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Notice: Site Maintenance

Notice: Site Maintenance

It’s a quiet Saturday afternoon here in Australia, and the Adelaide Crows are currently getting a touch up in the AFL game today, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to play around with the Fourtheye theme today (and possibly over the course of the weekend depending on how it goes).

The good news is at this point the site shouldn’t go down, so all the info you rabid Tool fans expect to be able to access isn’t going anywhere.

So what am I aiming for? The site is a little slow at the moment. The theme being used is pretty resource heavy and since not assisted by a service like, has a few problems with Google Analytics and other SEO related stuff.

There’s also the lingering question of HTTPS – that particular problem won’t be solve this updated, but is on the cards.

What do you all thing? Any suggestions? Feedback? Things you’d like to see changed or improved while I’m poking around under the hood?

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4 years ago

When opening the forum, it automatically brings you to your last read post. It’s getting more and more difficult with the high traffic of the incoming album! Thanks Hellboy! The time is finally near!

4 years ago

Odd time for site maintenance..

4 years ago

Expecting to get a lot of traffic? 😉 It could handle it better now with everything stripped.

bent eye
bent eye
4 years ago

Carlton and leading over Crows. How the hell does that happen?

Anyway, really like this stripped back look. It looks and feels a lot less clunky.

With a lot more news about to drop now’s the time for a cleanup and a refresh. Thanks for the work you do. It’s good to have a place to come to and talk Tool.

4 years ago

I like the current theme you have but I love the colour purple so things like the bright graphic/banner with purple font makes it easy to please me here.

The forum thing mentioned above about last read post is cool too; I agree that you should see a LOT more traffic soon so just do whatever you think is best mate. We trust your judgment here 🙂

4 years ago

This is surprisingly good visually.
Could you make it so that, say for example, after I’ve viewed or commented in a thread, when I return to the thread it could have some kind of notification saying ‘new comments’.
The way the system works atm is that I have to attempt to remember the amount of comments that are in the thread.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

At the least it should have some kind of notification when someone has replied to a comment I’ve made.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

I’ll try that now. Can you reply to this so I can see how it notifies me?

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

Doesn’t seem to work. No notification anywhere that you had replied.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

I got an email saying a new comment have been posted in the thread I have subscribed to. That’s nice and everything but would become really annoying if the thread goes to double digits of comments. That would be a lot of email constantly coming through…

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

An idea could be to have a glowing notification like a red ball or something which appears up in the top right hand corner where it says ‘hey, nickname’. This could appear when either someone has replied to your comment or upvoted it.

4 years ago

I’d be keen to see the RSS fixed so that it works with thunderbird. I’m still using my workaround script that downloads your rss and fixes it. We’ve talked about it before via email a couple of years back. I told you why it wasn’t validating but I can’t remember offhand. If you’re interested I could probably dig it out of my email history.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

actually, instead of doing that, how about I just shut the hell up and reflect on the important lesson I just learned about actually checking if a problem from years ago is still a problem before bitching about it? 😉 Turns out it’s working just fine now. I couldn’t find the email convo we had about it, but looking at my ‘fix fourtheye rss’ script it’s simply doing a trim() on the feed content. IIRC there was a leading space in the output which was causing thunderbird’s feed validation to have a meltdown, as technically the spec says the first… Read more »

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
4 years ago

Loving the new theme. Cleaner. Seems to load a lot faster also.

4 years ago

Enjoying the much faster load times on mobile since this maintenance. More ads, but… More power to you on that. I hope they will and do generate some revenue for you as hits climb this month.

PS thank jeebus for an edit feature

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