It’s here my friends – the Tool Australian and New Zealand tour of 2020 kicks off in Perth at the RAC Arena. Good luck to all our Western Australian comrades who are getting along to the show!
I saw a really cool article online the other day from PLSN (Production, Lights & Staging News) which talks to several of Tool’s crew members about the epic light, video and laser production that is the Fear Inoculum tour. The article has some great photos as well. Perhaps avoid if you don’t want set spoilers though!
I’d also add that Blair announced on Toolband that we well be getting some tour posters, details are below:
Tour posters for our friends in Australia include artwork by ALEX GREY, ADI GRANOV and MILES JOHNSTON. Look for them at the Merch kiosks. and remember that he band is not responsible for any huntsmans that might be hanging around at these booths with unbridled admiration.
Finally, as I may have mentioned before, I’ll be in Brisbane and Melbourne for the Tool shows, and there will be a catchup in each town:
Brisbane 20th: the Entertainment Centre isn’t exactly in the middle of a busy partying district, so the catchup here will be reasonably informal and short. Provided I can find it (I’ve never been to the venue), I’ll be planning on hanging at the Beer Garden Bar from around 6:30 onwards. Here’s a Facebook event for those inclined to come along.
Melbourne 22nd: on the afternoon prior to the show we’ll be having a get together at the Beer Deluxe venue, at Federation Square kicking off at 4pm (I might be there earlier if time permits). Once again there’s a Facebook event, so feel free to join. Depending on how keen we all are, we may repeat the experience the next day prior to the second gig.
See you all there!
Really hoping Adi has done the Melbourne posters.
Are you going to come hang out with us bent eye?
Yeah possibly. Just trying to clear some stuff in the arvo.
Enjoy the shows Down Under, folks. You all really deserve it. It has been a looong time. We are so spoiled here in the U.S. And seeing as they played 7empest in its entirety with MJK at the New Orleans sound check 2/1, it’s likely that at least a few of your shows are going to get it first. Looking forward to Aussie reviews of the shows.
I was at the show in new Orleans,but not the sound check. Did 7empest really happen?!
No 7empest yet at any show. Perhaps tonight will be the night, but to be honest I don’t reckon they’re playing it any time soon.
Wrong. Told ya, Matt! Congrats, Sydney. Sounds like it was a helluva show.
Any merch or poster snaps?
I saw a few on Reddit – Adi Granov poster reused from the Memphis show I believe. The merch looked more or less the same as that on the US tour
Thanks Hellboy.
Is Tool using the new rear, immersive audio in Australia? If so, how does it add to the experience?
My understanding is that it’s very close to the same rig on the US tour (though the heptagram didn’t make it to WA – it should be there tonight) . Can’t comment on how it adds to the show though
It’s almost like comparing mono music to stereo. Instant new dimension to their sound.
Wish they had been able to have it since the earlier years…
Good comparison. My only slight gripe is that it (the huge trunk of power cables from floor to ceiling) blocked part of our view from dead-on center seating, which normally would be some of best seats in house. Something to consider.
Yeah I noticed those cables the moment I came in. Would have definitely been annoying. I’ve seen tonnes of shows there and can’t remember seeing cabling like that hanging down.
Seeing FNM there in May so I’ll look to see if it’s common practice.
The power cables are exclusive to Tool and power the surround sound ceiling system. Hellboy posted an article specifically on this newly-added feature a month ago maybe.
So my review on this is that it didn’t make a huge difference to me while they were playing songs at top volume, but mid song while making their usual atmospheric pieces, you could certainly hear the surround effect.
All that in mind though, the sound was fantastic both nights
2nd Night SYD quick fire review No spoilers but the curtain/light projections and lasers were fricking awesome. Maynardism before Aenema ‘ Hello Sydney de ja vu’ lol then ‘Sydney aye, right by the harbour’ learn to swim. They struggled to keep time on the Patient – I noted danny shrugging and grinning at Justin when they lost time. Maynard also came in early with the ‘wait it out’ part. Pneuma was pretty awesome great to hear it live. Jambi riffage sounded so gnarly it was brilliant and Adam nailed the talkbox solo. I was pissed when I sussed out I… Read more »
Great Review – Can’t wait to see them both Melb nights inc a VIP session. I’m taking a friend who’s never seen them and actually isn’t familiar at all with them so I’m looking forward to checking his reaction. That security you mentioned sounded way Over The Top – I also strongly agree with the no phones directive, but taking it to a physical altercation isn’t cool. I saw them twice in LA last year and the security there were forceful but polite and there were no issues. Bring on Tempest! \../ PS. I have a spare seated ticket (My… Read more »
And your review of the VIP?
Not as good as the one I saw @ 7 Years ago – It’s still a great unique experience that money can’t buy so regardless I’d still recommend it. I bought a VIP experience for a mate of mine and he loved it.
Can anyone share any info about the VIP experience in Australia so far? Merch, sound check etc? Cheers
I’m champing at the bit.
Hellboi, can you confirm start time after show tonight?
Usually 9pm at Rod Laver but hearing conflicting reports that they have begun at 8:45 at other shows…
They’ve been dropping the houselights and coming on at 8:45pm. Did so in San Diego both nights, did so in Sydney both nights. Both Sydney gigs finished around 11:05pm to 11:10pm.
A bit late to the party here, but Tool have been extremely punctual, hitting the stage at the scheduled time almost on the dot. Anyone who thinks they have breathing space in regards to the kick off time will be disappointed. Given how many were streaming into the GA area for the first too songs, it seems there were many caught out
Well that was an absolute shitshow to get a poster. Hopefully with the VIP tomorrow is less stressful.
Shouldn’t bitch I know, got posters both nights. Last night was absolutely staggering. Unbelievable show, they’ve sound checked 7empest so I’d expect we get it tonight.
Maybe a little Swamp Song or The Pot as the 3rd track in…??
Tonight we got The Pot, Parabol and 7empest instead of The Patient, Part of me and Descending. Unbelievable gig, better than Saturday IMO. 7empest was absolutely killer.
Couldn’t possibly ask for a better weekend, wouldn’t change a thing.
Awesome! Glad you enjoyed it all
Awesome shows for me! Been a bit quiet since I’ve been on the road, but wonderful to see 7empest live for sure – an absolute highlight
Can you confirm your thoughts on the sound from the 1st Melbourne show and the second?
Was one significantly better?
Didn’t get to see the 2nd show unfortunately, but I thought the sound on night one was pretty much perfect
Did anybody rip any of the videos of 7empest from YouTube before they disappeared?! I’d love to have a look if possible!
Saw the show last night. Was very pleased with the new quadraphonic/surround styled sound system, and the lighting was unlike any Tool show I’ve ever seen too. Vastly superior. When Danny hits the intro sounds on Fear Inoculum they pass from the front speakers right across to the rear speakers then back to the front speakers. The moment you hear it happen it’s like instant pleasure. All between song sound effects/tapes and stuff is all surround now, which was SO different to how they have ever sounded. Pneuma, Tempest, and Invincible were probably the highlights for me. The Pot, Jambi,… Read more »
Both shows were mindblowing. Pneuma and Jambi melted my face off, 7empest was everything I expected it to be and it was great to hear The Pot and The Patient. I was in the middle of the floor on night 1 so got a great look at the visuals and up the front on night 2 right in front of Justin. It was great being up close watching the guys go to work. The sound was fantastic from all points and I have no complaints.
Did anybody rip 7empest from YouTube before it disappeared?
Have the VIP sessions changed much or is it the same speech as always from Adam? I’m still going to buy it at the Golden 1 Center show coming up in June but I’m just curious as to what the experience has been of late?
After reading the review of the VIP from Australia you’d have to be crazy.
I went to the VIP session on Saturday in Melbourne and then had seats on the Sunday night; SATURDAY I arrived at 3pm to join the queue outside, the first of many queues to come. I was around 50th in line. We were told later there were 150 people in VIP that night. Around 345pm the waiver form made its way down the line as the guy running the show outlined the rules for the evening. From around 4pm, the processing began: Queue for security screening Queue for ticket scan Queue to hand in phone, receive wristband and drink token… Read more »
Not that I’ve done VIP, but I agree with your assessment. It’s a lot of money for not a tonne of value.
I kinda agree regarding the curtains too – they did look cool from further back, but I reckon they had them up one song too many.
That sounds entirely different than what I have experienced in the US. First of all… we do not have GA areas for TOOL in the US unless they are playing festivals. Rows of seats are bolted together on the floor and you stay in your assigned seat. As for the VIP experience, was there no back room where Adam came in and spoke to the VIP crowd for an hour or two? No playing guitar for VIP? That’s what I experienced in 2017 and then everything else you experienced on top of that… That to me was way worth the… Read more »
The VIP hasn’t included an Adam Q&A for a few tours now, and I agree this diminishes the value considerably.
That’s just crazy to me… What’s even more insane is the poster pricing. I love collecting posters and my office walls are covered in them. If I was there I love having the poster… these people hop in line and buy as many as they can and then they are unsigned and on ebay for well over $200…. Outrageous…
The poster situation is a bit crazy. The good news is that at least at some of the venues here in Oz they were enforcing a buy limit. Really, I think there should be a hard limit of 2 posters per person at every show.
I agree. Hard limit of 2 would be great. I can’t believe some of the pricing on these posters. I tried to get one at the show in Vegas and they were out in minutes. Looked them up on ebay and the lowest price is $129 + shipping and it has all kinds of creases and flaws in it… Ridiculous! There must be a market for it…
The poster situation was nuts. I managed to score one for both nights, and I put that down to Melbourne enforcing the 1 per person rule.
A mate of mine did the VIP on Sunday and from his feedback it sounded a lackluster. He enjoyed the soundcheck and being up close and personal with the band while they performed FI, but the merch was very low quality. The hoodie looked like something you’d pick up at a bargain store. Other than meeting the band there wasn’t much else to recommend.
Yeah the Aussie VIP also means you don’t get a guaranteed seat on the floor like they did in the US. The VIP is okay if it means you’re sitting 5 rows back right in front of Justin and Danny etc. But early entry to the GA in Australia isn’t much extra after seeing them do one song in soundcheck. Lacklustre is a good description here.
I wasn’t VIP but ended up on the fence with my mate who was VIP. We were directly in front of Justin. GA doors opened up about the same time as the VIP guys came down.
I agree with that – Has he received his photos yet? Mine haven’t come through.
Not sure. He hasn’t said anything yet
Has anyone received their VIP photo yet? Saturday night attendee and still donuts.
I just received my link for them this morning.
Haha, what a joke. I got my collection of blurry photos this afternoon with an apology for the delay and for the photo quality.
Maybe they can buy a new *&%$ing camera with my $700!!
Was there a VIP poster for the VIP attendees? I got one in 2017… It would be nice to get the poster and also access to merch ahead of time. In 2017 we got access to merch and it was all 50% off except for the signed posters of course.
No GA? Just because Tool decided that or every band in an arena generally?
There hasn’t been GA at US shows for a number of years now. Unsure if that’s a band, venue or promoter choice.
Very weird
I think it’s TOOL’s choice. Many other bands have GA. There are a bunch of knuckleheads out here as far as TOOL fans are concerned that’s for sure. I think TOOL want everybody to have a good visual experience rather than running around knocking people unconscious. When I saw that at Glen Helen Amphitheater up on the lawn they had two giant circle pits with a bonfire in the middle of each… Insanity…
It’s hard to be sure. Outside of the US shows seem to be standing General Admission, so I do think there’s some element of legal protection to it. Maybe it’s just American’s can’t handle it with the same decorum as more cultured civilisations?
At the Open Air Festival last May in Chicago, because it was a festival and GA, people were moshing their asses off to Gojira. There was a designated area in the middle of the soccer field for it and a few dudes definitely were injured. But when TOOL came on there was really nothing but attention paid to the headliners. If U.S. shows were ever GA again I don’t think people many, if any, would partake. Occasionally here and there U.S. shows are GA, but I don’t ever read about moshing; just a few people complaining about the lack of… Read more »