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Fear Inoculum Expanded Book Edition

Fear Inoculum Expanded Book Edition

Wanting to throw some more of your fatass dirty dollars at Tool? Today is your lucky day! Rather than announcing the vinyl edition of the album that we really want, we get the opportunity to buy an expanded book edition of the CD you likely already own:

The new iteration of Fear Inoculum includes 5 x 3D lenticular cards with exclusive graphics, an expanded 56 page booklet with additional never-before-seen art, a download of the groundbreaking immersive visual experience (video), “Recusant Ad Infinitum,” and a CD.

Should this tickle your fancy, you can pre-order it from Amazon and all the usual haunts.

Maybe I’m a bit cranky today, but I kinda feel like this kind of release is a missed opportunity. Another CD version? No doubt this will be a nice package, but come on – give the fans what the want! This kind of release would be perfect with 180gm multi-vinyl.

Of course, some of you may not actually have your copies of the old and busted Fear Inoculum yet, and Tool tell us don’t panic, it’s coming soon!

For those of you who have outstanding orders for the FEAR INOCULUM limited edition CD package (not the book edition), we apologize for the lengthy delay, but please know that all orders will be processed an en route by early next week.”

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4 years ago

Oh boy. Still haven’t fulfilled the old CD orders, and now a new shittier CD with no screen or speakers for the same fucking price…no segue tracks available in CD quality apparently. And now that they’re finally coming to my town, nosebleed tickets start around $300 with the online fees and taxes and everything…Who the fuck is Tool now, the beatles? the only thing good about this whole situation is that the music is good.

Reply to  Nostrenominon
4 years ago

The segues on this album add extraordinarily little to the experience. The CD version is better (imo). Every song has a soft start to it… no need to take a break with filler; Just get to the point. This is probably just the physical version they intend to push from here on out as it’s likely less costly to produce without the screen. Seems to me they added more “art stuff” to it as incentive.

Reply to  elusivEuphoria
4 years ago

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard about Tool’s music from a supposed Tool fan. I love the segues, they’re obviously part of the album and intended to be listened to in between specific tracks, per the digital copy. Honestly I couldn’t care less about mockingbeat because it isn’t musical really, it’s just bird sounds on a loop and shit and it doesn’t transition into a track it’s just at the end, which probably sounds hypocritical of me, but I enjoy the other two segues a lot. Esp on some lucy, they just sound amazing and are perfect breaks in… Read more »

4 years ago

I don’t even want a physical copy anymore after this. Am going to try and get a refund. I doubt I’ll get far though

Reply to  fraz
4 years ago

at this point i’m just advocating for everyone to pirate the FLAC torrent and burn that shit themselves to a CD. Fuck the “sPeCial” editionS bullshit.

bent eye
bent eye
4 years ago

As much as I love Tool, they are seriously taking the piss with this release. They’ve already done two runs of this “limited” edition CD package, how many more to go? Give us FI and the back catalouge on vinyl. That’s what fans want.

4 years ago

I would have liked a nice HD download link to the video instead of watching it on a God damn 2in screen.

Way to swindle your fans

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

i agree, everyone should have access to the video who paid outrageous prices for a fuckin CD and don’t even get all the tracks in cd quality. i think the whole tv screen in a cd package is a shitty idea honestly. a gimmick at best, the video is so good, why the fuck would they first release it on a 4 inch screen only? and their ambient track to go with it can only be heard out of tiny tin can speakers in the cd package?! so stupid.

Reply to  BeyondZero
4 years ago

The only thing that let me down was the outdated screen technology. So annoying having a screen that if you view it from a slight angle the colors get washed out. Those screens are SO old and outdated. I have old cell phones that don’t even do that. I still want to see a video of someone dissecting Fear Inoculum and hacking the screen to play other video or music. This new release looks a lot better. I’m still a bit disappointed there was no regular CD.

4 years ago

the entire lure of the CD package was that the actual album packaging was the only way to see and hear the “EXCLUSIVE” footage, which lasted for literally a month or two and now will be available everywhere rendering the entire concept of the screen and speakers with exclusive footage on a loop completely inert. no vinyls, no regular CD release even, and no HD segue tracks even after you pay for the album…Tool really dropped the ball with these marketing decisions.

Reply to  Nostrenominon
4 years ago

The marketing value for the initial run was moot to begin with. The whole limited edition spiel is a cover for the fact that only hardcore Tool nerds will buy that crap, creating the impression that more people are actually interested than there really are. Teens and young adults with limited funds (the demographic that’s susceptible to flock to the fandom) have little interest for CD’s, let alone some tacky packaging that’s completely deaf to the smartphone culture. Tool are only selling to their already established audience and truthfully, it doesn’t really matter how good the product is, it’ll sell… Read more »

Reply to  Bagochodes
4 years ago

I agree with the first part. And I mean I guess statistically speaking you’re right about teens not caring about physical media, 90% of all people just listen to their music from streaming services on their phones and computers now. But Tool fans aren’t 90% of all people, they’re a niche group that tends to appreciate finer aspects of music, and I’m sure include a larger ratio percentage of audiophiles than a normal bands fanbase. And what type of packaging for a CD wouldn’t be “deaf to the smartphone culture”? I’m not sure I get what you mean with that… Read more »

Reply to  Nostrenominon
4 years ago

It’s deaf to the smartphone culture because its gimmick is a terrible screen playing a videoclip with poor audio and video quality that’s not even a remarkable addition to the album experience. Most artists these days do similar things either with individual apps (Bjork or Radiohead for example), through Youtube or more recently with Spotify canvas. The streaming platforms have already surpassed CD quality at the moment (Qobuz, HDtracks) so there’s no argument to have there. Seeing how enthusiastic a lot of fans were about Tool’s catalog finally coming to streaming services I highly doubt they rep a higher percentage… Read more »

Reply to  Bagochodes
4 years ago

Thing that cracks me up is I wore an original Novus Opiate Seclorum Giant brand t-shirt to Fear Inoculum concert and not one person brought attention to it’s significance. Hell, Tool played a song off of every album except Opiate. I think most of the fans from the 90’s aren’t as interested, yet Tool’s popularity has skyrocketed.

Reply to  Bagochodes
4 years ago

is it just me or does justin’s bass guitar fizzle and distort at the beginning of his first part in pneuma? it’s so annoying i can’t stand it.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

no, that’s not what I’m talking about at all. If you turn it up loud, as soon as Justin starts playing in Pneuma, there’s a crackle that is in no way musical or part of the instruments, it’s just a clipping or feedback noise that’s so annoying i can’t believe Tool let it on the album! it’s on every version I’ve listened to.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

I don’t see how that’s possible, it’s blaringly obvious every time i play the song. it only ocurs for 2 seconds right after justin hits his first notes, like a record scratching sound or guitar cable on the fritz in the background.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

right at 1:28 seconds on tool’s youtube link for pneuma, you can hear it.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

well you’ve got problems then bud. I just listened to that again and it was obvious even at medium volume. Just a little crackle that’s an obvious mistake that shouldn’t have made it to the album. Ridiculous. get your ears checked dude.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

well the problem obviously isn’t in your ears then. because i’ve heard it every time i’ve played the song since the albums release and it’s definitely there, it’s not hidden, it’s an unwanted crackle that shouldn’t be there. i’m amazed that tool released the album with a mistake on it so obvious like that.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

it’s obvious enough to urk me every time i play the song since day one. it’s literally like a patch cable fizzed out and they just chose to mix and master that shit in the song. there’s no purpose to it or musical intention period. maybe if it was a mars volta track i’d say oh ok they did that on purpose but it’s not. i think you just don’t want to hear it so you block it out because it’s obviously there. 1:28 mark, justin’s bass, fizzy sound, undeniable mistake.

Reply to  hellboy1975
4 years ago

you don’t have to buy into it, it’s the truth, unless you want to actually listen to it and at least acknowledge that it’s there. I can’t help that you’ve blocked it out of your mind or that you don’t want to hear it, only you can.

Reply to  Nostrenominon
4 years ago

Oh fuck. I just feel terrible for what you’ve had to endure whether it is grounded in reality or your delusional mind. How dare they those tool assholes do this to you in that split second of time. Over and over again upon every listen too. How terrible for you! Ruins the entire album and experience for you. Those selfish careless bastards! If you do in fact hear this you should immediately purge your possessions of this CD and / or delete the digital version and never listen to the album again.

Reply to  bogie314
3 years ago

and it’s still there in every release. an obvious clipping distortion at 1:22 and esp at 1:28. how the fuck could that slip by after 13 years of scrutiny? esp after i heard it as a fan on the first try, and no members or engineers heard it ever?! this is insane.

Reply to  hellboy1975
3 years ago

just want you to know, that almost two years after fear inoculum has released, I still hear that fucking scratching/clipping sound at 1:22 and 1:28-32 on Pneuma on justin’s bass. It urks me every time, and I don’t know how no one else has heard that shit or how tool let it remain on the album and didn’t fix it in rereleases. It’s on every single version. If you can’t hear it then you’re def.

4 years ago

I also excited this expanded book version of Fear Inoculum is the best rock album of the year.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Everyone who said they couldn’t hear clipping on this album is def af. You’re welcome.

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