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John Ziegler’s Stroke Recovery Fund

Sad news this morning in that it appears Volto! and Pigmy Love Circus guitarist John Z has recently suffered from a serious stroke.  My understanding of the US Medical system, is that it’s mostly a joke, so financially John appears to be under much strain.  A Gofundme account has been set up, and I’d encourage those with a few spare dollars to send some his way.

John “Johnny Z” Ziegler is a very well-respected and adored guitarist/musician in the Los Angeles music community and beyond. A dedicated player and sought after instructor, he is known for his band Volto!, as well as the groups Pygmy Love Circus and Zime – and of course as the ringleader of the Monday Night Jamz at the legendary Baked Potato Jazz Club for the past 12+ years.

On July 16th, 2017, John suffered a devastating stroke while alone in his home. In distress for an indeterminate amount of time, he was eventually able to reach his phone and signal for help. Paramedics arrived soon thereafter and transported him to Glendale Adventist Medical Center.

The stroke has affected John’s speech, vision, and entire right side of his body. While tests are ongoing to uncover the extent of any further damage, the doctors and therapists are optimistic he can regain function. Those that know him will be happy to hear John’s larger than life personality still shines bright, with his humor and signature charm very much intact. However, there is a lot of uncertainty ahead in his long road to recovery.

Due to this life-altering event, John is unable to perform and therefore support himself. He is in dire need of assistance to get him through this tough time that will undoubtedly require lengthy physical therapy to regain his playing ability.

The money raised here will go to the following:
– Medical & Therapy Expenses (including the potential purchase of a medical bed)
– Daily Care
– Transportation
– General Monthly Living Expenses

John’s immediate family lives in Texas, and are communicating with doctors to determine the best course of action. Meanwhile, the expenses are overwhelming, and will continue to mount. Any support you are able to provide will help give John the best shot at recovery and alleviate the increasing financial strain he and his family are under. Thank you for your help in getting Brother John Z back on stage where he belongs.

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7 years ago

Thanks for putting this on your front page.
Hopefully John will be up and around before long.

7 years ago

The U.S. medical system is far superior to any other in the world, especially Australia and Europe. It has, unfortunately, declined in quality of late thanks to that fucking cunt piece of shit Obama, but John will still get better care than he would anywhere else in the world.

Reply to  ResJudicata
7 years ago

Funny guy 😀

Reply to  ResJudicata
7 years ago


Reply to  ResJudicata
6 years ago

ResJudicata has hit the nail on the head. Obama destroyed health care with his piece of shit Obamacare. He has basically made it ok for able bodied people not have to work, and collect free money, that is many times, more money than a blue collar guy, who works his ass off. Now Trump has to figure out a way to overturn it, and try to help as many people as he can, while facing a backlash of snowflake, ungrateful liberals who have their hands out asking for the working man to pay their way… Rant over, for now LOL

Reply to  ResJudicata
6 years ago

I honestly have no idea how many of you (if any) are trolling, but I am loathe you call you fellow American if you write in earnest.

Reply to  hawaiimeekus
6 years ago

it’s baffling isn’t it? when i saw this post initially i thought “i wonder if anyone says something douchey..”. and boom. there it is!

the dude from eagles of death metal needs help too (cancer… wonder if that’s obamas fault too).

Reply to  ResJudicata
6 years ago

The quality hasn’t declined because of any president, the quality has gone down because hospitals were privatized and started worrying about their bottom line instead providing great healthcare. Trump isn’t going to do anything about it as a matter of fact he doesn’t have a clue about how government works or policy making, he is out for himself and his family, that’s it.

Reply to  ResJudicata
6 years ago

USA hasnt been in the top X ranking for healthcare for decades depending on your source. The only ppl who think its good seem to be americans who compare it to Haití or México or something. At least i cant find a comparative list anywhere that puts it in the top 10. As someone who has sick relatives in US and Europe, Id rather fall ill in *certain parts* of Europe every time.

Godspeed JZ.

6 years ago


6 years ago

You have to keep in mind that many Americans enjoy ‘free’ healthcare because you tend to throw away a bill that itemizes a band-aid you got at the emergency room as costing $1,500. Your doctor is either providing end of life care for that cancer/stroke/heart attack/organ failure you didn’t get preventive screening or care for, or just a prescription dispensing pinhead who chats with you for a few seconds, pen in hand, about your pain/depression/anxiety/obesity/blood pressure/take your pick of first world diseases.

6 years ago

Since the posts are more about Health Care than John … I’d just like to ask: Why do we have 2 separate Health Care Systems? One that is FOR Profit and one that’s not. The Poor and Disabled use Medicare and Medicaid but the rest of us are forced into paying to For Profit medical insurance companies and hospitals. All we need to do is eliminate the middleman and make Medicare and Medicaid available to all U.S. citizens. To quote Lewis Black: “health care should not be ‘for profit’ since it’s the only thing standing between you and f#*@ing dropping… Read more »

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