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Adam talks about the San Bernadino not-festival

Adam Jones from Tool recently had a chat with Kelli from the Orange County Register, in which he discussed a few things about the current tour and upcoming San Bernadino show.  He suggests that they’re still working on the album (though doesn’t give any clues as to when it’ll be done), and that the coming San Bernadino show isn’t a festival!

“We’re not using the ‘F-word’ on this – you know, festival,” Jones said. “It was just a nice opportunity since we were playing that outdoor venue to be like, ‘We’ll let’s add one more band. OK, wait, let’s at one more.  OK, maybe one more.’

“Our band has always taken the route of what would we want if we went to a show and what I would want if I bought a ticket, a T-shirt or a record, is to get my money’s worth. We didn’t have to up the price of the ticket or anything like that for this show, we just had to fatten the budget a little so we could have more bands and just make a fun day of it. It’s definitely not going to be like Lollapalooza or anything, just a day with bands that you can come out, enjoy and have a good time.”

The interview is reasonably short, and worth a quick read.

In the meantime, the summer tour seems to be going pretty well.  I’ve held back reporting on it wanting to not spoil those who are seeing them later in the tour.  it’s safe to say that it’s not what some boldly predicted it to be (ie. a month long album launch party) but there have been a couple of small surprises.  For those that want to delve deeper into these spoilers they can check out this thread in our forum.

Photo courtesy of Fret12
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7 years ago

I’m super stoked about the San Bernadino show. I’ll probably be on shrooms for that one which will be awesome.

However, I’m a little more stoked about the VIP show in Sacramento the night before. I have been trying to come up with one question to ask Adam but it’s tough. I don’t want to ask something lame.

Do you guys want to help me come up with a question for him?

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

i’m excited. kinda… i’m stoaked for fantomas. that’s easily worth the price of admission alone. but it’s supposed to be super hot. so for those traveling. be prepared for a hot one and be patient with parking. it can be a nightmare.

should be a fun day. and who knows maybe we’ll get eulogy…..

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

Here’s one I’d ask given the opportunity: Was this image of a severed arm part of a video for The Pot or something else? Is there a video for The Pot? What happened to that video? Or, what project is/was the arm for? Here’s a link to the image of the severed arm that Adam posted to his Instagram account in 2012. Print it out and take it with you for bonus points: Have fun at the Sacramento VIP. I was hoping to get up there and make the return trip to the San Bernardino show as well, but… Read more »

Reply to  nxrm
7 years ago

I could entertain the idea of asking that question. Although I might want a little more insight to some other things that might be more relevant.

I mean, the answer could be “Yeah there was a video for ‘The Pot’ but we scrapped it.”

Then I’d be like… “Oh… ok….”

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

There’s really not much more to it, but it’s one of those unanswered mysteries that pops up from time to time.

No doubt I’d be in the same position if I asked and he responded as you suggested. : )

Reply to  nxrm
7 years ago

Yeah I feel ya on that unanswered mystery sentiment. There are so many with this band it’s hard to come up with a legit question that will ultimately not result in disappointment. “Hey Adam was that photo of a severed arm related to the Pot Video?” “Yes! Next Question!” Haha! I don’t think he’ll get all Genie Question Rule Book on us but who knows… “I wish I had all the powers in the world Genie!” Then you get them but don’t know how to control them so you just destroy everything in your life and end up miserably alone…… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

Ask Adam what word comes to mind when regarding the new material for the new album, or try to ask for SOME kind of description or how it might be different from the others.

Are VIP sold out for Sacramento? I should check…

Reply to  DRURY
7 years ago

I like that question and have pondered it. I also thought maybe I’d ask who might be a driving force if any one of them as far as riff delivery goes. Something to that nature but yes I like where your head is at.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

Ask Adam if he still wants to become a skeleton.

Another suggestion:
Ask Adam why there’s no “close up shot” of Maynard’s settings on 10K Days photo as there is with Adam, Danny and Justin.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

I would ask about Problem 8 and where it can be found. I’d love to hear it if it exists.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

Please ask Adam why they dont come to Europe.

Thanks! 🙂

7 years ago

Ask about the song that song Blair kept mentioning as having been secretly released. I forgot the title at the moment.

Reply to  Lateralus987
7 years ago

Problem 8 – The Riemann Hypothesis

That would be another good one, although I recall reading about this one having been asked about in the past. I don’t remember if the question was posed to Adam during a VIP Q/A or if someone asked Danny.

If I remember correctly, the response was along the lines of: “I have no idea what Blair’s referring to.” Truth, misdirection, or something else entirely? Difficult to say.

Reply to  nxrm
7 years ago

That seems like it could potentially be a good question but I would imagine that somebody has asked already.

Good ideas though! Throw some more stuff at me… We can come up with something better.

7 years ago

What about if they are using in ear monitors and backing tracks of any sort? I think they play pretty raw with not backing but I specifically recall in a previous thread that there was a bit of debate about that…. Normally when bands use in ears and/or backing tracks they can regain momentum if there is a flub. However when TOOL have flubs they all start making eye contact with Danny as if to get back on track with him… In any live videos I’ve seen I don’t ever see wires hanging from their ears… Keep up the ideas… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

They do play extremely well live, so it does seem plausible that they are using backing tracks/ in-ear monitors. I don’t think they do: I don’t ever see wires hanging out of their ears or, when they do occasionally mess up, do I ever see them get back on track as if they are playing to some pre-recorded material. They’re playing feels organic to me. But, I could be wrong. I was glad to see that they played Eulogy and The Pot live again. Would be awesome to see them play Disposition, Reflection, and Triad again though. We can only… Read more »

Reply to  lumps
7 years ago

My guess is that they play old school without backing tracks and/or in ears. But I have never had that confirmed in any interview or thread anywhere. It’s sort of unspoken I suppose?

This might be a really good question and I’m tempted to ask because I’d actually want to know.

I also have a question about his bridge pickup… As a guitarist this is up there for questions for me.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

Adam, Justin, and Danny all have normal monitors on stage. Maynard doesn’t so I’m pretty sure he uses in-ears. I wonder how their hearing is after all these years of playing? I have tinnitus just from going to concerts and having a loud car stereo.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

In-ear monitors are just an evolution from floor monitors (“wedges”). They allow for a more isolated monitoring system, and are usually more associated with vocalists. They also won’t feed back from accidentally pointing the mic towards them. Most every band uses monitors of some sort so they can hear themselves and each other, so it’s not specifically tied to “backing tracks”. Most times, each band member just has an individual mix from the monitor engineer of the things they want to hear on stage. A bass player might want to hear a lot of the kick and snare drums so… Read more »

Reply to  junior
7 years ago

Thanks for clearing that up, junior.

This was more of what I was getting at – I just didn’t write it correctly. I was implying that in-ear monitors are always associated with recorded sound tracks, but, as you said, they don’t have to be.

Reply to  junior
7 years ago

Actually I know a lot of bands that use in ears so they can have a louder stage volume. This works especially well in smaller venues when you’re closer to your amps. I used them when I had a band because I’d always be asked to turn my amps down. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the VOX AC30 but that’s my main amp in my rig and those things don’t have the same sound when they are turned down. Louder stage volume always gets unwanted feedback from the monitors. Pickups on a guitar are transducers which is why… Read more »

7 years ago

When Lateralus came out Justin and Adam were on the cover and there was an article as well as a cool poster of them. In the article they talk about the mirror on the top of Adam’s headstock and an unsightly screw on the front of the guitar that he won’t have removed because he doesn’t want it to effect the tone of the guitar… Maybe I’ll ask if he can point the screw out as I imagine he’ll bring that guitar in with him when he demos his playing… Just want to get ideas bouncing around… I can’t imagine… Read more »

7 years ago

I have a strange question for anyone who can answer:

As you already know, Tool’s website was just updated recently, but I curiously wanna know: when was their website launched; how many times had it been significantly updated; and how long had the website been in its previous state?

Really cool that we got to hear Eulogy and The Pot. Epic songs.

7 years ago

The problem 8 question was asked at the vip I went to in phx, and yeah pretty much said he had no knowledge on it and went on a little bit about Blair. As for a question mine I didn’t get to ask was, what was the inspiration for the scissor fish posters?(just seems like such a weird combo I could only equate Salvador Dali to) and 2 prt question: Do you guys still jam out songs you know that probably won’t be played again like wings, prison, Jimmy, D/R/T ect. which ones do you miss playing live? And lastly,… Read more »

Reply to  azbay
7 years ago

I like azbay’s idea the most so far.

I would definitely appreciate if someone could ask Jones if they still jam their music they don’t play anymore, and if they could play one of those at a sound check. That would be awesome.

I’ve seen footage of them playing 10,000 Days and D/ R/ T, and, damn, those would be epic to see again.

Reply to  lumps
7 years ago

Yeah great questions for sure.

Reply to  azbay
7 years ago

Excellent question(s) indeed.

Reply to  azbay
7 years ago

Adam was asked about Problem 8 @ the Spokane VIP in 2014 and he said he had no clue what we were talking about.
I imagine he’s been asked 100 times by now.

Reply to  azbay
7 years ago

Damn, I’m disappointed about Problem 8. I guess it was a load of shit.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
7 years ago

Ask if Blair has been sacked

Reply to  Jethro Tool
7 years ago

HAHA! That’s a good one too!

7 years ago

If he doesn’t open up the Q&A session with “Don’t ask me when the new album is coming out.” then how many idiots do you think have that question loaded?

7 years ago

Someone needs to record this show.

7 years ago

i know this is a long shot but i have a free extra ticket to the sigur ros show tomorrow night in philadelphia to anyone who can use it.

hellboy i know this is off topic and if there’s a better way to get this out please let me know.

7 years ago

For a general question I would ask about where he finds inspiration these days. A lot has gone on in his life in the last 10 years (divorce, marriage, fatherhood)- does he use the resulting emotions as a target for riffs and songs to evoke? Is he trying to get a specific feeling from a riff? Another I’ve wondered about is whether he’s surprised by Maynard’s lyrics. Given that the three of them substantially work out the music first, before Maynard writes words, there must be some times when Adam just shakes his head to hear what Maynard does. Imagine… Read more »

Reply to  maxell0405
7 years ago

I like this idea… that’s a good question. Inspiration…

Reply to  maxell0405
7 years ago

I’ve wondered this before myself.

You know what, Z-Werewolf, just ask all of the questions in this thread.

Very good questions….

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
7 years ago

I imagine he amazed by what MJK comes up with as am I. The Pot being case in point. BTW the official Tool website brought me here!!

7 years ago

Couple of ideas for ?s 1. What was the motivating factor for Lateralus being dropped from the setlist the last couple of years? Or 2. How does the band come up with the setlist each night? Is it location specific? How MJK’s voice feels specific? Etc. After 23 shows I’ve heard Ticks once and Hooker once (other examples but those are 2 most glaring in my mind and I’m especially curious as to why they busted out *that* track in Hershey, PA recently that they hadn’t played in practically 2 decades). Hope you have a blast Z – wish I… Read more »

Reply to  Stinkfist
7 years ago

Yeah maybe Lateralus has just been in rotation for so long I don’t know. Here are the two setlists that I’ve seen them play…

Opening one with Third Eye… wow!
Hooker and Ticks in the same set…

2010 Arco Arena Sacramento, CA
Third Eye
(-) Ions
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Forty-Six & 2

2012 Jan 14 Reno Events Center
Hooker With a Penis
(First time since 1999)
Ticks & Leeches
(First time since 2002)
(First time since 2007, album version)
Forty-Six & 2
The Pot

7 years ago

I read on reddit that some of the VIP sessions are showing a portion of the extended Opiate video. Does anyone know anything about this?

Reply to  hellboy1975
7 years ago

I went to the show in Hamilton and they didn’t play The Pot so I didn’t get to see those visuals. As much as I get frustrated sometimes with the lack of progress they are so amazing live that I can forget about it. Now it seems that A Perfect Circle is going on tour this Fall.

Reply to  fulcanelli
7 years ago

I wanna know what it looks like. The Pot’s video (if it’s real) looks pretty cool.


Reply to  lumps
7 years ago

I will report back on Monday morning as my weekend is going to be full of traveling from Sac to San Bernadino and back. If I can get in a quick review Friday night I will just to touch on some important things from the VIP.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
7 years ago

I missed The Grudge. Got there late accidentally.

The show was great, the venue wasn’t the best sound where I was siting but Tool was on fire. Third Eye was a free acid trip and some of the songs had a whole new life to them. Awesome visuals in general and a spooky cool one for descending.

They seem like they are working well together.

Any good info from the VIP?

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
7 years ago

They are still pushing the last show as being something special – hope they play Descending in full, be good to hear what MJK adds to it

Reply to  Jethro Tool
7 years ago

I think it’s just because of all the other acts that will be performing there.

Justin talks about supporting Primus when he first started playing with Tool, so maybe this is the reason they are excited for the show.

I hope they play something different (or maybe Eulogy again) at the show.

I doubt it, but we can always hope.

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