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Danny Carey chats with cEvin Key

Interesting interview come out over the weekend, with Tool drummer Danny Carey having a lengthy chat with cEvin Key from Skinny Puppy. It’s a pretty chilled and laid back chat. Not a lot of new news of note, but covers a range of Tool related things, as well as covering a bunch of other Danny related projects.

We worth your time I reckon.

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3 years ago

Cool interview. Danny just seems like a genuinely good guy. I was hoping they would consider putting out an EP since they are out of their record deal (and it takes them an eternity to put out a full album). It was nice to hear Danny mention a possible EP – although he is typically the optimistic one about such things. Perhaps they could put out a 3 song EP (plus a couple of those filler songs/noises that they like to do) in like, I don’t know 3 or 4 years? I know, that’s pretty optimistic.

3 years ago

Don’t expect any new TOOL music before 2025 is my safe bet. I’d love to be more optimistic but if the band can just keep building up and working on new ideas I’m sure we will all see it pay off many years from now.

The no record deal is interesting though. I’d just sign up to do one more album in a few years a final hit out…

Reply to  mattw
3 years ago

As long as they continue to insist upon creating the songs in the same room together it will always be tediously long.
Seems that they are still stuck in the 1990’s headspace, where you mostly had to do it that way, and refuse to even try to do things the way all others have been doing it for nearly 20 years now.

Reply to  hellboy1975
3 years ago

Modern/Classic or Old/New, I don’t think it’s the process that hinders the result. I would be sad if they lost their will to create more music [TOOL].
It’s not like they aren’t getting any younger !

Reply to  citizen_dick
3 years ago

And neither are we. How many Tool enthusiasts died between TTDays and Fear Inoculum? Like Daniel Shaver killed by a cop while intoxicated simply trying to pull up his shorts because the cop told Daniel to crawl towards him which caused his shorts to fall down. I got hit by a hit-and-run driver in a crosswalk and my dog was completely ran over (dog is okay now). But, I had long hair and the cop was a dick in the way he interviewed me and documented the incident. I shaved my hair off due to the Virus and when I… Read more »

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