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Weekly Update 4-June-2018

Been a couple of weeks since our last update. with the Tool world mostly quiet since the recent festival dates and clinics.  Here’s a few little bits & pieces you might find interesting though:

  • The making of Justin’s Warwick Bass
  • Stream Yob’s “Our Raw Heart”
  • A Perfect Circle continue across Europe
  • The Pieces Fit – Tool’s Cult of Meaning
  • Albums of the week: Baptists, TesseracT, Null Apostle, High Priestess, Wax Chattels

The making of Justin’s Warwick Bass

There’s a new video from Warwick, which gives some visual insight into how his custom bass was create.  No, it’s not a Wal.  No, Justin is not about to give up playing his Wal.

Stream Yob’s “Our Raw Heart”

Yob are a doom metal band quite popular with Tool and their fanbase, and later this week they have a new album out called Our Raw Heart.  It’s currently streaming on NPR, so check it out!

A Perfect Circle continue across Europe

A Perfect Circle are partway through the European leg of their Eat The Elephant tour.  There are still plenty more chances to see them until the end of this month.  I was lucky enough to catch a pro-shot show from the Rock Am Ring Festival, and the band sounds great (it’s out there for those interested, though not on Youtube).

Some of you who went for the box set of Eat the Elephant would have enjoyed the little hologram widget thing they released with it.  For those curious, a 2D version of this clip for TalkTalk is now on Youtube:

The Pieces Fit – Tool’s Cult of Meaning

Trevor Quirk from The Point has written an interesting essay on Tool entitled the Cult of Meaning.  Those of you interested in some deeper meanings behind Tool might be interested in taking a look

Albums of the week

Baptists are a hardcore punk band out of Vancouver, Canada.  They put out a great new album just a couple of weeks ago called Beacon of Faith:

Djent!  Metalcore! Out of place capital letters!  I can hear the groans now!  Despite that, TesseracT have headed doing a more progressive path of late, and it’s one I enjoy.  Their new album Sonder is a great listen.

One of the best and heaviest albums I’ve heard this year comes from a crew from New Zealand called Null Apostle.  Their album Bridge Burner has everything you need to scratch that death/grindcore itch…

I love a good doom/stoner album, and High Priestess have released one that’s as good any this year.  Killer riffs and grooves – this album is worth a listen

Second band from New Zealand this time around, this time on a slightly different noise scale to Null Apostle.  Wax Chattels do a cool brand of post-punk, and their recent self titled album is one I’ve thoroughly enjoyed!

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6 years ago

You had indeed to be quick to download the show of APC in Rock am Ring on YouTube. 😉

I will see them at the end of the month in Paris! (and TesseracT at the end of the year).

6 years ago

Getting a bit ahead of yourself, aren’t you hellboy? It’s only the 4th of june! 😉

(ok, it rolled over to the 5th while I was logging in)

6 years ago

Thanks for the heads up on the new Tess album . THOROUGHLY enjoying it.

@ out…

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