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Studio updates and Maynard’s Metal Icon Award

Tool seem to be back working hard in the studio, with an update from Justin showing up his rig in the studio, as well as a quick Instagram post from Adam:

Justin sent me this photo with a caption: “Bass… How low can you go?”  In speaking with him, he told me that he was making great progress in “a great studio.”  He also told me how much fun he had at the recent Tool clinics and how impressed he was by many of the questions and comments from the band’s knowledgeable fans.

🤘🏽The Storm #FearIsTheMindKiller @eviljoebarresi

A post shared by Adam Jones (@adamjones_tv) on

In other exciting news, Maynard James Keenan was recently given a Icon Award at the Metal Hammer Golden God Awards:

Maynard James Keenan received the Icon Award at last night’s Metal Hammer Golden Gods’ ceremony.

The award was presented to Keenan by Daniel P. Carter, host of BBC Radio 1’s Rock Show, recognizing a lifetime of contributions to heavy music, with past lifetime achievement winners including Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Lemmy and Alice in Chains. Keenan was celebrated for his work with his trio of bands: A Perfect Circle, Puscifer and Tool.

A much deserved award.  Of interest to fans of the great man, he was quoted during his acceptance speech as saying “a lot of works being done, a lot of works been done. I’ll go on record now as saying you’re going to see some new music next year“.  It seems somewhat clear to me he’s referring to Tool, but maybe some new Puscifer material could be on the cards.  We’ll see in 2019!

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Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
6 years ago

If the new Tool album isnt out next year they really are screwing with us!

6 years ago

I would assume he was referring to TOOL just because he said “I’ll go on record now…”. He wouldn’t have said that if it wasn’t referring to TOOL. We know how tight lipped he is and we know why he’s tight lipped… he gets grilled and blamed every time he shows optimism.

6 years ago

Ok so according to Wikipedia…

Undertow – Recording Started October 1992 Released: 4/6/1993
Aenima – Recording Started September 1995 Released: 9/17/1996
Lateralus – Recording Started October 2000 Released: 5/15/2001
10,000 Days – Recording Started August 2005 Released: 04/28/2006

I’m going with a 5/9/2019 Release Date for the new album. Anybody ready to speculate on a date with the new information we have received?

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
6 years ago

I am fairly certain Maynard’s referring to Tool, as you’ve stated. Seems odd to me that he would use the phrase “I’ll go on record” referring to Puscifer when Tool has been getting all this attention recently.

I think the new album will be out sometime around next summer (then a tour). I’ve always thought the likelihood of an album this year would be bleak at best. It takes time to release an album (recording, mixing, etc.)

Reply to  lumps
6 years ago

Yeah at this point we’re certainly not seeing an album this year but it’s definitely going to be next year barring any freak occurrences that might arise. Fingers Crossed.

6 years ago

They’ll be headlining Coachalla and all the other big festivals next year … Bonnaroo, Lolla, etc.

On a side note, anyone not listening to TOOL anymore due to the digital transition? I had my albums uploaded to iTunes years ago, but some upgrade along the way they’ve disappeared and I’ve been too lazy to track down the CDs. Just waiting for Spotify to happen…

What comes after album #5?

Reply to  sularetal
6 years ago

How well do you cope with loss?

Reply to  hellboy1975
6 years ago

I’ll second that Hellboy. I use GooglePlay Music and love it. I actually pay the yearly subscription so I have YouTube Red as well. Well worth it and it’s really easy to backup your iTunes library.

6 years ago

Just saw “A Perfect Circle” yesterday in Luxemburg.

The band is in a very good shape, sounded almost exactly like on the records (soundmix was great!). Maynard was quite talky and thanked the audience a dozen times. Unfortunatly the lighting setup made it impossible to see him/his face for the whole show.

Reply to  ChrisC
6 years ago

That’s awesome that they sounded good. I thought they sounded amazing at Aftershock last year but then I saw them in San Jose this year and the sound was just awful. It must have been the venue. Also, the lighting was really bad in San Jose but was great at Aftershock… Ok… must have been the venue.

6 years ago

So, what of these rape accusations?

Reply to  hellboy1975
6 years ago

Sorry, I wasn’t aware there was a topic.

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
Reply to  hellboy1975
6 years ago

Thank you Hellboy.

I would like it if we wouldn’t discuss it here. Basically giving fuel to a fire that has no basis of proof. I would like it if this wasn’t a place like the rest of world the seems to be at the present where people are hung, drawn and quartered without a shred of evidence.

I like to come here to get NEWS and FACTS. and speculate about the upcoming album. TMZ is good place to go if people want to talk about this.

6 years ago

We live in an exceedingly stupid world where a random anonymous tweet can be taken as fact or remotely seriously.

I truly hate the state of society.

If this fucks with the new album I’m going to be super pissed.

Reply to  DRURY
6 years ago


None of the major news outlets seem to have caught wind of this yet nor have any other sources. I’ve seen a few random re-posts on Facebook by people that are either casual fans or loathe Maynard for various reasons. Otherwise… crickets….

Yeesh… what a time to be alive.

6 years ago

Viewing all these “I believe you” replies on Twitter is aggravating. If the allegations are true, then Maynard needs to suffer the consequences; but if they are not, then people need to leave him alone. I’m sure MJK has slept with “groupies,” but that does not make him a horrible person (as long as they were consensual of course). Throwing him under the bus (tarnishing his name) by assuming he is in fact a rapist just because an anonymous person CLAIMED to have been rapped by him is grossly negligent. Saying “I believe you” at this point would be to… Read more »

Reply to  lumps
6 years ago

I agree with you on all of this. This pound me too movement is out of control. I understand it happens and I believe that a lot of these claims are true but I also believe that a lot of them are complete bullshit. I’ve known women that have claimed rape, never went to have a rape kit conducted and never pressed charges. When I asked them questions about what happened the story always changes and it always ends up sounding like they just regretted it the next day. Too often do women claim it but never really mean it.… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
6 years ago

If you go to the channel, you’ll see that it has been “terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.”

On Reddit, ToolArchive stated 8 days ago that the channel’s termination was “100% due to some technical mistake on YouTube’s side.” If that is the case, then why hasn’t it been reinstated? I hope it comes back. There was way too much great content on there for it to just be thrown away, unless ToolArchive has the content saved away.

I guess we’ll see.

6 years ago

In a sane world, nobody would say “I believe you”. In a sane world the correct position is to remain neutral at this point in time. Why? Nothing has occurred…. An anonymous claim against a well known person is not a basis to jump in the ring for or against. I am on the side of truth and reality. It boggles my mind that these lunatics feel the need to come to a conclusion based on nothing but words backed up by no other evidence or legal action. Humans are becoming more and more psychotic and unhinged. I feel like… Read more »

Reply to  DRURY
6 years ago

Precisely. Which is why I have stepped back and started to watch all sides fling shit at each other. It’s interesting what’s happening these days and it’s clear that it’s all emotionally charged. Once facts, truth, evidence etc… go out the window what’s the fucking point anymore…

Reply to  DRURY
6 years ago

I don’t think much about the rape accusation because there are no concrete facts, but one thing is certain, it has brought up some dust covered dirt from the past and it doesn’t really play well for MJK’s image. Those shady harem stories from back in the day, when there was no such thing as #metoo to motivate any accusation, are honestly gross and make him look like a pathetic loser ; even assuming that all of those women were of legal age and consenting, it still looks like powerplay akin to what any cult leader would resort to in… Read more »

Reply to  Bagochodes
6 years ago

i’m in your camp. i find it really weird that so many on this board are quick to bash the #metoo movement but also arrive at the MJK is innocent conclusion. who the fuck knows.

i was more troubled by the stories of the backstage passes. real trashy mayjay. but i also accept having been a young man. you often behave in a way your adult self looks back at and feels ashamed about.

again. i don’t come here for enlightened perspectives. but some of you need to really understand how women are objectified in our society.

Reply to  Bagochodes
6 years ago

You have a good point there… Interesting things to ponder yet nobody will every truly know except the people involved. Smithers, good point about the backstage passes it is pretty slimy if true… Women are objectified in our society true and not by all of course. Although, a lot of women use that to their advantage and only have a problem with it when it blows up in their face. (not all of course) There are so many different scenarios where either side can be blamed at any given point. These things happen to men as well not just to… Read more »

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
6 years ago

It cant be true cos he made no mention of it in his book! We will never know for sure.

6 years ago

You guys are seriously shocked at a Rock Star enjoying the fruits of stardom? LOL. Wow…I think men that “protect” women in this way, and act like they are all virginal innocent angels are the sexists. These girls are DTF a rock star. That isn’t “taking advantage”; and it’s not akin to a cult leader. I think modern brainwashing has really done a number on the western man and society…yikes. So judgmental too. I guess you are all puritans and never had sex with someone you regret or in the same day you met them, and I’m so sure if… Read more »

6 years ago

Just because the Pound Me Too movement is here doesn’t make it “right”. It could just be a well funded agenda. Nothing is grass roots. Anything mainstream is bought and PAID for.

6 years ago

Women can handle themselves. They don’t need you to be horrified for them. There are plenty of men that get kicked around through life. Go shed a tear for them. No? Didn’t think so. And if you care about women so much why do we protect cultures that are 500 years behind the west in their treatment of women? It’s all so hypocritical. Well I’ll probably be banned for being so non conformist to the SJW’s How dare I say what I want to, even if I’m not serious. PS. I doubt Tool plays Opiate ever again and kiss that… Read more »

6 years ago

Drury you need to watch some Owen Benjamin on youtube, itd be right up your alley 🙂

6 years ago

I agree with most of what you say Drury ; I’m not a femninist in any way, but that doesn’t excuse what a lot of these rockstars do.

I’m not saying he should face legal repercussions for his whoring around (assuming there was legality and consent), I’m just formulating my opinion, which is that we should stop glorifying the pathetic behaviours of rockstars.

Hell, most men will agree that gold diggers are pathetic, why is the rockstar behaviour any better? Because he’s getting mad puss right? Please.

Reply to  Bagochodes
6 years ago

So you take heresay this seriously all the time?

Sorry but I don’t need take the word of random people online as “gospel truth”.

Maybe he’s a Sultan of Flesh like people claim and maybe he’s really not?

I just don’t know why it is being discussed as fact and why so many are standing in judgment.

6 years ago

This thing is total bs – if you look some anonymous broad creates an account to post a problematic story and then within hours another person creates another account and accuses Trent Reznor of rape in 1994. Two famous musicians who happen to be on tour now are being accused of rape 18 and 24 years ago by two bimbos. Even if said events occurred, she explicitly states she never said no and consenting age in her state was 16 (if I recall correctly). The biggest problem here is why a 36 year old would even want to have a… Read more »

Reply to  bogie314
6 years ago

“if you look some anonymous broad creates an account to post a problematic story and then within hours another person creates another account and accuses Trent Reznor of rape in 1994.”

It may not even be a woman. Secondly, the other account that accused Trent Reznor of rape was created before the other:comment image

Reply to  lumps
6 years ago

You’re right…but it does not matter and think most reasonable people will see something smells with these anonymous accusations.

6 years ago

Maynard responded.

Makes everyone look like a bunch of ninnies.

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
Reply to  DRURY
6 years ago


Actually the best reply I have seen thus far from all these situations.

6 years ago

Classy response. Move along.

6 years ago

I’m no judge, lawyer, law student or anything regarding law. And I generally think that we should all question authority but……isn’t the statute of limitations way gone at this point? Having said that, I don’t really think she is looking for anything other than to be heard/believed. Not saying said allegations are true or false at this this point.

Personal thoughts….if this gets strung out, I really think it will delay the album (think lawsuit with the record label). We may never see the album either if something comes of all this. Enough of my Debbie Downer attitude.

Reply to  lettherabbitswearglasses
6 years ago

Nothing to be drawn out. It was a lie, a hoax, a troll. That much is 100% obvious and clear now.

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