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Danny claims Tool have tons of material

Well known Tool optimist Danny Carey has claimed in a recent interview with Metal Hammer that the band have plenty of material ready for a new album, which I’m sure will be out sometime this decade:

My hope is we get in and knock out another record. We have tons of material. It’s not going to take 12 years, or if it does, I’ll probably be so old I probably can’t pick up my sticks any more! But my hope is we’ll do another record and just keep moving forward.

He also goes onto say that having the shackles unleashed from their record label could well effect the motivation to create the followup to Fear Inoculum:

There’s more motivation. The carrot on the stick has gotten larger because now we’ll be free agents – we don’t have to deal with a record company or if we do, we deal with it on our terms, because we can do whatever we want now. 

This is the last record of a five-album deal, so that’s a good feeling and I hope that will be motivational in the writing processes.

So the count is on then! Take Danny’s estimate, and multiply it by two! See you in 2033!

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5 years ago

2048, yeah baby

5 years ago

You never know. It seems there would still be quite a lapse of time between touring on FI and then the guys likely going back to other projects. I would imagine we will at least see another Puscifer album first. Personally, I would love to have another APC record myself. That said, it is encouraging as a fan to hear Danny say these things. And I tend to be a bit more optimistic for a shorter waiting period given what he said about the record label obligations being done. I would think it IS very motivating to have the handcuffs… Read more »

Reply to  mckenziecrestwines
5 years ago


Reply to  mckenziecrestwines
5 years ago

But seriously, we know fathead is working on a new Shitifer album for next year. Then no doubt he’ll waddle back over to APC for another ‘effort’. Then back to Tool in 3 or 4 years. He’s proven that he can do his little Napoleon and keep Billy and Tool working as his employees, he gets to sit back and wait for them to ‘present’ him with all their hard work for him to slap whatever he wants on top. Predictable. I’m sure there is a second book in the pipeline too. Which will unveil new commandments for the masses… Read more »

Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago
Reply to  Maynerd
5 years ago

Upvotes for fathead, shitifer & waddle.

bent eye
bent eye
5 years ago

When it comes to new album news I’d take what Danny says with a huge grain of salt, although its good to see they’re feeling enthusiastic.

5 years ago

I like the prospect of the record deal done and lawsuit handled. Gives hope. However, Metallica went independent and then released the most boring album ever, Hardwired. Or, maybe these rockers get soft with old age? I LOVE Fear Inoculum. But, it is lacking the intensity and power of Undertow & Ænima era. Very Epic and complex, every Fear Inoculum track is a masterpiece! [excluding the segues] Korn and Marilyn Manson have no problem releasing nearly perfect albums every 2 to 5 years. After they cash in on the touring dollars I hope they work on another album. No real… Read more »

Reply to  bloo-mune
5 years ago

No disrespect to Korn or Marilyn Manson but I don’t think they are in any way on a level comparable to Tool. Not saying they make bad music necessarily just nothing like Tool. Even Metallica isn’t really comparable either but they come closer than the other two because of Ride the Lightning and Master Puppets etc.

Idk maybe I just haven’t heard the right song from these artists but no Marilyn or Korn song ever impressed me as much as any Tool song.

bent eye
bent eye
Reply to  bloo-mune
5 years ago

This argument is so tired. No artist is going to repeat what they did 20+ years ago in terms of intensity or power. It’s like NIN fans who want another Downward Spiral, never going to happen. People age and change. As for Metallica, they haven’t done a great album in decades.

Reply to  bent eye
5 years ago

@bent eye To be honest I thought “The Fragile” was a better album than “The Downward Spiral” (both are great don’t get me wrong). As for TOOL… Fear Inoculum is insanely better than I had hoped… They have nothing to prove. They just need to keep doing what they are doing.

5 years ago

I for one will listen to the next Tool album

5 years ago

I think we are more likely to get “Salival II” before we get another new album.

Hey, I concur with the korn, metallica and MM statements… What about Failure though? Those last two albums? Bummer about the last one with Pledge Music… Never got my copy.

5 years ago


Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
5 years ago

In that interview when he says ‘my hope is we do another one’ Justin says ‘I dont’ and Danny jokingly calls him a cunt. Metallica haven’t released a good album since Black album.

5 years ago

Regarding the future of Tool, Keenan stated in a 2007 interview with Spin, “We’ll make music together until one of us is dead.”

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