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Tool Newsletter May 2018

Tool newsletters are finally back, and in this May 2018 edition Blair tells us in his usual roundabout way about his thoughts on the recent Music Clinic Tour.  He even laments a few unasked questions:

What I wanted to hear was how the guys answered certain questions – such as: How hard is it to tune a nano Silverburst guitar?  How many salmon on average does Justin catch while fishing in Alaska from his Boxing Day gift Sikorsky S-76C helicopter?  What’s the number of stops on the pipe organ inside the replica Nautilus submarime anchored in Maynard’s swimming pool, and does Danny still feel the mystical vibes from the Knights Templar artifact that was melted down to be included in his Jeff Ocheltree Custom Craft set? Incredibly, no one asked about these things. I would have thought for sure that there would be questions about the advantages of parking bollards at the new loft, or if there were any updates on the new refrigeration system for the vintage Pepsi machine. But, no, instead, fans were asking really odd things like “How’s it going with the recording process?” Is it me – or does that seems kind of silly?  Oh, well, you had your chance…

All valid points I thought!  Not really a bunch of news in the newsletter, but it is great to have Blair back doing his thing!


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6 years ago

As per the usual… Nothing useful. I know his writings have a place, but I can NEVER get into his ramblings of bullshit and aliens and crap talk. I’m. One of these guys: Just give me Tool news. That’s it.

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
Reply to  itoolizer
6 years ago


Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
6 years ago

Ive missed him to be honest. Its good to be teased whilst nothing much is happening – and after 12 years he deserves a medal

6 years ago

Kind of funny that the newsletters finally return during a month when not much happened other than the band toured and whatever news there is to be had, everyone already knows, so there isn’t much to say.

That said, I’m looking forward to the June newsletter knowing that they will be back in the studio next month, largely working on Justin and Adam’s parts.

6 years ago

1982 Gibson Les Paul Custom Silverburst anyone? For the low low price of $5,000…

Those guitars are beautiful but god damn are they heavy and not very comfortable to play. I don’t recall Adam ever specifying the exact year of his main axe but I know he fancies the 80’s models.

Yay… Blair is back…

6 years ago

Wait, nobody asked about the Pepsi machine?

6 years ago

Great to have Blair back? I’m not sure I missed him at all… But, then again, 12 years with no new music makes it hard to conjure up something on a regular basis…

6 years ago

More mention of Problem 8. If this is just trolling on his part then I really just don’t get it. I’m glad he’s back.

6 years ago

He’s probably the most stupid mistake tool have ever made.

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