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Maynard Release Date “Hints” on Twitter

Maynard said a few things on Twitter these last couple of days, that suggest the new Tool album won’t be released in April. Given that Tool drummer Danny Careymentioned at a Baked Potato show recently they were aimed for a release in April or May, this doesn’t really change much in my opinion.

My thoughts regarding an April release date was that it was never going to be mid-April, and Friday the 19th of April is Good Friday, leaving the 26th as the only realistic candidate. Therefore MJK’s statement only really rules out one potential release date.

That said, it’s time for this constant social media and band hearsay type posts to stop (as well as the related clickbait style news cycle). It’s long past time where the band start acting like grown ups, and put up or shut up.

Until we get some kind of formal announcement, or at least some more solid details from a band member, I won’t be posting any more date speculation from them.

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6 years ago

Thank you Hellboy.

Captain Fever
Captain Fever
6 years ago

I just wish they’d stop being cunts and tell us when the album is coming out, or just say they don’t have a date yet. Why does everything have to be a big fucking mystery with these pricks?

6 years ago

The clickbait articles are embarrassing and the awful “fan” interactions with Maynard on Twitter are massively cringey.
I just hope there is something official is announced soon so everyone can stop with the silly predictions.

6 years ago

You’d think they’d release before the tour starts. I guess not.

Reply to  fulcanelli
6 years ago

My thoughts also. Going to Epicenter festival in early may with hope of hearing new songs live. If not I will throw my bottle at the stage and leave quietly, that is all. I will return to creeper status

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
Reply to  fulcanelli
6 years ago

Yeah. I think it would be a huge mistake to start the tour without the album.

I live in Australia and have seen Tool on every tour they have done here. If they were to tour here again without releasing the album, I personally wouldn’t go to see them. I think it’s a bit much to ask of the fans to tease an album, announce a tour and then not release the album before the tour.

In saying this, I am still sticking with my May prediction.

6 years ago

catchy and misleading title 😛
I was like “omg mjk gave as a hint when the albums gonna come out”

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
6 years ago

Building hype / free advertising. Makes sense in some ways. As long as people still keep buying tickets to shows they can treat / tease fans as they wish.

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
Reply to  hellboy1975
6 years ago

Totally agree.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
6 years ago

its funny how they still have this grip on us all. I wouldnt care for any other band.

6 years ago

I’m only concerned if we don’t get any official announcements by this time next month. Until then I’m going to sit back, relax and assume everything is on track for an early May release (3rd/10th).

Reply to  BellJH
6 years ago

Tres de Mayo !
I looked at all past album releases and Tool kicked off their tour on the record release date every time.

6 years ago

Hellboy! you are the man for posting this! all the mystery and the way they did this in the 90s worked for them but over time with everything related to this (blair too!) it got old. i just take April or May for what it is and figure it will be out one of those months. all the crap on FB etc etc i just hide cause i dont want to see it. totally agreed though, be straight forward for once TOOL. at this point thats the edgiest thing you can do!

Reply to  hellboy1975
6 years ago

well, i meant edgy as in tell something straight up other then constant nonsense. and it appears your statement may have worked ? i’ll take that as you did it 😉

Reply to  bob
6 years ago

oh i didnt mean you/edgy. i meant tool. i see i said ”you” but i meant that as i was talking to TOOL. sorry bout that!

6 years ago

Woah, for you to be over it really says something.

6 years ago

June for sure. No way It’ll be out by May.

*Now that I’ve said that…. May it is.*

6 years ago

Such bullshit. Either a really crappy marketing campaign or they really are that disfunctional and we won’t see a release for a few more months yet which seems more and more likely…

6 years ago

let’s not all forget that some guys recently heard the whole album from start to finish. I guess it’s all about artwork, promotion, press releases etc. now. Given how slow AJ is with decisions, I think this is what would eventually delay the announcement. .

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
6 years ago

it wouldnt surprise me if it is the artwork/packaging holding it up

6 years ago

Wow, and you called the band immature? I’m not sure who you’re mad at… the band?, maynard?, click bait sites?, Adam?, Twitter? WTF is this? Its not the band’s fault that that click bait sites choose to turn this build up into a circus. And Maynard is most likely in the dark about how far along promotional material/artwork/etc is at this time – so he wouldn’t know. You’ll get an update when there’s an update ready! And Danny wasn’t trying to troll, he was giving an honest answer. Look – it’ll be out before the tour. They’re not going to… Read more »

Reply to  hellboy1975
6 years ago

Well seemed like you were a bit butthurt in my opinion.

I get not re-posting crap from these click bait sites – I hate it. But you run the freakin site. It seems counter-intuitive, as an admin, not to comment anymore on things like 1)social media from friends of the band, 2) fan interactions, 3) rumblings in the news.

I like coming to this site to converse about speculation/news/tweets/whatever as we get closer to the date.

Reply to  hellboy1975
5 years ago

hasn’t this been the standard operating procedure of the band since. forever? i didn’t pay much attention to the news from Danny at NAMM. i was waiting to see what Mayjay would say on twitter. i don’t see this as a clickbait type thing. the band has never been up front on release dates. the mystery was fun at first. mayjay in my mind has been the only band member that has been honest with the fans.

6 years ago

Per MJK on Twitter:

Update- Midway through mixing. Most likely be a few recalls. Then some arguing. Then Mastering, Artwork, Video, Special Packaging, etc. Best Ballpark Guess- Release date somewhere between Mid May and Mid July. More focused updates to follow as we progress. #simplemath

Reply to  Stinkfist
6 years ago

Man, I have tickets to see them in May. Was hoping to dive into a new album before the concert.

Hopefully we’ll hear some new music at the shows before the release date. I’m thinking they’ll have a single out before the concerts.

Sucks that the first we hear of some of this music will be from youtube :/

6 years ago



5 years ago

wey but last time i think it either came out on a wednesday or thursday. doesn’t have to be a friday… and why not be good friday? then most of us would have time off work and could drop some psychedelics and hear it the way it’s meant to be heard?!

5 years ago

and i know google says 28th it was actually the 27th because i went up to dc that thurs. to Buzz @ nations DC and had to take the next day off work. we were at the club rollin all night and didn’t get back to virginia beach till like 7 or 8 in the morning and dropped some cid shortly before getting back to the house. long story short I already had brand new unopened cd in hand and got to hear it for the first time candyflipping at like 8 in the morning shortly after getting back to… Read more »

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