knows, maybe they are recording the music as they go at their leisure….
Yup, that’s what I’m saying… Maybe they’re recording tracks that are 100% ready to go, but Nard still needs to track the vocals. They’ve had a few photos in the past with all their recording shit in the loft. April 21st, be there!!
If Maynard hasn’t added vocals, then the songs aren’t ready for recording in my opinion. I doubt very much that the music would just have vocals added and then that’s it. I expect there would be some reworking of the music once Maynard has added his piece to it.
I doubt very much that April 21 is a thing in regards to the new album.
We’re almost on the same page here… They’ve said they go into the studio with the songs 99% written (vox included). What I’m saying here is MAYBE Maynard has already written and contributed the lyrics and melodies to the songs and all the ‘weird’ tweaking that comes after his input is complete. They don’t need him there to record their individual instruments. If what Adam means by an ‘arangement is in the can’ with Maynard’s precious fucking vocals still in the waiting, then we can expect another 20-years of this nonsense, nothing will ever get done. Yes, April 21st is… Read more »
It’s possible (close inspection of the top of the white board shows several “M”s), I’m not letting myself buy into it though.
Yeah I would bet this just means the song (instrumental) is written. And they’ve probably recorded a rough demo. They will most likely re-record when they actually decide to make the album. Nowadays artists use a lot of the originally recorded tracks in the final version but I take this as, “we’ve settled on an arrangement for this song”. That’s all.
April 21st will come and go and there will be absolutely no news. We’ve been given bogus dates many, many times in the past 5 or so years. Whatever happened to the Opiate video that was coming out before Christmas of 2015? I’m hoping that the do end up delivering SOMETHING this time but I have to admit that I’m very skeptical.
I think we’ve just set a record for consecutive constructive/positive replies, HB.
That in and of itself is progress enough for me!
I can’t imagine why we wouldn’t welcome any (this) change!
(See what I did there)
@ out…
I used to think Hooker with a Penis lyrics were “I’ve got some Mad Vox for you little buddy” …
ha ha ha!
I’m sure ‘ol Keenan listens to the track 20+ times thinking about what to say and where. Can you imagine getting to hear that now?
a little more progress! nice!
They have said in the past that once the lyrics are done maynard will ask to change this or that to fit the words better. so ya, chances are that is coming for these newly arranged songs. whenever that is,is when it is
its just cool to get some real news for once 🙂
True any news is something, but this should’ve been the news update in 2010.
Adam posting positive things like this while Maynard continues to spew negative thoughts regarding “that band” and its “roadblocks” on his latest radio interview is either a front to make the fans think there’s a rift between the two of them when there (hopefully) isn’t, or he’s truly frustrated/exhausted with the slow pace of writing and just moving on with APC this year while he continues to wait. Either way there’s no new music before summer 2018 at the earliest and I feel bad for him seeming to get the blame from a lot of uneducated fans. I’d think they… Read more »
fair point. I keep thinking the flood gates will open once this last contracted album is out. 30 cd boxsets of outtakes etc…