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Tool demo on streaming services?

Tool demo on streaming services?

Greetings from Indonesia Fourtheye readers. A few days ago Tool’s first demo 72826 appeared on streaming services such as Google Play Music and Apple Music. In the meantime there have been reports of it disappearing from some sites too. It’s unclear at this point if it’s a formal release, or even a permanent one so your mileage may vary depending on things like your region and chakra alignment.

Other Tool new seems scarce at the moment, and there’s no real official confirmation of anything.

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5 years ago

I downloaded and purchased it on google play. It still remains in my phone.

5 years ago claims to have a confirmation from the band’s reps that it isn’t an official release.

bent eye
bent eye
5 years ago

I had it on itunes until yesterday then it disappeared. Still available on Google Play though.

5 years ago

Having Doubts about the 30th?

Reply to  nails
5 years ago

February 7th 2000 Tool released the song Divorced with Melvins, what I consider a teaser preceding the release of Lateralus May 15 2001. Using this formula a teaser will be released August 30 2019 and a full length album in late 2020. Worst case scenario. ha ha! … you’re welcome.

Reply to  bloo-mune
5 years ago

Ehi guys there is no doubt august 30th will be THE day. Maynard confirmed it with this tweet

5 years ago

Pretty strange that this horrible demo has been uploaded to both iTunes and GooglePlay. Doesn’t make any sense… What’s with Cold & Ugly cutting off in the end? Where the hell is the new “Opiate” video!? So many questions…

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

THIS is the curveball ROTFLMFAO!

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

The theory going around is that this Friday Opiate will be released to streaming services, the Friday after, Undertow…etc…
Until the 30th of August which will be the new album’s release to streaming and physical.
The dates do work, for the full catalogue, including
It is very, very strange that the demo was included.
It’s just horrible.

Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago

I did read that somewhere but I just don’t understand it. It just doesn’t make any sense that they are going to slowly release everything to digital… We already have it!

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

Die hards like us do. Many people who like Tool don’t actually own any of their stuff and downloaded it during the Napster era, and disowned physical copies.

It’s gonna be interesting when all the soccer moms who loved Lateralus hear the first couple albums for the first time.

Reply to  limeygringo
5 years ago

Die hards like me do own physical copies because I purchased the CD’s when they came out from Undertow onwards. Tool are now the only CD’s I have kept with everything else being ripped to digital many many years ago from the CD’s. I keep all my digital music on a portable hard drive and copies on a back up hard drive. I also have vinyl of every album except 10k Days cos it was never issued. These days I almost exclusively buy vinyl and 99% of the time they give you a digital download code. So I personally couldn’t… Read more »

Reply to  L-Hol
5 years ago

Yeah I had/Maybe still have all the CD’s too and then ripped them into my music library. Once I subscribed to Google Play Music I uploaded my entire library to the cloud and can stream the songs any time I want granted there is a connection. I mean, I guess not everybody is savvy enough to do that but I’d venture to guess a majority of TOOL fans are? I dunno… it’s cool that they are finally going digital as I’m sure it will benefit some people for sure. However, they are missing the mark on the lead up to… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

“Maybe it will release Friday when Opiate is released digitally. Assuming they are going to do an album a week on Friday?” Where was it ever stated they are releasing an album every Friday until Aug 30 and why would you assume this? The only thing I’ve ever seen of this was mere speculation by some random dude on the r/toolband sub Reddit and for some reason everyone is running with it. There has been no official communication from the band whatsoever that points to this. I get that everyone is thirsty as fk for something, any tidbit of information.… Read more »

Reply to  L-Hol
5 years ago

I said “Assuming they are going to” if the rumors/speculation are/is true is what I meant. I know there was never anything official announced.

Here we are on Friday with no “Opiate” release so the speculation wasn’t true.

If anybody needs to “calm their farm” (what the fuck does that even mean) it’s you bud. CHILL PILL.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

Of course it wasn’t true. Why anyone believes wild, random fan theories instead of official announcements (or in this case a lack of) is beyond me

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

We know this Opiate video thing is bothering you.
Holy cow, you bring it up all the time!
Do you really fucking think the band are just going to give that away for free?
They don’t give anything away for free.
It’s going to be held for a Salival 2 type release, because they can’t get any use out of just putting it on the internet.
It doesn’t promote new music so it would be pointless.
How many times do you need to be told?!?

Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago

How many times do I need to be told what? You’re so sure about a Salival 2 type release and I certainly hope you’re right about that. I have absolutely no problem paying for anything TOOL releases but I don’t see them charging for a music video of an old song. However, I never assumed it would be free and I don’t care if it is or isn’t. And… OK … fair enough. I’ll stop talking about the “Opiate” video. You’ll understand why I’m so hyped about it when you actually get to see it and hear it. To be… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

I saw the Opiate video, it wasn’t that amazing. Neither were the extended section music parts.
It’s weird and boring that they bothered to do it.
They should have just used the visuals for an upcoming video or something.

Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago

It’s perfectly reasonable to wonder about a video that exists. It’s been around for so long so where is it? Why not release it like Vicarious was released?

What I really want to have surface is Problem 8. Why keep that under wraps? It makes no sense.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

But… it is happening.
And make no mistake, this wasn’t some kind of error that the demo was put up.
This band is all about preservation of their image.
That’s why you don’t hear their music as the soundtrack of a BMW commercial.

Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago

I’ve been seeing this a lot. People are skeptical of the album release on August 30th.

Trust me when I say, that they wouldn’t anoounce a date, and then not abide. That would be terrible decision making-to put it lightly.

Prepare for the new album on Augusto 30th. Its cumming.

5 years ago

I was quite surprised when I heard this video of the end of Part of me from a recent show.
MJK succeeds in yelling without the aid of his megaphone quite well.
I didn’t think he was capable of it anymore.
Wish there was going to be some of that in the new album but it’s probably unlikely.

Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago

Lol why does it matter if the man can yell anymore? Maybe he’s just not as angry as you’d like him to be.

Reply to  adoxnz
5 years ago

Hellboy touched on that a bit ago. But, I think you’re exactly right. The lyrical content throughout Tool’s portfolio seems to be mapping out “The Handbook of Life: How to Live.” Lol.
We age and mature. Ole Freak Maynard is no different.

“The truth never stood in my way…
…until now.
Feel the sting.
Feeling Time…
bearing down…”

Reply to  adoxnz
5 years ago

Well considering he yells/pushes his vocal chords in so much of their music… yes I care.
And yelling doesn’t have to mean you are ‘angry’, as you so carelessly put it.
His lyrics don’t denote that in most cases.

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago


Reply to  adoxnz
5 years ago

Honestly…it doesnt matter.

Can he still scream? Yes. We all heard it in 2019.
But it does damage to his vocal cords.

Which would I rather have;
(A) a screaming Maynard for a few more years, or
(B) a Maynard that doesnt scream as much, for possibly a decade or more?

I think we’d all take option “B”.

Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago

I’ll happily take tame vox on the new record in trade for Sweat and Part of Me becoming setlist regulars again, with stellar performances. I’ve experienced performance injury and it’s degrading. So happy the guy got his mojo back, for his sake, not mine.

5 years ago

Tbh it’s pretty shallow when after 13 years of no music, the big question on the new music is “Does the singer still scream?” Who cares? He’s successful and earned the right not have to scream like that anymore. What does he have to scream about? It doesn’t suit his age and position in life.

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
Reply to  MegaGil08
5 years ago

It’s not about screaming. It’s about his vocal style.

5 years ago

Demo has been removed from Google Play Music and Apple Music.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

It’s strange, it’s no longer searchable on iTunes but I can still download it on all my devices because it shows up as a purchase.

I think there’s a zero probability that Opiate comes out tomorrow b

Reply to  fulcanelli
5 years ago

Yeah that’s super weird… I’m also going to doubt that “Opiate” releases tomorrow but we are mere hours away from finding out. I’ll be checking first thing tomorrow morning.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

It’s Friday and no “Opiate” digital release. Speculation/Rumors untrue.

5 years ago

I forgot to mention that I wasn’t even charged by Apple for the purchase of 72826.

bent eye
bent eye
5 years ago

It’s just weird that with the release of the new album literally around the corner, there’s still zilch promotion of the new album. At least give us the Opiate video, something!

Still, 2 weeks of July to go and Blair did say that he was hoping to announce something this month.

I’ve said it before, but this band needs to capitalize on the insane hype that this album is going to generate.

Reply to  bent eye
5 years ago

Totally agree. Something has to be coming soon in the form of communication. Unless 8/30 is now in doubt. Further delay of its release is the last thing they need right now. But, a battery in mass production could cause unexpected delays I would think. Remain patient, folks.

Reply to  TOOL_Rules
5 years ago

Maybe the battery statement has to do with our cell phone/electronic device batteries because it’s going to be a digital release only? Maybe that’s why there is no pre-order for physical copies?

The last several pre-orders that I’ve purchased from other bands over the last year have all been no less than 3 months in advance (typically longer). If we’re to assume the album will truly be released 8/30/19 then there’s no time for it period.

Reply to  Z-Werewolf
5 years ago

8/30 could be the first single and video clip for it. That would be such a huge fuck you to the fans that it wouldn’t surprise me if they did that.

Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago

Agreed. They never stated that an album well be released on the 30th of august. I would not be surprised that we just get a single/video on the 30th with an announcement with all the info about the new album.

Reply to  Naimed
5 years ago

“They never stated that an album well be released on the 30th of august.” Except for Maynard who did in fact state that it would be out August 30 with an undeniable, unambiguous “Yes. #yesitis”

5 years ago

Actually they are working on CDs -but will also do streaming.

Maynard mentioned the packaging in one of his “to-do” tweets.

And really thats what a lot of people want. The CD with the awesome artistic packaging.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
5 years ago

Didn’t MJK confirm its out Aug 30th?

Reply to  Jethro Tool
5 years ago

Correct. Unambiguously.

faaip de oiad
faaip de oiad
5 years ago

New logo as posted by official tool account.

Reply to  faaip de oiad
5 years ago

IMO, the logo fits the artwork from the US tour:

5 years ago

Close, but no cigar (just yet)…

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