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New Melvins album, interview and tour dates

It’s all go for the Melvins at the moment, with a new album just released, a cool interview with Buzz and Mackie Osborne as well as tour dates for Australia and Europe.

Firstly, their latest album A Walk with Love & Death is now out via Ipecac Recordings.  This time around it features Steven McDonald from Redd Kross on Bass.  The first disc Death is somewhat traditional Melvins-fare, however the second; Love is a score to the Jesse Nieminen directed, self-produced short also titled A Walk With Love & Death.

We have a couple of Melvin’s tours (the current Steven McDonald version) visiting Australia and Europe in the coming months.  In both cases Redd Kross will be supporting, and I’ll definitely be checking them out when they hit Down Under.

Finally, there’s a cool video interview with Buzz and Mackie Osborne up on LA Weekly – well worth checking out!

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